
Lum Thalae's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Nomadical.

Full Name

Lum Thalae


HP 46 / 46 | AC 20 (22 with shield) | F +11 R +10 W +8 | Perc +6 (Low-light vision)


Default Exploration = Defend or Avoid Notice | Active conditions: none


Female Nagaji Kineticist 3






Gozreh - the Wind and the Wave


Common, Nagaji, Tien

Strength 1
Dexterity 3
Constitution 4
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 1
Charisma 0

About Lum Thalae

Female Nagaji (sacred) Kineticist 3 {air/water}
Perception +6 (T)
Initiative: Perception +8 (Or Stealth +10)
Default Exploration Mode = Defend or Avoid Notice

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0
Languages: Common, Nagaji, Tien


AC 20 (22 with shield)

HP 46

Fort +11 (E)
Ref +10 (E)
Will +8 (E)

+2 circumstance bonus to her Fortitude or Reflex DC against attempts to Grapple or Trip her. This bonus also applies to saving throws against effects that would grab, restrain, or knock her prone.

+1 circumstance bonus vs inhaled threats, such as inhaled poisons, and if you roll a success on such a saving throw, you get a critical success instead.

Speed: 25; Swim 10

Melee ◆ Elemental Blast +10; Air 1d6+1 S or E / Water 1d8+1 B or C
◆ ◆ Done as 2-action, add Con (+4) to damage

Melee Tail: +8; 1d6+1 B; [brawling, finesse, unarmed]

Ranged ◆ Elemental Blast +10; Air 1d6 S or E 60 feet / Water 1d8 B or C 30 feet
◆ ◆ Done as 2-action, add Con (+4) to damage


Class Features and Class Feats

Kinetic Gate (Dual Gate): Air and Water

Kinetic Aura: Through your kinetic gate, elements flow from an elemental plane to orbit your person. The form and appearance of this kinetic aura are unique to you. Examples include a chaotic wind orbiting the body, fragments of floating gravel, colorful wicks of flame, stars of raw metal always changing shape, floating snowflakes, or splinters dancing in the air. If you can channel more than one element, pieces of all your kinetic elements appear in the aura.

Channel Elements: ◆ Requirements Your kinetic gate isn't active.

You tap into your kinetic gate to make elements flow around you. Your kinetic aura activates, and as a part of this action, you can use a 1-action Elemental Blast or a 1-action stance impulse. Your kinetic aura is a 10-foot emanation where pieces of your kinetic element(s) flow around you. The kinetic aura can't damage anything or affect the environment around you unless another ability allows it to. Channel Elements has the traits of all your kinetic elements.

Your kinetic aura automatically deactivates if you're knocked out, you use an impulse with the overflow trait, or you Dismiss the aura. Though you can't use new impulses while your kinetic aura is deactivated, ones you already used remain, and you can still Sustain any that can be sustained. Stance impulses are linked to your kinetic aura and end when the aura deactivates.

Base Kinesis: ◆◆ It's trivial for you to create some of your element or alter a portion of it that already exists. Choose one of your kinetic elements to affect. This impulse has a range of 30 feet, and the Bulk of the target must be negligible or light. The GM decides what Bulk the element is. You can't affect an element that's magical, secured in place (like a stone mortared in a wall), or attended by a creature unwilling to let you.

Choose one of the following options, though the GM might allow you to make similar small alterations. Base Kinesis can't deal damage or cause conditions unless otherwise noted.
> Generate: You bring an ordinary, non-magical piece of the chosen element from its elemental plane. The element can be used for any of its normal uses. For example, air can be breathed by an air-breathing creature, and fire casts light and can ignite flammable substances.
> Move: Move an existing piece of the element up to 20 feet in any direction. If you bring it into your space, you can catch it in an open hand. You can Sustain the impulse to keep moving the element.
> Suppress: You destroy an existing piece of element, such as snuffing out a flame or evaporating water from a cup. This affects only natural forms of the element, not durable, crafted goods like a stone statue, metal lock, or wooden door.

Elemental Blast ◆ OR ◆◆ [Attack, Impulse, Kineticist, Primal, Air or Water]
With a wave of your hand, you collect elemental matter from your aura and swing or hurl it. Choose one of your kinetic elements and a damage type listed for that element, then make a melee or ranged impulse attack against the AC of one creature. Add your Strength modifier to the damage roll for a melee Elemental Blast. If you make a 2-action Elemental Blast, you gain a status bonus to the damage roll equal to your Constitution modifier.

The element determines the damage die, damage type, and range (for a ranged blast). A damage type other than a physical damage type adds its trait to the blast.
Air: 1d6 electricity or slashing, 60 feet
Water: 1d8 bludgeoning or cold, 30 feet

>> Critical Success: The target takes double damage.
> Success: The target takes full damage.

Four Winds: ◆◆ [Air, Impulse, Kineticist, Primal]
Target up to four willing creatures within 30 feet of you. Each of those creatures can Stride up to half its Speed. If it has a fly Speed, it can instead Fly up to half its fly Speed.

Ocean’s Balm: ◆ [Healing, Impulse, Kineticist, Manipulate, Primal, Vitality, Water]
A blessing of the living sea salves wounds and douses flames. Touch a willing living creature. It regains 1d8 Hit Points and gains resistance 2 to fire for 1 minute. If it has persistent fire damage, it can attempt a flat check to remove it with especially appropriate help (+10 to its check). The target is temporarily immune to healing from Ocean's Balm for 10 minutes.

Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d8, and the resistance increases by 1.

Aerial Boomerang: ◆◆ [Air, Impulse, Kineticist, Primal]
A blade of shearing wind races away from you in a 60-foot line. Each creature in the area takes 2d4 slashing damage with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. In the final square of the line, the boomerang whirls in place until the end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn in that square has to save against the boomerang.

On your next turn, you can use a ◆ single action, which has the concentrate trait, to return the boomerang to you. It returns in a line from its square to your current location, with the same effect as the initial line, then the impulse ends. You must have line of effect to the boomerang and be within 60 feet of it.

Level (+2) The damage increases by 1d4.

Deflecting Wave ↩[Impulse, Kineticist, Primal, Water]
> Trigger: You would take acid, bludgeoning, fire, or slashing damage from an enemy's attack, spell, or other hostile effect.
> Requirements: You're aware of the hostile effect, and you aren't off-guard against it.
A cascade of water blunts or disperses the incoming attack. You gain resistance to damage from the triggering effect equal to your level (3) if it's bludgeoning or slashing, or double your level (6) if it's acid or fire damage. If the effect deals more than one applicable type of damage, apply the highest resistance, but apply it only once.


Acrobatics +10 E
Athletics +6 T
Nature +6 T
Stealth +8 T
Survival +6 T

Pathfinder Lore +5 T
Sailing Lore +5 T (Background)

Skill Feats:

Cat Fall: (Background) Your catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls as 25 feet shorter. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, treat them as 50 feet shorter. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall.

Acrobatic Performer: (2) You’re an incredible acrobat, evoking wonder and enrapturing audiences with your prowess. It’s almost a performance! You can roll an Acrobatics check instead of a Performance check when using the Perform action.

Breath Control: (Ancestry) You have incredible breath control, which grants you advantages when air is hazardous or sparse. You can hold your breath for 25 times as long as usual before suffocating (= 225 rounds). You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against inhaled threats, such as inhaled poisons, and if you roll a success on such a saving throw, you get a critical success instead.


General Feats, Ancestry Feats, and Misc Abilities

Sacred Nagaji: You stand out from most nagaji, with the upper body of a beautiful human and the lower body of a green or white snake. Legends claim your ancestors were faithful snakes uplifted by Nalinivati rather than nagaji created by the goddess. Instead of a fangs unarmed attack, you have a tail attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, is in the brawling weapon group, and has the finesse and unarmed traits. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude or Reflex DC against attempts to Grapple or Trip you. This bonus also applies to saving throws against effects that would grab you, restrain you, or knock you prone.

Water Nagaji: Much like a water naga, you’ve formed a connection to a sacred or pristine body of water, either as a home or a place to protect. You gain the Breath Control general feat as a bonus feat and a swim Speed of 10 feet.

Low light vision: You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.

Deckhand background: [The rolling waves of the high seas, the constant sway of the deck underfoot, and the creaking heights of a ship’s rigging are as familiar to you as solid ground. You might have worked on a simple fishing boat, a wealthy merchant’s galley, a mighty warship—or even a pirate’s caravel. Whether your crew retired, your ship sank, or you’ve turned to adventuring so you can keep all the treasure for yourself, you still retain an excellent sense of balance and quick reflexes. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Strength and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Sailing Lore skill. You gain the Cat Fall skill feat.

Ancestry: Common, Nagaji
Granted: Regional Tien

Spells granted by Gate Attenuator:
Can use the granted spell 1 time per day. Uses Impulse attack (+10) or Impulse DC (19).
Normally set to Air for gust of wind. If attuned to water, then snowball is granted.



Gate Attenuator, Marvelous Miniature (ladder), Wayfinder from Rain in Cloudy Day, wooden shield, studded leather armor, adventurer’s pack

Pathfinder Provisions: lesser healing potion OR 2nd rank scroll of heal