
Kendril Shad's page

Organized Play Member. 102 posts (108 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Scarab Sages

This partially has to do with the revised Magus, but as it's a rules question, as opposed to directly related to the class, I figured I'd post it here.

Can a Magus, as an Intelligence base, book-bound spellcaster, take the Spell Mastery feat, as per a wizard, or is that feat 100% sole property of said wizard?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm not too far away from acquiring my holy mount in my crusade against evil. As I will most likely care for said mount, I will want to outfit him with decent barding. I, being a Tengu, am going to see if I can receive a roc as my mount (understanding that he'll have to grow into the role of mount), but am worried that I will not be able to afford his armor. I am aware that scale mail barding ought to cost about 200gp. However, as he needs to fly, I want to splurge and give him mithral scale mail. Will that cost about 4200gp or 16200gp? I'm really curious if material is multiplied into the cost, or if it is a flat rate added to the already multiplied armor.

Karasu, the plague doctor paladin.

Hey, all you wonderful people,

I was wondering if there was a comprehensive list of animal companions (Pathfinder only, no 3.5/3.0) anywhere. My paladin is rapidly approaching 5th level, and I'm trying to figure out what he'll have as a mount. Right now, I'm thinking T-Rex (I know I'll have to wait till 7th level to ride it), but I'd like to see all my options and be able to compare them side-by-side.

Scarab Sages

First up:

Let's work on th base classes.

Scarab Sages

I was just looking over the APG, (great job, all involved; truly, it is a marvel of a book) and as a paladin fan, I was very excited to see what Paizo decided to do with the anti-paladin. For the most part, it is a mirror of the paladin (eg. this good thing, yeah, just like that, 'cept evil). There are however a few abilities that concern me.

1. The smite evil. I know that there is no good alternative to undead, and they had to fill the gap somehow. However, It seems like a paladin gets the short end of the stick (for a round) when it comes to this. Shouldn't paladins also get a bonus against the anti-paladin?

2. Aura of Courage. Really? It's useless around an anti-paladin? I'd understand if the respective abilities canceled each other out, but only the paladin's ability is suppressed. There's not even a level caveat (like uncanny dodge).

3. Divine Bond. Part one, cool. Part two: Holy crap! At level 4, they can have a Dretch as a companion. By 17th level, it's a freakin' Nalshefnee (or Glabrezu)! This wouldn't be terrible, but let's face it, the animal companion (usually a horse, camel, or riding dog) doesn't even near compare to this.

How are paladins supposed to combat an enemy with this much over them?

Scarab Sages

Background: I am enchanted by the Tengu race and have created a paladin Tengu as a PC for an upcoming Kingmaker campaign. While working my way across the top of the page, I ran into an issue: Age.

Question: What do you think is an appropriate Tengu age? I am currently going along the lines of the elves, simply because Tengu were japanese outsiders, and these would be diluted forms. So, while they aren't immortal by any means, they still live a long time. Maybe in Tian, they even perpetuate the idea that they are still outsiders, due to their age. I don't know. I'd just like your take!

Scarab Sages

Two ponderings: How do you handle them vs. npcs. (also, how do they "save" against them)

Also, how do you handle them PC vs. PC?

I ask because they were never used in my 9 years of South games against PCs (Wheel of Time, Star Wars, D&D) before (it was all roleplayed), and it just came up with my (4 months old) North group. Everybody is trying to(roll) intimidate the hell out of each other into doing what they want.

I liked the rp'ing. But I want to know what you all do and how you or your DM's handle it.

Scarab Sages

I have in my group a 7th level sorcerer with the arcane bloodline. This grant him the Arcane Bond as per the wizard class ability. For the bond, he has chosen a ring. Now, after reading about item creation, we came to the conclusion that anything he puts on his ring costs 150% of normal cost, as it is a space (slot) occupying magic item. However, he gets a 30% deduction of total cost, as the ring, being a bonded object, only works for him. He sat down and decided that he could pay to have polymorth self cast by someone (or use a scroll) and make it continuous/command activated. polymorph is a level 5 spell. Is this possible? He can add an ability to his ring that he can't even cast for three levels? Assume money is not a big part of the equation. I just want to know if it's legit that a 7th level sorc can go Wonder Twin on me whenever he wants.

Scarab Sages

So, I was thinking of what kind of character I would play should I ever have a chance to play and not run a Pathfinder game (I have never played in a Pathfinder game, though I run two). I thought, "Hmm... I want to play an alchemist, an alchemist dwarf. What if he were an alchemist working in Alkenstar. He'd have a complete distrust for something as unreliable as magic. Next to no enchanted equipment...[...]"

Anyways, to spare you my ramblings, I've come up with an idea for my Dwarven Alchemsist, a patriot of Alkenstar. He has (prepares for groans) firearms. Perhaps he made them himself in Alkenstar or perhaps he bought them. Regardless, I am having a hard as heck time coming up with a decent set of feats for this guy. I'm pretty sure his early feats will involve Armor Prof. (Medium) and Exotic Weapon Prof (firearms), but other than that, I'm kind of lost. Do you wonderful people have any ideas? I've looked at gunslinger from the Campaign Setting, but don't know if it fits with his flavor. He'll have a rifle, revolver, and either a blunderbuss or scattergun (I don't know whether I like one handed or two handed better yet). I'm thinking he'll use the rifle for picking people off from a distance until they are in bomb range. Then, the "shotgun" will be for those who are just too close for comfort (read: melee) and the revolver will be 99% for show and/or a backup for when the bombs run dry. He'll also probably be middle-aged.

That said, do you all have any ideas on feats?

Scarab Sages

I was reading up on Osirion religon and it was mentioned that while the core gods (Abadar, etc.) were primarily worshiped, a following of the animal headed gods persisted.

For clarification: is this the pharonic pantheon (Ra, Osiris, Isis, Set, Anubis, etc.)?

If it is, are they living, spell granting gods?
How prevalent is their worship?
If it is based on Ancient Osirion beliefs, now that Osirion is a sovereign nation again, is the number of worshippers likely to increase?
How do the powers that be view the old beliefs?
How are these gods viewed outside of Osirion locally (Geb, Nex, Katapesh) and abroad (Absalom, Cheliax, and beyond)?

If it is not, who are these animal headed gods?
*The same questions as above here*

Scarab Sages

SRD wrote:
The second type of bond allows a paladin to gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve her in her crusade against evil. This mount is usually a heavy horse (for a Medium paladin) or a pony (for a Small paladin), although more exotic mounts, such as a boar, camel, or dog are also suitable. This mount functions as a druid's animal companion, using the paladin's level as her effective druid level. Bonded mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6.

How would a mount have a higher INT, short of magical equipment? I remember that in 3.5, the mount actually got smarter as the paladin leveled, but since paladin mounts are now just smart animal companions, where does one take this? Was something going to be done, but ultimately dropped or forgotten? Would it be appropriate to offer intelligence increases in place of bonus tricks which are otherwise waisted on a sentient mount?

So many questions, so little sleep.

Scarab Sages

I found this delicious wondrous item quite by accident, but would like to know one thing:

From Item Description wrote:
Once a week, its strings can be strummed so as to produce chords that magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches, etc. The effect produced in 30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100 humans laboring for 3 days.

Does the lyre of building provide the materials for construction? Say I have a PC with a decent perform (Stringed Instruments) and he wants to terraform a small island into a port city, then does he need to procure the raw materials to start this process or does "magically construct" mean that the materials just *poof* into being?

I realize that this could be abused (a city made of mithril), but let us assume that there is no abuse intended and wood and stone structures would suffice.