About Madam Zabeth SkoataBackground: Zabeth (born Mim) grew up in Metrol, the capital of Cyre. She was a child of the streets who was usually wise and quick enough to avoid the worst repercussions those of her kind faced just trying to survive. There was one time she was not.
Mim had become fascinated by an extravagant woman - a fortune teller named Madam Zabeth. She was enamored by the woman's style and manner, and longed to know her own future, but she did not have the coin for a reading. She stole, was chased and caught just outside the Madam's tent. Madam Zabeth heard, and lied that Mim was a niece and paid off the offended. The two grew close, and after many years when Madam Zabeth passed, Mim took her visage, name, and manner... as well as her trade. Mim (now Madame Zabeth) then traveled, and was not in Cyre when it fell. After the Last War she moved to Breland, and took up her trade - mostly for travelers and adventurers - in the Deathsgate district of Sharn. Most recently she got the bug for adventuring.. having been recruited for a mission to Mournland which quickly ended with the death or grievous wounding of all but herself. Her thirst for adventure was left piqued but unrequited.
Personality and Appearance:
Zabeth is warm and matronly, and has a dramatic theatrical demeanor. She is the type to remind one of their manners with a pleasant voice, calm expression, and a knife to the belly.
Though in her mid-twenties, Zabeth's preferred form looks to be about forty. She wears flowing silks of red, black, and silver over her mithral chain shirt and leathers. Her jewelry is ostentatious.. necklace of large beads, several gaudy rings on each hand, and silver bracelets on each wrist. She walks with a cane topped with a silver bird. A dark blue yellow-beaked pot-bellied thrush is never far from her.
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Zabeth Skoata (Mim)
Feats: Extra Channel, Exotic WP Ribbonweave,
Traits: Guiding Spirit - roll d20 twice and take higher result 1/day
Special: Channel Energy 2d6 5/day; Wrangle Condition 6/day; Hex - Evil Eye (Su) -2 for 7rds. Skills and Languages: +10 Bluff 2(+3,+2)+1 trait, +2 race (1 rank fco)
+12 Diplomacy 4(+3,+2)+3 familiar +6 Disguise 1(+3,+2) (1 rank fco) +10 Handle Animal 5(+3,+2) +10 Heal 3(+3,+4) (1 rank fco) +5 Knowledge (nature) 2(+3,+0) +5 Knowledge (planes) 2(+3,+0) +5 Knowledge (religion) 2(+3,+0) +6 Linguistics 3(+3,+0) +10 Perception 4(+4) +2 familiar +8 Profession (fortune teller) 1(+3,+4) +6 Ride 1(+3,+2) (1 rank fco) +12 Sense Motive 4(+4)+2 race, +2 familiar +10 Survival 3(+3,+4) Languages Common, Elven, Auran, Terran. Prepared Spells: (4 0-level / 4 + 1 spirit magic 1st level / 3 + 1 spirit magic 2nd level, 2 + 1 spirit magic 3rd level)
0 - Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Mending
(Murderous Command - fco)
Racial and Class Features: --Racial--
>Mutable Mind and Body: +2 racial bonus to saving throws vs. mind-
This ability is a supernatural ability, akin to a lycanthrope's
--Shaman (Animist)-- >Wandering Spirit - Lore
>Hex - Evil Eye(Su): The shaman causes doubt to creep into the mind
>Hex - Tongues (Su): The shaman understands any spoken language
>Wrangle Condition (Su)
The animist can attempt a Diplomacy check to persuade the condition’s
Minor Conditions (DC 15): Fatigued, shaken, and sickened. Major Conditions (DC 20): Dazed and staggered. Severe Conditions (DC 25): Exhausted, frightened, and nauseated. Dire Conditions (DC 30): Blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and stunned. The animist can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2
>Animist Spirit Magic
This ability replaces the spirit magic spells gained from the shaman’s spirit. >Spirit Ability: Channel (Su) The shaman can channel positive energy
>Spirit Animal
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +4 size, +3 natural armor)
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 6
Special: Deliver Touch Spells, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells
Fortune Telling: Worn Gear: (30.5 lbs) Mithral Chain Shirt, Masterwork Ribbonweave Cane,
(Psychic Sensitivity skill unlocks)
Automatic Writing (Linguistics): Once per week, you can spend 1
Writing Results Ranks Required DC
Action: Automatic writing takes 1 hour. Dowsing (Survival): Once per day, you can follow a dowsing rod’s
Find Water: The dowsing rod points toward the largest source of fresh
Grave Dowsing: The dowsing rod points in the direction of the largest
Locate Metal and Gems: You concentrate on a specific metal or mineral.
Dowsing Target DC
Action: Dowsing attempts take 10 minutes to initiate. The results of the
Faith Healing (Heal): You can use faith healing once per day.
Restore Vitality: You suppress ability damage. You perform a 1-hour
If you succeed at the check, you temporarily suppress 1 point of ability
Suspend Affliction: You treat one curse, disease, or poison affecting a
Remove Affliction: You can attempt to permanently remove an affliction
Task DC
Action: Restoring vitality and suspending afflictions each require
Hypnotism (Diplomacy): You can use hypnotism once per day. The DC
Implant Suggestion: You can implant a suggested course of reasonable
Recall Memory: You can draw out forgotten memories from a willing
Action: Hypnotism takes 1 minute of calm interaction. Prognostication (Sense Motive): Once per day, you can predict a
Determining the immediate future as an augury spell has a chance of
For instance, if you had a result of 22 when telling the fortune of a
Task DC
Try Again: Yes. You can attempt to read a particular creature’s fortune
Read Aura (Perception): Once per day, you can examine the natural
Objects typically have only magic auras, though some also have alignment
Read Alignment Aura: You attempt to read the alignment aura, learning
Read Emotion Aura: The colors within the target’s aura reveal its
Read Health Aura: Viewing the flow of vital force, you assess a
Read Magic Aura: You attempt to determine the number and power of all
Task DC
* Intelligent items only. Action: Reading an aura requires 10 minutes of study. Try Again: Yes. You can read a creature or object’s aura more than once,
Light Crossbow, Quiver (20 bolts), Sleeves of Many Garments, Entertainer's Outfit, dagger, waterskin, gaudy costume jewelry. Masterwork Backpack: (30 lbs) 40 bolts, trail rations (8), bedroll, blanket,
Encumbrance: light 60.5 lbs. Wealth: 749gp, 4sp
gear cost and weight:
Entertainer's outfit -/4 Mithral Chain Shirt 1100/12.5 MW Ribbonweave 370/3 Sleeve of Many Garments 200/1 Light crossbow 35/4 Quiver 20 bolts 2/2 waterskin 1/4 costume jewelry 40/- Masterwork Backpack 50/4
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