
LowIQGenius's page

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Hi all my buddies! (any TAH fans in the house?) I would like to start developing fan-made scenarios for each character that helps explain their backgrounds better than can be expressed on the lower half of a playing card. The goal for each will be to offer a unique solo scenario that can be played at any time in an adventure path, but (except for a custom card or two) uses only the base set. The reward for each scenario will be a custom character-exclusive boon.

This thread is dedicated to a scenario for Ezren, whose origin story can be found HERE.

Hello all, I'd like to get some feedback on a couple of card ideas I've had for the new custom card creator. I'm aiming for character-specific boons (preferably allies) that will level with the Adventure Deck number, and basically become that character's companion or prized possession. Here's my first idea:

Koios the arcane owl

Check to acquire: Intelligence 4

Card text:
Reveal this card to add the Adventure Deck number to an Intelligence check.

Discard this card to automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell with the Arcane trait.

Only Ezren may play this card.

Succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.