
Lord Tarrant's page

20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hey everyone, I've got a bit of a problem. The group I am running made it to end of The Fortress of the Stone Giants where they suffered a TPK at the hands of Mokmurian. They went into the fortress by way of the redcap warrens so most of the giants above are still alive. While they did get Conna's help, she and her followers were killed in one of the battles before they reached Mokmurian, so his forces are mostly intact and very soon the giant army is going to march against Sandpoint. So here's the problem, how would you guys reasonably introduce new character's into this? I don't want them to just suddenly appear. It will be about three weeks or so before we continue this AP so any suggestions you guys have would be helpful.

Do player characters still gain feats at 3rd, 6th, and so forth? The Beta rules say nothing about it. From looking at the NPC examples I think that they do but I'm not sure. Can anyone clear this up?