I live in Winslow (one town over) and co-DM with Exquisite Dead Guy. It took us a long time to get our current gaming group together. We even went as far as posting flyers in used book stores and shopping malls, along with the web ads. Get in contact with Exquisite dead Guy as he may still have some contact info of the people that we had to turn away. As far as the "hole in the wall", they have some D&D games on Sundays and Exquisite Dead Guy and I are thinking about trying to get a Call of Cthulhu game going a couple of Friday nights a month after the new year. If we do it will be posted @ http://spellbnd.proboards82.com/ Good luck,
I'm running this with seven PC's. For the first 3 adventures things were easy, but starting with HoHR they started to have a tough time with a near TPK at the end. Things are getting tougher with each new adventure because the size of the group has kept the average character level about 1-2 levels below the sugested level for the adventure. That being the case they are having to work through instead of breze through the adventures. Foul out.
My party consists of seven PCs of about 6th level. They just beat Telakin and have no spells left and are all in the single digits on HP. If not for the cleric converting almost all of his spells into healing the party would be dead. One other thing, I ran the encounters as written. I didn't scale the adventure for the size of the party.
I have 7 players in mine. I wouldn't change anything until you get to TFoE. I added a couple of guards here, a couple of kenkus there and they still had an easy time of it until they got to the ebon aspect. They had the fear of death but still made it out ok. Also if you don't add some extra NPCs or encounters they are going to fall behind in the XP department and not be high enough level for the latter chapters.
Dear Dungeon, Last year a friend of mine, who has subscribed to your magazine for years, started running my group through The Shackled City adventure path. We are having a blast. After about the fourth adventure (we started once all of the adventures had been written) I was in a local book store when I saw a copy of Dungeon Magazine on the shelf. On the cover was something about the Age of Worms begins here. I have enjoyed playing the Shackled City very much, so I decided to buy my first issue of Dungeon and a couple of months latter I start running The Age of Worms adventure path. My friend and I take turns DMing. He will run a couple from the Shackled City then I will run a couple from the Age of Worms. The adventures are well written. I work 40+ hours a week and do not have much prep time before our sessions. With the adventure path I do not need much time. All of the work is done for me. And then you add in the free on-line supplements, how can you go wrong. We like to play in the Forgotten Realms and all of the conversions are in the supplements ready to go. And printable maps are also part of the supplements. Nothing I hate more than flipping pages to find the maps and then flipping them again to find the description of the room. Thanks again for all of the hard work you and your staff put into Dungeon. Mark Saul
My group wants nothing to do with Smenk. They are staying out of his way. They beat up Kullen's gang (killed all but Kullen). Questioned Kullen, knocked him out, tied him up, wrapped him up, and sent the "package" south to Amn. They also beat and questioned Filge and sent him running out of town with no possessions ( can you say returning villain?). With those two things and other stuff they have connected him with they believe him too well conected with the town officials and others to try and even bring him up on charges. I have not figured a good way to play this up yet, but I hope I do soon. Before they go to Waterdeep (the Free City).
When we played through this we took detailed maps of the area. We marked the doors with what ever letter was on them so that we would know what key to try latter on. This made the adventure move slow due to all of the back tracking to open doors as we found keys but I am one of those players (and DM's) that hates to leave a door unopened. Also I do not believe that we found any doors that we could not open that way. Foul out.
QBert wrote:
This sounds great. I like this alot. QBert wrote:
The swarms were my biggest fear of the adventure. I think I will use the goblin thing at the mining office. Now I just hope the PCs will be smart and use the "gifts" on the swarm. Thanks again QBert and to anyone else who posts here for the help.
First things first...I haven't DM'd in years, but so that the current DM can get out from behind the screen (he is running us through the first AP) I have decided to run AoW to give him a break. It looks like I will have a group of about 7 characters. What should I do in terms of encounters and treasure as I don't want the characters to fall behind in levels or magic for the next instalments (3FoE has some definate TPKs in it). Also what kinds of hooks did you use to get the AP moving, what kinds of things have you run into, or things I should watch out for while running this. If this helps I am running this in the Forgotten Realms. Any help will verry appreciated. Lord Foul |