Lopsotronic's page

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I'd hesitate using 3.5 rulings in PFRPG as the other classes have gotten such a substantial boost. 3.5 power limits might bring the AT way below subpar in PFRPG.
Even if you allow each ray to do sneak attack damage, an 11th level trickster (Rog1/Wiz4/Ass1/AT5) is going to need a Rod of Quicken and Sniper Goggles to even come near the single-target DPR of a Paladin Archer (Smite), an Inquisitor, a Zen Archer Monk, an Archer (Ranger or Fighter) or, hell, even a vanilla THW fighter. Burning a Rod of Quicken brings the Trickster within spitting distance of the Archerdin with his smite up, but the Inquisitor is only a few buffs away from overtaking both. In my real-world experience (i.e., actual gaming), the Inquisitor is the most obnoxious boss killer, but that's only because the Paladin is always too busy saving peoples' asses (removing status effects and tanking).
If you don't give the AT single-target damage, I hope the adventure has a lot of traps, because outside of traps and single target damage the AT is a waste of space. I suppose they are also pretty good at getting out of jail, which I remembered doing an awful lot of with my AT. I also remember being unconscious an awful lot and wiggling feebly whenever grappled.

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In a magic-poor world, I'd recommend making it possible for armor and weapon qualities to be swapped around. For example, a +1 Flaming Holy Longbow could have a handguard that gives it the flaming quality, a stem that makes it a +1, an angel hair string that makes it holy. A suitable Craft check could separate it into components and re-assemble it as a +1 Holy Longbow, and give the Flaming enhancer to someone with a +1 weapon. This way you don't need to give out quite so many big items, because the martial classes can re-configure themselves as needed. It's also a lot of fun.
I also advocate giving out in-game awards in the form of tokens, most often the "Standard Action", or "Move Action". This allows you to balance the group as you play, and it also allows you to reward players that do something particularly cool.