
"Llowe"'s page

1 post. Organized Play character for pdprong.


Grand Lodge

Have never played a pbp... but am currently running the home campaign and would love to have a chance to play.


"Llowe" (Full Name Hallowe Wynd" is a young halfing orphan who was raised in a small Temple to Boccob (Asuming Greyhawk World, Nethys if you used Golarion). In reality the temple was just an old crumbling tower that had a handful of outdated magic tomes that was tended to by an elderly human couple one of which was an acolyte to the god of magic, the other a low level wizard.

Llowe didn't really have enough aptitude or interest to be a caster... which disappointed his adoptive parents so instead of spending countless hours studying at his parents temples he's decided to go out into the world and be a "Hero" (Llowe uses the term "Hero" very loosely). He thinks it would be nice to come home some day... In The distant future... and spruce up his parents "Temple" with all the wonderful magic items he will find out on the road.

That said the young Halfling picked up his trusty short sword(that he bought from the local blacksmith ;shhhh... don't tell his mom that he has one) and headed out into the world to see what wonderful mysteries and magical doohickeys awaited him.

Llowe is a 1st level Halfling rogue. More than willing to change character concept for better party dynamics.