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![]() Let us say that I have a deity, "Punchy Traveller", in a campaign setting I am working on. I want to be able to tell my players that any Pathfinder 1e rules element designed for Irori can instead be used for "Punchy Traveller". How can I express that in my own OGL product without violating Paizo's IP rights to Irori? Thanks, Glen ![]()
![]() Specifically, Do the Additional Resources fall under the OGL? Do The Campaign Clarifications fall under the OGL? Do the Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons fall under the OGL? I don't see the OGL on those pages, so it was not clear. Thanks, Glen ![]()
![]() In my thread Society Reporting Issues 2019-10-09, I have two posts with lists, but the lists are not showing in Chrome. Is there an issue with my posts' list code, or should I see the list but it is not properly formatted? Thanks, Hardware ![]()
![]() from Thursty on Know Direction Beyond today 2-11 Descent into Verdant Shadow by Larry Wilheim - Jungle ice wells on Aballon"
![]() Starfinder Society
Some errors in the reporting section:
Pathfinder Society 2e
Pathfinder Society 1e
Some errors in the reporting section:
Playtest Question
![]() Could you please rename the thread https://paizo.com/threads/rzs42s6y?RPThe-Zo-Jr-Experience-720-Upcoming-Firs t From "[RP]The Zo! Jr. Experience, #720 - Upcoming First Seeker Elections" to "[RP]The Zo! Jr. Experience, #720 - Calder Soren - Upcoming First Seeker Elections"? I cannot change the thread name myself at this point. ![]()
![]() The camera zooms into a closeup of an elebrian behind a microphone, with headphones and a snazzy suit.
The camera zooms out, and a morlamaw is revealed sitting acrpss the table, also wearing headphones with a microphone in front of him.
The Elebrian smiles.
![]() Starfinder Society
Some errors in the reporting section:
Pathfinder Society 2e
Pathfinder Society 1e
Some errors in the reporting section:
Playtest Question
![]() According to this thread in the Organized Play forums, the recently sanctioned module "Cradle of Night" is not available for reporting. ![]()
![]() Could we please get Pathfinder Second Edition Demo Adventure: Torment and Legacy sanctioned as a quest for Pathfinder Society, please? ![]()
![]() All of the newly sanctioned Dawn of Flame Adventure Path is not reportable. Starfinder Society Scenario #2-06: The Stumbling Society: Sangoro's Lament is not reportable. Some errors in the reporting section:
Skitter Shot is duplicated. Skitter Crash is duplicated. ![]()
![]() I have a couple of sessions that seem to be missing from my "sessions" page. OR I cannot see the sessions anywhere. My Org Play ID is 18615. 1) 2-00 Fate of the Scoured God from "Gencon 2019 Organized Play - Starfinder Society" Event 2694469 Session 128, I get the following message but cannot see the duplicated session: "Player has already run scenario at session # 94 of event # 2694469 Gencon Organized Play- Starfinder Society on August 2, 2019." 2) For Character 18615-711, 1-99 Scoured Stars Invasion from "Outpost II" Event 2691381 Session 72, I can see the session listed under the character, but I cannot see it in the Session list. Any idea what the issue is? ![]()
![]() I believe that one-hour quests, such as Q-1a The Sandstone Secret, should not count towards GM Glyphs, even though they are reportable. Quest packs, such as SFS 2-03 the Withering World and PFS's Phantom Phenomena, should count for the purposes of Glyphs, as they are a longer time commitment. Those are my thoughts. What are yours? - Glen ![]()
![]() From Will Dover, VC of Atlanta: Attention Pathfinders and Starfinders!
Georgia PFS Forum Link for more Info
Hello, I am Will Dover, Venture Captain for Atlanta, GA. Apologies for the lateness of this notice. Now is the time that we are looking for volunteers to GM and/or work as staff for our PFS/SFS game presence at DragonCon 2019. Like last year, I have inserted a link to a Google form for you to fill out your requests for time, tables, etc. However, since that is simply a series of questions, it is VERY important for you to read the entirety of this email, so you understand what is being asked of you. As always, we cannot express enough our appreciation for what you do for PFS, SFS, and DragonCon by volunteering for this event. What is being a volunteer? It is very important to us that this is about more than just getting a free badge. We are going to represent Paizo, the Organized Play Foundation, and DragonCon by being volunteers, and this may be someone’s first and only experience with Pathfinder, Starfinder, or tabletop RPGs in general. To that end, we should all want to give them the best experience possible. Understand that a bad experience at one of our tables may drive that player not only away from PFS/SFS, but from RPGs and maybe DragonCon itself. So please bring your best attitude to the table to show both respect for the convention and the game What do I expect from you as a volunteer?
1) Show up ON TIME- It goes without saying that we need you to show up, but in addition, we need you to check in with the GM HQ 15 minutes before the start of your slot. This is ON TIME. If you arrive at the start of the slot, you will be marked as late. 2) Show up prepared- We will have a copy of all the scenarios being run as well as chronicle sheets, reporting sheets, etc. YOU are responsible for everything else. We will have some minis and maps to be loaned out, but you should have all of that prepared already to make sure you have the best table possible. 3) Show up rested- I know the con can be exhausting and I am not here telling you how to take care of yourself, but make sure you are rested enough to run your table WELL, not just passably. If you are tired and hungover, you are going to make it a bad time for yourself and your players. 4) Show up presentable- Related to being rested and prepared, we expect you to have used reasonable hygiene. Do not be a walking cliché. 5) Show up excited- I don't want to be all negatives here. Some the most fun I have ever had at a table has been at conventions, including DragonCon. So, come ready to have fun, and enjoy the experience. What do I get as volunteer compensation?
The Schedule DragonCon Pathfinder and Starfinder Society will be running from Thursday August 29th to Monday Sept 2nd. The slots are: 1) Thursday PM 8pm-1am
The slots are 5 hrs., but we expect you to be doing final paperwork at around 4.5 hrs. As mentioned above, you are expected you to arrive for you slot at least 15 minutes early. Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Evening
With the exception of intro tables, that is all that will be being run in these slots. As you can see, the AM slots those days are ending an hour early, so I expect those GMs to arrive 30 minutes before for the briefing instead if the usual 15 minutes. This means that if you are running in Slot #5 and you are running the SFS Special, you need to plan to wrap up the slot early. I have assigned a separate VO to run each of these events, so they will be reaching out to you directly, as soon we complete assignments. Intro tables
Things that are different about this year’s DragonCon Pathfinder 1st Edition Content
Here's the link for GM Signups! Thank you in advance for your interest in supporting our community for this important event. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ------------------------------------------ Post-Dragoncon 2019 gaming
Dragoncon, oh sweet Dragoncon... I am seeing if there is interest and organizing tables for Post-Dragoncon (Monday, September 2nd, after the official morning slot.) Please comment on the forums or contact me if you want to play something else or might be willing to run. ![]()
![]() Dragoncon 2019 Pre- and Post- gaming
Dragoncon, oh sweet Dragoncon... I am seeing if there is interest and organizing tables for both Pre-Dragoncon (Thursday, August 29th) and Post-Dragoncon (Monday, September 2nd, after the official morning slot.) Please comment on the forums or contact me if you want to play something else or might be willing to run. Main Discussion Forums: https://gapfs.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=1298 ![]()
![]() SFS Reputation for games GMed not counting correctly. I have a character that was originally Second Seeker (Luwazi Elsebo). After reporting 45 credits worth of games, I switched that character's faction to Second Seekers (Jadnura). After the change, all of the Repitation changed to Second Seekers (Jadnura), when it should be instead split between the two. I also noticed that the games I GMd where I could have received additional reputation from the scenarios (such as SFS 01-05 or SFS 01-14), the system is not granting the GM the additional reputation. ![]()
![]() We have a long running Tuesday evening Starfinder game here at Level Up Games here in Duluth, Georgia. We also occasionally offer some Pathfinder, especially on Free RPG Day. Signup forum is on the Georgia PFS Site. Advanced registration is appreciated and helps us to make sure we have enough GMs for everyone to play. Level Up Games (Formerly Titan Games and Comics - Duluth)
Website: http://levelupgamesatl.com/
Event Number: 155317 Event Organizer: Glen Parnell aka The Masked Ferret. Feel free to send him a PM if you have questions! The venue offers comics, miniatures, war gaming, and tabletop RPG merchandise, including Pathfinder and Starfinder. They also have drinks and snacks available. ![]()
![]() Greetings! This is a thread to complain about the new Pathfinder Humble Bundle for the 10th anniversary going on right now, and issues redeeming the codes. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/pathfinder-10th-anniversary-books Just FYI - there may be some confusion issues about redeeming the codes.... The $1 tier worked fine. I got the $15 tier for my $8 code, the $25 tier for my $15 code, and the $18 code gave me the $35 tier
The tiers as listed on the Paizo site and the tiers on the Humble Bundle site don't match.
And you might want to get this straightened out ASAP... more people that order, more issues will happen. Edit: It took a while for all of the codes generate don the Humble Bundle site to work on the Paizo site. I was able to redeem my missing code. ![]()
![]() Warhorn is live for Not-A-Con 2019 on March 30th at Fort Yargo, Group Shelter B in Winder. There are 2 slots: 9am - 2pm and 3:30pm - 8:30pm. We have about 5 tables of PFS and SFS running in each slot. Check it out if you haven't already!
![]() SFS 01-05 The First Mandate has a "Special Faction Objective" checkbox, because it awards additional "Reputation" based on your actions in the scenario. SFS 01-29 Honorbound Emissaries likewise will reward you with additional "Reputation" if you complete the success conditions, however, it is missing the "Special Faction Objective" checkbox. (This is also true of several other recent scenarios). Why is this checkbox missing from this scenario's reporting? Can we get it added? ![]()
![]() Ok, so this is a minor issue (probably) and may be either a difference of intent, or confusion between what needs to be tracked in PFS vs what needs to be tracked in SFS. I have initially placed this issue in the SFS forums because I wanted higher visibility - I think posts in the GM forums get less attention, and posts in the Website Issues forum get less attention from the Organized play team. Let me provide you with a picture of the issue, and then we can go into the specifics:(Click here to see the image, because I cannot show one in the post) {Numbers have been redacted to protect the guilty} Now for commentary on the issue: Almost all of the fields in the SFS reporting sheet (from a recent scenario PDF) and the reporting website refer to "Fame" as the value being tracked, except for on the reporting website, which has a header listing that "Reputation" is the resource being tracked. Often times, I would say that it is the exception that should be fixed, and not everything else, but with the way that "Fame" and "Reputation" work in SFS, I believe that "Reputation" with the various factions is what is intended to be tracked for SFS. (Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.) Thoughts from others on this issue? Should "Fame" on the reporting sheets and reporting website for SFS be replaced with "Reputation"? Thanks! - TMF ![]()
![]() I am inputting the schedule for Titan Duluth for the first quarter of 2019. I added dates on the event, but I could only schedule a limited set of the scenarios. Many of the future Scenarios and AP parts are not currently available to be scheduled. Specifically:
About Glutton-for-PunishmentAppearance:
Glutton-for-Punishment is thin and tall, her milky eyes are sunken and look dead. The ashen color of her skin is punctuated by spots of bright red dots and dribbling blood. Her hair is dark green and thick with wild curls, it reaches upwards and refuses to be tamed by brush or comb. She wears a burlap sack as a shirt and torn baggy breeches that threaten to fall if it wasn’t for her trusted rope belt. She struggles to carry her pack which seems to be bursting at the seams with mortars, glass flasks, strange powders, and viscous liquids. Despite her menacing exterior Glutton nearly always has a smiling face and kind word for anyone she comes across, the juxtaposition just as often unnerves those she meets rather than put them at ease. Glutton-for-Punishment
Languages Common, Abyssal, Int: Infernal, Lower planar trade, Goblin
Materials: anti-toxin (0), anti-plague (0), tanglefoot bag (4), smelling salts (0), wismuth salix (0), alchemist’s fire (1), twitch tonic (0), alchemical grease (1), impact foam (1), liquid ice (2), bottled lighting (1), alkali flask (1), tindertwig (0), Potion of cure light wounds
Player Name: Delmoth Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Planar, Outlands (Sigil) Intended Mythic Path: Trickster? Maybe crossing into guardian. Character Race: Tiefling (grimspawn) Class: Alchemist (vivisectionist) Faction: The Bleak Cabal Basic Backstory: Glutton-for-punishment grew up as many tieflings in Sigil do, in the Hive ward. While she was young she had a sharp tongue, both literally and figuratively. She would often hit the blinds, passing Chaosmen would swing wild punches, collectors would leave their deader bounties to punish her, and bubber bariaur bucks would show her the business end of their horns. One day Glutton was carted off to the Weary Spirit Infirmary where Ridnir Tetch did nothing for Glutton’s bruises and broken bones but rather decided to try a new procedure, ramming an ice pick through one of her eye sockets into her brain. Glutton’s personality shifted overnight, quelling the fiendish parts of her, and making her more introspective. She liked who she’d become and adopted Ridnir’s faction and profession. |