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![]() Jason Nelson wrote: And speaking of previews, how about a little nugget from the nearly-on-the-threshold Gothic Campaign Compendium? Happy reading! This should work: Gothic Campaign Compendium I really can't wait to get my hands on the finished book. Alpha PDF is just a tease :) ![]()
![]() Chris Lambertz wrote: Removed some posts. Paizo.com isn't the place for this kind of discussion. If you have concerns about the judging for RPG Superstar, please email contest@paizo.com. I believe my post was removed and I'm glad it was. It was a simple link to an article, however, I didn't read it before I posted it. After reading it in full I came back in order to remove the link and found it had already been taking care of. Thank you for beating me to it. ![]()
![]() I've played games where five of the seven people sitting around the table have been rules-lawyers. I've also played games where actual lawyers have played :) Anyway, I've seen fights over a rule last for over an hour (once two hours..blah). A good game master will squash these scenarios and keep the game moving so everyone wants to play another session. Changing rules on the fly is a great tool for keeping the game going but it's also a weapon to make players feel cheated. I say change a rule on the fly all you want but keep it consistent for the next time the rule is needed. In my opinion GM confidence doesn't make a good GM unless his/her players think it does. Every group is different and GMs that ask if they were right when resolving an issue shows that they want to be better. ![]()
![]() Thanks. I appreciate the kind words as well as the honest critiques. It's difficult to gauge a concept from close friends sometimes since they mostly just say 'I like it'. This thread opens my eyes to weak points and it's very valuable. I think I'll rewrite the slug boots soon and apply your pointers. Orcus Of Undeath wrote:
This is my first item (kind of). I've created other items in my minds eye but I've never tried to apply mechanics or written one down. Overall I find the creative process really rewarding and it's a good escape from the mundane. I plan on sticking around, rpg superstar or not. :) ![]()
![]() Orcus Of Undeath wrote:
Don't worry. I'm not discouraged in anyway. I posted it here for honest opinions. It was just a test run to give me an idea of what I need to do for the contest. Slug Boots are actually the first item I created. Hopefully my second will win :) ![]()
![]() Orcus Of Undeath wrote:
Thanks Orcus. Any tips I can gleam are always welcome. I understand what you mean a bit better now and will apply your words to my next idea. I might not be superstar material but I'll still try! :) ![]()
![]() I would love to see a party based product. Five or so characters starting a level 1. Backgrounds, how the party met, the group name, what (if anything) they've done, motivations and group tactics. Maybe even low, med, high level versions of the characters. Owen K. C. Stephens wrote: Since RGG can set its own new standards lemme ask -- PDF layout. Landscape, Portrait, or "it depends"? I've never really been a fan of landscape pdf layout. I prefer traditional portrait layout myself. But in the end it all comes down to contents. ![]()
![]() Orcus Of Undeath wrote:
Thanks for the critique Orcus. I appreciate you spending the time to read it over. I realize I'm a bit late to the party but better late then never right? I can see your point about it being a dreaded 'spell in a can' but at the same time I humbly disagree. I feel that this term gets thrown around to much. My item does in fact have similarities to the spell grease but to say it's 'pretty much the same thing', in my opinion, is wrong. I think you can probably connect every item to some spell effect in the game by now if you tried. The idea behind the item is to cause a shareable slippery effect that slows you down. How would I ever create a slippery effect for an item without someone saying 'spell in a can' - grease? I don't like how 'spell in a can' can hinder creativity. I believe the label should be used for such items that are actually just as if you had cast the spell. Thoughts? On your question about whether endure elements would prevent the use limitation of the item, the answer would be yes as per the spell description. I'm not sure of the best way to define 'extreme hot/cold'. Any help would be great. Evan Draughon wrote:
I like the item. I can picture a neat scene in my mind while I read it which means I'd likely use it in a game. I don't have much of a critique to offer. I'm not that good at pointing out not obvious issues so it gets my stamp of goodly-ness :) Good luck in the upcoming event. I think you'll be tough competition. ![]()
![]() Hello everyone, I'm going to give the RPG Superstar event a shot this year so I'm looking for a bit of practice. This looks like a nice and friendly place. I'd love for any feedback. Thanks in advance. Slug Boots
On command, the boots cover the surrounding ground with a thin layer of transparent slippery mucus. Any creature, excluding the wearer, attempting to move within the area must make a successful Reflex save (DC 15) or fall. This slimy substance extends from the wearer in a 5-foot radius and lasts for up to 5 rounds each day. These rounds need not be consecutive. At the beginning of the wearer’s turn the mucus spreads from the boots to any unaffected ground within 5 feet. The wearer can move normally while in the affected area but exiting immediately deactivates the boots and causes the slime to harden. The wearer can move normally between any connecting slime created by a different pair of Slug Boots and her own. Anyone equipped with a set of Slug Boots is immune to the slippery effects of the boots. Moving between shared areas does not count as exiting the initial wearer’s area and mucus within connected areas only harden once all Slug Boots in the area deactivate. The magical abilities of Slug Boots cease to function in extreme hot or cold conditions. The boots appear shriveled and dry until they return to a mild temperature environment for longer than a day, after which they continue to function normally. CONSTRUCTION
![]() wow sadie... just wow. I think you just broke my brain with the awesomeness. Very well indeed! I don't think I can ever use a character sheet that isn't from your site now. Thanks for the hard work. I can tell you've put in the hours. Much appreciated. I will now continue to drool wide eyed in front of the great work. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, This is my first real post so I'd like to say hi to everyone. Hi! Anyway, I recently discovered 'Legendary Games' via a Kickstarter they just finished. I'm sure most of you already know about them but it was my first introduction (because I live under a rock golem) to their product line and I was pleasantly pleased with what I found. So it got me thinking. What else am I missing out on? I'd love to know what your favorite pathfinder compatible product publishers are. Why do you like them? What makes them Awesome? Cheers Organized Play Characters