About Lumo SemeName: Lumo Seme
Melee Masterwork Earthbreaker (P.A.) +9 (2d6+9, x3, B)
Melee Cold Iron Halberd (P.A.) +8 (1d10+9, x3, P or S) [Demons or Fey]
Melee Silver Bec de Corbin (P.A.) +8 (1d10+8, x3, P or S, REACH) [Devils or Lycanthropes]
Ranged (Sling) +4 (1d4+6, 50ft, x2) Ranged (Alchemist Fire) +4 (1d6, 10ft, 1 splash, burn/1 round: 1d6 ) STATISTICS:
Str 23 (+6), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 5 (-3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0) BAB +3, CMB +8, CMD 19 Feats, Traits, Racial:
Feats Toughness: You gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have more than 3 Hit Dice, you gain +1 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die (such as when you gain a level). Power Attack:You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. Furious Focus: You do not suffer Power Attack’s penalty on melee attack rolls on the first attack you make each turn. Traits
Racial Abilities
(2 skill points/level -3/level (Int)=1 +1 (favored class)=2 - Class Skills in Bold, Skills in italics are not usable untrained)
Mod Ranks Attribute Name of Skill
Cleric Spells:
Caster Level: 3 (Concentration +3)
Channel Positive Energy (3/day): Heal everyone within a 30 ft radius for 2d6 health. Domain Abilities:
Chaos (Demon):
0 (at will, 3/day) – Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic 1 (3+1/day) – Domain: Magic Weapon, Magic Weapon, Divine Favor, Divine Favor Divine Favor: +(2) luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls 2 (2+1/day) - Domain: Aid, Bull's Strength, Bull's Strength Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10). Combat Gear Masterwork Full Plate, Masterwork Earthbreaker, Greatsword, Silver Bec de Corbin, Cold Iron Halberd, Sling, Sling bullets (100), Alchemist Fire (8), Sap, [Trident, Javelin, Light Hammer, Throwing Axe, Composite Longbow (+5) 625 GP] Other Gear:
Cleric's Kit, Masterwork tools, Smelling Salts, Wayfinder, Crowbar, grappling hook, Rope (50), Wrist Sheathe x2, Belt of Giant Strength Wands: Cure Light Wounds Wand (46/50) in Wrist Sheathe, Bless Wand (49/50) in Wrist Sheathe
Explore, Report, Cooperate: Ask the GM if a possible action will influence the Prestige Points. Friend of Janira Gavix: +1 to Knowledge rolls made within the Grand Lodge. Hellbound: Faint aura of Evil, in addition to the strong Chaotic Good aura. Spells that affect evil creatures affect me as Neutral. Increase the cost of Raise Dead or Resurrection by 25%. Argent Knight: +1 to Knowledge(Religion) concerning non-Evil divinities. Gloomspire Explorer: Use in the Gloomspires. Purifier: When attempting a Caster Level check to remove a curse, disease or other condition, increase my Caster Level by (4). Magnimarian Debt: Halve the cost of Raise Dead or Resurrection. Formidable Renoun: +2 Intimidate, as a Move action, versus Worshipers of Lissala. Miracle Worker: Once per adventure, I can use Lay on Hands as a Level 8 Paladin. (4d6 healing. Others=Standard, Self=Swift.) Evenhanded Investigator: +2 Diplomacy vs guards and city officials in Absalom. Inner Struggle: When you fail a saving throw against a mind-affecting compulsion effect, cross this boon off to delay the effect and be stunned until the end of my next round. Then, attempt a new saving throw. Worthy Foe (Orcs): As a swift action, gain +2 to hit/damage vs Orcs and a +2 to AC for one round. Blight Bane: As a swift action, gain +1 to hit and 1d6 extra damage vs an animal, plant or vermin for 2 rounds. Fangwood Purifier: Use the wild empathy druid class skill once. Martyr's Shard 3: As a free action, gain a +1 enhancement bonus on the weapon, and make it ignore the first 5 points of DR of an undead creature for 1 minute. Celestial Blessing: Once per adventure, call upon Gorum as a free action to grant myself and all allies within 30 feet DR 4/Evil for 2 rounds. Promotional Reroll (Goblin IPA): You can reroll a single d20 roll you make during the course of the scenario. Add +1 for my Star.
(LOO-MOH SEH-MAY) Lumo is humanoid, with a reptilian head and neck. His green scaly skin and yellow eyes are often unnerving to those who have never met a Nagaji before. However, his boisterous laugh and large smile offset any negative first impressions. History:
Seme was cast out of his Nagaji tribe after a demonic birthmark appeared on his right forearm. Soon after, his family was attacked by a Naga, and saved by a Paladin of Gorum. Since then, Lumo has sought to become a Cleric of Gorum. Despite his rejection from the temple of Gorum he fights on, seeking Gorum's attention through other means. After fighting with the Pathfinder Society, he reapplied to the temple and made it in. He is now a Cleric of Gorum. |