Sable Company Elite Marine

Luke Read / Kleptomaniac's page

47 posts. Alias of PixelsAreGod.

About Luke Read / Kleptomaniac

Full Name: Luke Read
Codename: Kleptomaniac
Category: Touched


Luke was a child born with a silver spoon, his parents accomplished engineers who worked steady jobs. Luke was encouraged only for one goal: to become a doctor, and whatever that entailed. The idea became more and more important to Luke when his father perished to a brain tumor while he was in high school, and Luke swore he would become a doctor to try and cure such diseases. While his years in med school were difficult, Luke graduated, and immediately received a job offer as a neuroscientist at a local hospital. Luke accepted it, eager to begin his work with the other professionals of the world.

Yet his idea never came to pass. Each doctor did not wish to collaborate - rather, they competed, each trying to surpass the achievements of the others. Such efforts escalated, to the point to which a particular doctor wrote that he had completed a surgery that Luke had done himself. Shortly after, the doctor was promoted.

Luke, outwardly, felt nothing, and convinced himself that it was simply a fact of life. Yet somewhere inside him something disagreed. Things around the workplace - particularly of the doctor’s - began to disappear. First it was pens, then keys, then even tools - all the scalpels in one of the operation rooms ended up missing.

To most, these abnormalities were felt as either mistakes or pranks. But Luke knew better. All the missing items, no matter where they were from, appeared in his left hand. Sometimes it was when he willed it. Other times, they simply appeared in his grip at random, forcing Luke to quickly put them in his pocket.

Luke almost doesn’t want this power, but its relevance appears more often than not, and it's all too easy to get used to it. When everything is in the grasp of your hand, there is nothing you can’t get - but there is everything to lose.

From his desires to take back his deeds, Luke has awakened his inner Mythos of Lupin. It is a fickle and mysterious Mythos, but helpful nonetheless.

Hand that Wants:

Attention: 0/3
Fade: 0/3
Mystery: "What can quell a man's greed?"
Tags: Long Arm Thief, The Shiner the Better, Distant Place, Expert Catcher
Weakness: Needs Line of Sight, Limited to Palming

The Medical Theft:

Attention: 0/3
Crack: 0/3
Identity: "Can either of us say to be in the right?"
Tags: A desire to see justice, A handful of Scalpels, Can claim innocence
Weakness: Seen as weak-willed by his fellows

Passive Exterior:

Attention: 0/3
Crack: 0/3
Identity: "Scalpel, please."
Tags: Inexpressive, Seen as Neutral Entity, Keeps calm under pressure
Weakness: Prone to inaction

Neural Expert:

Attention: 2/3
Crack: 0/3
Identity: “It’s not Rocket Science. It's, er, Brain Surgery.”
Tags: Brain Surgeon, Diligent Student, Operating Room Access
Weakness:Permanent bags under eyes

Crew Help/Hurt:




