
Saif Al-Samad's page

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About Saif Al-Samad

Saif Al-Samad
Ophiduan stalker 3/soulknife 3/gestalt 3
LE Medium humanoid (reptilian)
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 armor, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, -2 untyped penalty)
hp 33 (3d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +7; +2 racial bonus vs poison.
Defensive Abilities dodge bonus
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +6 (1d6+5/18-20+1d8 psy+1d6) or
. . +6 (1d6+2/18-20+1d8 psy+1d6)
Special Attacks 1 outer sphere stance, 1 spirit sensing dance, deadly strike +1d6, enhanced mind blade, form mind blade, psychic strike
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Deadly Agility, Mindblade Proficiency, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Wild Talent
Traits indomitable faith, syndicate aspirant, resilient
Skills Acrobatics +10, Autohypnosis +9, Disable Device +12, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +10
Languages Common, Ophidian
SQ blade skill (full enhancement), combat insight (wis to init/ref save), ki pool, ki pool (perception), ki pool (sense motive), paranoid, serpent's bite, shape mind blade, stalker arts (critical edge, deadly insight), throw mind blade
Other Gear studded leather, masterwork thieves' tools, 25 gp
Special Abilities
1 Outer Sphere Stance (Ex) Stance: When wielding two weapons, disciple inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage per attack, -2 to AC.
1 Spirit Sensing Dance (Ex) Gain scent ability, can see incorporeal creatures
Combat Insight +3 (Su) +3 to Initiative & Ref Saves.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deadly Agility Use Dex for damage with light and finesse weapons
Deadly Insight (3 rounds) (Ex) Spend 1 ki to use Deadly Strike with all attacks
Deadly Strike +1d6 (Ex) Attacks deal +1d6 damage for 3 rounds after successful crit
Dodge Bonus +1 (Ex) +1 dodge bonus to your AC.
Enhanced Mind Blade +1 (Su) You can enhance your Mind Blade with a total enhancement bonus of +1.
Form Mind Blade (Mind Blade [Light]) (Su) Form a semi-solid weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from your own mind.
Full Enhancement When forming her mind blade into multiple items, the soulknife suffers no reduction in enhancement bonus.
Ki Pool (Perception) (Su) +4 insight to one Perception check
Ki Pool (Sense Motive) (Su) +4 insight to one Sense Motive check
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your stalker level + your WIS modifier.
Paranoid Aid Another DC 15 for attempts to help you.
Perceptive Talent While maintaining psionic focus you are more aware on a subliminal level of the thoughts and intentions of those around you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative and on Sense Motive checks while you are psionically focused. This talent grants no b
Psychic Strike +1d8 (Su) +1d8 to your mind blade damage.
Serpent's Bite (Ps) Once per day, an ophiduan can alter his jaws, gaining a bite attack that deals 1d8 points of damage, plus an extra 1d8 points of damage per five character levels beyond 1st. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The manifester level is equal to the ophidua
Shape Mind Blade The soulknife's mind blade retains the last chosen form every time it is formed until the soulknife reshapes it. If the soulknife chooses to reshape his blade, it requires a full-round action to do so. She may also re-assign the type of damage dealt
Syndicate Apsirant +2 to confirm criticals, +2 initiative
Throw Mind Blade Light 20ft, 1H 15ft, and 2H can't be thrown.
Wild Talent You are a psionic character and gain 2 power points.

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Saif Al-Samad was out on the streets at an early age. Orphaned, he escaped from the abusive orphanage to a world far more harsh. Ostracizedk from most gangs due to his looks, the Ophiduan eventually found himself a home with a children's gang. It was at this point that he began to discover his latent psionic ability. Learning how to manifest a pair of daggers, it became easy to cut into people purses without having an actual blade on you. It was also handy to have something availiable in the event that someone attacked him. As he grew, something changed in him, he looked at the Syndicate, and his soul darkened just a little bit. Before long, he was outright mugging people in the streets. Eventually, he found himself as the left hand of the gang leader, beating other children that attempted to overthrow their leader. The first time he killed was the time a rival gang tried to expand onto their turf. Saif snuck in, killed the leader, and left.

By the time he reached his mid-teenage years, Saif signed onto a local mafia- the Brotherhood- as an assassin. Learning to sneak into places. catch people off guard and eliminate them. It was here that he found his religion in Achaekek. He knew that if he was to catch the eye of the Syndicate, he had to make a name for himself. Stories of a man who could dodge arrows and kill his target- enemies of the Brotherhood- before fading away. It wasn't too long before he received the recruitment letter, burning it, Saif resigned.

Leaving a message of resignation- the bodies of the three men who tried to stop him- Saif left the Brotherhood, to join the ranks of the Syndicate, which is where we join him now.