
Lord Deimos Phenom's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Apoc Golem.

Full Name

Lord Kaius Deimos Phoenomus, aka Deimos Phenom




Wizard (Conjurer)/1














Common, Ulfen, Draconic

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Lord Deimos Phenom

Male Human Wizard (Conjurer)/1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Perception +2 (Trained, +1 Wis)
Background: Esoteric Scion
HP 15; AC 12; TAC 12
Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +3
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Staff +1 (1d6 B; Crit -)
Melee Touch Attack +1 (Dmg As Spell)
Ranged Touch Attack +2 (Dmg/Rng As Spell)

Str 10 (+0); Dex 12 (+1); Con 16 (+3); Int 18 (+4); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 10 (+0)
Arcana +5 (Trained, +4 Int)
Crafting +5 (Trained, +4 Int)
Lore (Esoteric Order) +5 (Trained, +4 Int)
Lore (Planar) +5 (Trained, +4 Int)
Occultism +5 (Trained, +4 Int)
Perception +2 (Trained, +1 Wis)
Religion +2 (Trained, +1 Wis)
Society +5 (Trained, +4 Int)
Wizard Weapon Proficiency (General Feat, Class Bonus)
Natural Ambition: Familiar (Class Feat / Human Bonus)
Quick Identification (Skill Feat, Background Bonus)
Common, Ulfen, Draconic
Combat Gear
Staff of Phenom (staff, Arcane Focus) (L)
Other Gear
Repair kit (1), satchel (-), flint and steel (-), compass (-), candle x10 (-), signal whistle (-), spellbook (L), basic crafting book (L), journal (L), bedroll (L), material component pouch (L), writing set (L), daily ration x4 (L), waterskin x2 (L).
Total Bulk: 3.1 (Unencumbered)
Special Abilities
Spell Points: Deimos has 4 Spell Points to use on his School Powers.
Augment Summoning: As a conjurer, Deimos can spend 1 Spell Point when casting a summon monster spell to grant the summoned creature a +1 conditional bonus on attack rolls, AC, and saving throws for the duration of the spell.
Drain Arcane Focus: Deimos may, as a free action at the start of his turn, drain the power from his arcane focus (his staff) to re-cast one spell he has already cast that day. His arcane focus replenishes when he prepares spells.
Familiar: Deimos has a familiar, a rather harassed-looking raven named Quesse. It has the Fly (25ft) and Speak One Language (Draconic) familiar traits.

(*) = Memorized; (H) = Can be heightened
Spell Save DC 15; Spell Roll +5
O-Level: Acid Splash* (H), Detect Magic* (H), Disrupt Undead (H), Electric Arc (H), Light* (H), Mage Hand (H), Message (H), Produce Flame* (H), Sigil (H), Telekinetic Projectile (H)
1st Level: Alarm (H), Create Water, Mage Armor* (H), Magic Missile* (H), Grease, Mending (H), Shocking Grasp (H), Summon Monster* (H), Unseen Servant

Other Statistics
Resonance: 1
Money: 0gp, 63sp, 10cp

Tracked Resources
Rations 4/4
Spell Points 4/4
Resonance: 1/1

Physical Description

Played By: Doug Jones
Voiced By: Tom Waits

Deimos certainly stands out in a crowd. Even without his gaunt features, jaundiced skin, and faintly-glowing yellow eyes, he also stands 6'7" and a freakishly thin 170 lbs. He is generally in plain gray robes with a gnarled oak staff, the head of which has been roughly carved into the featureless face of a golem's head. Deimos generally keeps his hood up, not in the interest of being mysterious, but to cover his mostly-bald head, on which survives only a handful of singular, wispy strands of dark brown hair. Close inspection shows liver spots and small moles across much of his mottled skin.