
Lurch's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Just to put a bow on this package, in the end I allowed the PC to escape otherwise-certain death by casting the Giant Form I spell he had memorized as his "final" standard action, taking the form of a troll before toppling over. Since he now had an active regeneration effect in place before the bad guy's next turn, he didn't automatically die from his injuries; however, since he was unconscious, at negative HP, & with a 2d10-round wait time until his heart grew back, he was effectively out of the combat anyway. A bit lenient on my part perhaps, but it just didn't sit well with me to pull a Kobayashi Maru on the player just because of one poorly-worded spell.

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MichaelCullen wrote:
Abilities such as immunities, regeneration ect, have to trump spell effects. Otherwise you have fire immune creatures taking fire damage and creatures immune to mind effecting being dominated.

I'm inclined to agree here; to me, the regenerate spell duplicates (or at least fills in for) the regeneration ability for qualification purposes.

After reading through the responses on this thread, 2 things have become apparent:

1. Death clutch is a poorly-written spell, & in light of that I would not have used it in this situation without some revisions;

2. Unless I decide to roll back the last couple of rounds of the current combat (which I really don't want to do -- complicated final boss fight & all that), the PC it was cast on is toast (however fair or unfair that may be).

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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I'm not impressed by the art though. Please get WAR front and centre. ;)
No's past time for a new direction in RPG art. Besides, a distinct game deserves a distinct look.
Like I said, I understand that feeling. But his work on Iron Gods (and Eberron back in the day) is very good...

I'm a huge fan of Wayne Reynolds' work myself, but I agree it would probably be a better move to let a different artist spearhead the visual design of Starfinder; WAR has well-established himself as the visual "face" of PF (much like Tony DiTerlizzi did with Planescape, or Todd Lockwood with 3rd Edition D&D), so I think maybe rather than dilute Starfinder with "more of the same" (excellent though it undoubtedly would be), we should be looking towards a new creative vision to discover & explore together.

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Ashram wrote:
A Manowar reference this time? Nice.

Glad I'm not the only one who caught that! :)

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Hi Nick,

Just wondering if you had an alternate delivery method for your calendar files? Your Dropbox links are down (apparently due to heavy traffic).