
Lo&beholder's page

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would it be so bad to put these cure all classes to bed?

going to bed now. was curious what would happen if i left this on the boards.

Again a samsaren

20 point build

1 lvl of monk for ac

the rest is magus kensai archtype

me personally I'm just interested in making a character at lvl 5 cause when i go to game next i want several options to be voted on. i have 5th lvl goblin monk with roll with it feat and crane style(thats just fun in my head).

but this samsaren i was always curious if this build could get tricked out or not especially if put it through the rube goldberg machine that is the advice messageboards.

good night.

I'm making 5th lvl character with all the time in the world so here goes...

First Instincts
Goblin tree top runner
4 lvls MoMS Monk qingong/ 1 lvl Unarmed Fighter
bonus feats Crane Wing, Crane Riposte, Monkey Style
reg feats Crane Style, Weapon Finesse, Roll With It

Second Doubts
Goblin tree top runner
5 lvls MoMS Monk qingong
bonus feats Monkey Style, Monkey Moves Or Mantis Style
reg feats Weapon Finesse, Pirahna Strike, Run

In Second Doubts the monks high jump turns all jumps into running jumps so the Run feat puts out a +4 bonus to jump...

but then again... what good is jumping, can you use all the time?
didn't 3.5 have a running jump charge?

Should I go with my first instincts?

And if you have any advice to give about refinement let me know
(sigh) be brutal if you need to be, just remember in my mind, roll with it was the inspiration.
Roll With It (Combat, Goblin)
You know how to take a hit, even if your reaction sends you bouncing and flying out of battle while shrieking at the top of your lungs.

Prerequisite: Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank.

Benefit: If you are struck by a melee weapon you can try to convert some or all of that damage into movement that sends you off in an uncontrolled bouncing roll. To do so, you must make an Acrobatics check (DC = 5 + the damage dealt from the attack) as an immediate action. If you succeed in this check, you take no damage from the actual attack but instead convert that damage into movement with each point equating to 1 foot of movement.

For example, if you would have taken 6 points of damage, you would convert that into 6 feet of movement. You immediately move in a straight line in a direction of your choice this number of feet (rounded up to the nearest 5-foot-square), halting if you reach a distance equal to your actual speed. If this movement would make you strike an object or creature of your size or larger, the movement immediately ends, you take 1d4 points of damage, and fall prone in that square. This involuntary movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally if you move through threatened squares, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the creature that struck you in the first place.

You are staggered for 1 round after you attempt to use this feat, whether or not you succeed.

Just like title asks, cause i know i want and like monkey style but i don't want to pass up crane style if i can.

5th lvl character

debating 1 or two levels monk

Empyreal Sorceror for the rest

str 7
dex 18
con 12
int 7
wis 20
cha 7

Thanks Creatives Peoples

Does Mirror Strike Allow You to take a "Scorpion Style feat" punch, and splitting it up into two punches, make the second punch a declared Stunning Fist punch?

I Know you can only have one of each in a single round, (grr duh), but does the spell allow you to get both into a round?

Thanks Creatives Peoples

edit: Mirror strike i think is sor/wiz 1st lvl spell. top of my head

I'm exploring making characters and who doesn't.

So this is an obvious dip that could work so I was wondering if there was a consensus about flavor or legitimate power building involved with the Eldritch Heritage feat or feat tree?

Is it an exploit or a dead end or just tasty? (mmmmm)

I'm putzen around with a lvl 5 halfling build/ 20 pnt buy / Synthesizers are banned / and I cant find anything this would roll into come lvl 6. At lvl 5 its fine by me but I just see lvl 6 being a useless non themed advance.... bah well here's what I got
Halfling Level 5 2 lvls monk/2 lvls paladin/1 lvl cleric
Str 7
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 14
Cha 20

Monk adds +3/+3/+3 Paladin adds +8/+5/+8 Cleric adds +3/+1/+3
Those include divine grace and domain protection then I added fates favored so halfling adds +4/+4/+4 attributes and luck

So fifth level
Fort 18
Dex 13
Will 18

and thats it.

I would continue cleric but charisma is the wrong stat as this character should clearly be a caster.

And Don't Recommend Dragon Disciple. Thats bad... bad advice giver, Bad!

Thanks Clevers Peoples! :D