About Lorqinor Brightcoral PFS2
Loquinor Brightcoral
Half-elf hydrokineticist 2 (Rage of Elements)
CG, Medium, Elf, Human, Humanoid
Heritage half-elf
Background deep-sea diver
Perception +5; low-light vision
Languages Common, Elven, Thassilonian
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +6, Nature +5 (+7 to your check to Treat Wounds, subject to the GM’s determination), Plane Of Water Lore +4, Scouting Lore +4, Stealth +6, Survival +5
Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 18 (+4), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Items padded armor, purse (56 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp)
AC 17; Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5
HP 32
Speed 25 feet
Ancestry Feats Natural Ambition
Class Feats Deflecting Wave 2/4 A/F, Kinetic Activation, Ocean's Balm 1D8/2 R to Fire, Tidal Hands, Versatile Blasts: Water or Acid
Skill Feats Natural Medicine, Underwater Marauder
Other Abilities generalist
After the impulse's other effects, you can move one creature targeted by the impulse or in its area 5 feet in any direction, or 10 feet if it's in a body of water. This can't move the creature into the air. You can choose only a creature that's willing to be moved, that failed its save against the impulse, or that you succeeded at an impulse attack roll against. Ocean's Balm and Deflecting Wave
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