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Organized Play Member. 96 posts (97 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is a good guide, very comprehensive. Would like to see the spell ratings updated to include the Ultimate Magic spells.

I do disagree on one point about the implications against combat healing. There are situations where it is unavoidable for combat healing to not be done. In an ideal world, a group is well balanced and actions are well thought out before they are taken. But sometimes the DM is rolling hot or the Barbarian is foolhardy and kicks the door down before any preparations can be made for combat. Or the group really need to get a specific character back up. In these cases combat healing is unavoidable, and as such the Cleric is easily one of the best classes for combat healing.

I would agree building an entire character around solely healing is not optimal and is kind of silly in practice since wands can be used for out of combat healing. My Cleric's build is meant to have survivability through high AC and saves, effective healing and some combat ability through. My feats are Extra Channel, Selective Channeling, Tower Shield Proficiency, Alignment Channel and Quick Channel. I dropped one level in Holy Vindicator reluctantly, figuring their 1st level ability scales well with Clerics that are interested in high armor class. Phylactery of Channel Positive Energy works well with one level in Holy Vindicator PrC.

I find it's a good setup for Pathfinder Society because of the frequency with which evil outsiders appear and it's sometimes (admittedly, not that often) necessary to engage in combat healing when you're mixing it up with different party compositions every week. The consequences of death in PFS can be a bit greater than in a home campaign, because the party can't just drag you back to town and have you resurrected as easily, since it often comes down to costing you irreplaceable PA or gold which is considerably harder to come by in PFS.

While I wouldn't center a build around channel healing in a home campaign, I would stand by feats such as Extra Channel and Selective Channel, and the situational usefulness of Alignment Channel.

The real challenge of PFS has always been one of limited gold and other resources and the challenge that comes with not knowing what party members you'll be playing with this week or what monsters you'll be fighting around the next corner. That's why I like to be more safe than sorry, and have a character that can pull out 12D6 healing in a round with quick channel, and take some punishment with 38 armor class.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So at first glance this subdomain's ability is for 90% of practical purposes, completely worthless. If you need to talk to a dead guy the party whacked by mistake, there's always Speak With Dead or Blood Biography.

Breath of Life is superior to this for combat resurrections in 90% of cases and can be scrolled. Healer's Blessing will help in more situations and in addition to this the effect lasts for a few rounds? This ability is trash IMO. I'll take empowered cure spells over a corner-case garbage ability.