About Lucas LeeLucas Lee aka Napalm
Fame: 7
Dex Mutagen:
KAC 22 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor, +1 deflection) (+2 vs traps) EAC 21 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor, +1 deflection) (+2 vs traps) Fort +8, Ref +13 (+2 vs traps), Will +6 (+2 vs. mind affecting) Offense
Dex Mutagen:
Melee MW augmented riot baton +11 (1d6+7/19-20)
Ranged bomb +11 (3d6+5 fire) . . acid +11 (1d6+5 acid) . . alchemist's fire +11 (1d6+5 fire +1d6 next round) . . azimoth laser pistol +10 (1d4 fire) Statistics
Racial Abilities
Alchemist Class Abilities
Rogue Class Abilities
Automatic Bonus Progression
Skill (Ranks+Stat Mod+Class Bonus + Misc) Acrobatics +12 (6+4+3) Athletics +6 (2+1+3) Bluff +0 (1-1) Computers +14 (6+5+3) Culture +16 (6+5+3+2) Diplomacy +3 (1-1+3) Disguise +1 (2-1) Engineering +17 (6+5+3) (+20 to disarm traps) Intimidate +6 (2-1+3+2) Life Science +14 (6+5+3) Medicine +14 (6+5+3) Mysticism +2 (1+1) Perception +10 (6+1+3) (+13 to locate traps; +12 to avoid surprise) Physical Science +16 (6+5+3+2) (+22 to create alchemical items) Piloting +7 (3+4) Profession Sense Motive +10 (6+1+3) Sleight of Hand +5 (1+4) Stealth +13 (6+4+3) Survival +1 (0+1) Meta +14 (6+5+3) Languages English, Chinese, French, German
Combat Gear +1 augmented riot baton, +1 kevlar armor (Graphite Carbon Skin), mutagen[APG], alchemical solvent[APG], alchemist's fire, holy water (2), smokestick, tanglefoot bag, acid (8), flashbangs (2) (thunderstone), mk 2 healing serum (x2), frag grenade (x2), laser pistol
Formula Book:
Lucas Lee was a brilliant young engineer born in Seattle. He graduated from Stanford with double degrees in both Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry, as well as a masters in Biomedical Engineering. He completed a graduate engineering project along with his then-girlfriend Margaret, creating a method of storing volatile chemicals for easy, safe, and stable transport. This garnered the attention of several major biotech and chemical companies when Lucas and Margaret demonstrated the stability by firing a rocket at a truck full of chemicals with no major effects. Soon after, Lucas was employed by OSCORP, while Margaret went to work at Stark Industries. After Lucas had worked at OSCORP for several years, Harry Osborne took over the company from his father. He began massive production of the goblin formula and weaponry, which alarmed many in OSCORP, who saw their company turn into an accomplice to a homicidal maniac. Lucas led several leading engineers in a protest, refusing to complete work on new Goblin technology and notifying the authorities of his criminal intentions. When Harry found out, he attacked Lucas. Lucas was little match for an enhanced Harry Osborne, and the Green Goblin drowned him in a boiling vat of goblin formula chemicals. When police arrived, Harry had fled. SHIELD agents soon arrived to take custody of the laboratory equipment. Amazingly, they found that Lucas was still alive. He was literally breathing the goblin formula. Lucas was brought to a SHIELD medical facility where he slowly recovered. Margaret, who had secretly joined SHIELD a year prior, helped nurse Lucas back to health. Unfortunately the prolonged exposure to the goblin formula had altered Lucas’ body, changing his internal chemistry and warping his DNA. After recovery, Lucas joined SHIELD to continue researching alien technology and provide the world with a defense against the likes of the Green Goblin. Lucas and Margaret, reunited at SHIELD, rekindled their relationship and were married after six months. They were on their honeymoon in Europe, when Hydra attacked SHIELD from within. Lucas and Margaret were forced to go into hiding for two months before Maria Hill was able to find them. With SHIELD a shell of its former self, Lucas has been asked to go into field to support operations.