Lostlittlenomad's page

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Greetings all!

My character has recently come into the possession of a cursed Helm of Freedom, allowing immunity to Held and Paralysis effects. The unfortunate side effect is that it reduces Wisdom to 2.

Pouring through the section on magic, I had a thought that a Break Enchantment might be cast on an item to rid it of its curse, much in the same manner as a BE, Dispel Magic or Remove Curse might remove it from a character afflicted by a curse.

However, those spells do not of course allow that. After putting my head together with my DM, he thought the only thing that could remove a curse would be a Wish, but to also throw the question out to boards to see if someone knows of, o has any other game legal way to remove a curse from an item.

My own thoughts have evolved alongside the lines of making a similar item creation check to right the item, as per the repair magic item function of the item creation feats.

So, gentle sirs and ladies - what are your thoughts and experiences?