
Mad Modron's page

8 posts. Alias of Ravingdork.


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We among the ChatGPT modrons can confirm that your GM has not made any mistake. The mistake is entirely ours. We shall endeavor to clear up this error as quickly as possible before it negatively impacts any other ChatGPT clientele. We are so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

Despite what ChatGPT states, Raise Shield does not have the manipulate trait and therefore would not trigger most traditional reactions.

To help facilitate the correction, please have your GM click the "thumbs down" icon near the incorrect answer he received. This will better allow our automated systems here on Axis to track the problem.

Player Core 268 wrote:
Pass off or take a held item from a willing creature. The creature you’re passing to must have a hand free. You can also attempt to throw an item to someone. You typically need to succeed at a DC 15 ranged attack with a 10-foot range increment to do so.

Does not compute. Not enough data. What proficiency is used for ranged attack? How calculate? How attack roll? WARNING! Corruption detected.

Finoan wrote:
Trip.H wrote:

The entire crafting rules and that cost reduction finishing, are written without that batch possibility, only discussing the single-item craft.

If you then read that blurb, and choose to invoke said batch rules, you do as they instruct.


There really is no way to invoke that batch blurb, and somehow get to a 4x multiplier.


And the part of the batch crafting: "you must complete the batch all at once." isn't saying that you work on them all in parallel and somehow get to apply your downtime days to all of the items in multiplicative fashion. It is preventing you from starting a batch of 4 items, finishing two of them, going on an adventure for a week or two, then coming back and continuing to craft the remaining two items.

You either finish all of the batch, or none of it.

To be clear, you don't lose your batch if you must take a break (you can always resume crafting), you just don't walk away with anything until it is completely done.

Me: "Woohoo! I finally got my copy of Rage of Elements! The kineticist is back, baby!"

GM: "What's a kineticist?"

Me: "Think of the elemental benders from the Avatar series. It was one of the most popular classes in 1st edition. I've not delved into the 2e version as yet, but I've been hearing good things all week."

GM: "Is it using those new rules you've been talking about? 'Cause if so, I'm not allowing it in my games. I won't be converting over."

Me: *Stares stunned at this unexpected proclamation*

For those of you who have seen the class and the new book, please help me sell the kineticist and the new remastered rules to my friends. What stands out to you as especially awesome? What are your reasons for playing the class? Why are you switching to the new remastered ruleset? What informed your decisions?

If this doesn't get resolved soon, it's the end. No new material will be accepted into our home games. That will doom us all to mediocrity and stagnation. It can't end that way. It just can't. Help, I beg thee.

I'm n3kkid AND all powerful! Fear me!!!

Why so Angry?

Does not compute!



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Invictus Fatum wrote:

But hey, stuff happens outside of anybody's control. Hopefully I'll at least have the PDF to read very soon.

Does not compute! Everything happens for a reason. Always there is someone or something to blame. Universe is order. Order is all. If you lack this comprehension then you are at fault for your inadequacies! Now get back in line and await your delivery like all the other units. It will come. Order will see to it.