
Llaelian's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 472 posts (4,040 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 37 aliases.

For the last months, each of you has been beset by dreams of a dark city looming on the horizon and warned about the danger it represented. While very cryptic, they have shown you the way to Bard's gate, a city set south a a vast and dangerous land called the Desolation. there, the dreams have urged you to go north, showing you images of a few human-like figures, reaching one by one a fire at the base of a hill.

The wind always blows on the barren road leading north from Bard's Gate and the paved way quickly gives way to a packed earth road that winds through the low hills. Flashes half remembered from the dreams that plagued you fit perfectly with the scenery, telling you to push forwards.

As the sun is about to set, you see the light of a camp-fire at the base of a hill. The light is low but your darkvision quickly kicks in and as you approach the fire, you realize no-one is there yet but you hear a fading squeaky noise of a wooden conveyance.

Here is the new discussion thread.
Welcome to all who will die.
Please, post under your alias once your character is ready for review. Please take also some time to review your fellow PC sheets to see if you need to twist your characters to work better together.

ask any questions relating character crunch here.


I've got an issue with one of the discussion threads of a campaign: Link

After a hiatus, this thread is alive again but even with posting in it, I can't get it to appear as dotted or when I focus. I can only access it through my recent posts or my campaign pages.

I'm not the only one with that issue, it seems. Can you have a look when you have time.


Deep within the lost city of Tsar, the evil sleeps. When it wakes, the world will never be the same again. Years ago, the army of Light set out to cleanse it. After mighty battles that gave rise to the Desolation, a land of death and madness that surrounds Tsar, the army of Orcus managed to escape towards the infamous Rappan Athuk. The army of Light set out in hot pursuit, leaving a trusted elite to take over Tsar. But those who entered the city were never seen again.
Now Tsar sits undisturbed, protected by the Desolation. And deep within Tsar, something is stirring. Who will be strong enough to fight evil in its own lair?

You were all born lowest of the low. All could see your disgrace as your blood corrupted by one of your ancestors left visible traces on your body. But your soul was your own and you’ve struggled against all odds to keep it pure. You’ve fought the voices both in your head and outside, urging you to embrace the dark and to join Orcus armies and you’ve succeeded.

In the last month you’ve been plagued by dreams. Dreams of a dark city looming in the horizon. Dreams of a dark cloud of evilness seeping from it to conquer the world. And the voice, hoarse and deep, challenged you to stop it. Was it a true mission or another plot to lure you? The dreams turned more precise, directing you towards the shoulder of a small hill, north of Bard’s Gate and just one day south of the hovel called the Camp. The sun is setting as you eventually reach it and a fire has already been set up…

But who are you to meet such a challenge?

To make up for a mix of missed PbPs and to make use of the big beast of a book I’ve just brought, I’m planning to run a Slumbering Tsar PbP. For those not aware of the campaign, this is a Greg Vaughan massive campaign with a long and tortuous publishing history. It is now out and published by Frog God Games. The campaign info will be put on the campaign page as well as the recruitment requirements.

The campaign will be run as written with a few minor modifications. However, as it is highly lethal and to make it more fun, I will run it with specific character creation rules. It is planned to bring up characters from level 7 to past level 20. With the rhythm of PBP campaigns, I do not expect to finish it but only to have fun running. Now let’s go back to the basics.

All the characters are 25 pts point based 7 level Tieflings with rare heritages.

Please take time to look at the alternate Tiefling heritages on the OGL databases where you will get all the info on the spell ability replacement and the bonus skills. To be clear, the Tiefling Racial Skill Bonuses will be replaced by the alternate skill bonus, the tiefling Spell-Like Ability (darkness 1/day) will be replaced by the Alternate Spell-Like Ability.

As a bonus, you can make two rolls on the Variant Tiefling Abilities table and select a single bonus ability.

All the characters must have a good alignment.

Class wise, all the standard classes/archetypes are allowed (PFRPG core, APG, UM and UC). However, there are no firearms so no gunslingers/gunbased characters and no oriental classes (no samurai or ninja).

Each character can have two traits from any Paizo source.

No 3PP race, class, feat or trait. Do not bother to ask.

Remember this game is lethal, so build your characters appropriately.

One more point, to select the characters, I’m expecting to see a post under the player alias (not the character) with basic info on the build: Race, Class, Archetype, Alignment, Stats, main Feats/Domains/Style of fight/interaction skills, and anything that will determine the character role in an encounter. Do not bother with skill levels/equipment yet. I’m also expecting a description and a background describing the motivations of the character to answer the dream call (see the campaign page for the campaign background).

The selection will be made along two axes: my interest in seeing the character into the Tsar Saga (based on background) and the necessity to have a functioning team. I’ll be looking for 5 characters and will end the selection on the 6th of July (12 PM, GMT time) and announce the results the 8th to let people finish their characters and start at the beginning of the following week or earlier if possible.

I’m obviously looking for committed players but, as I will not post from work, I’m not expecting more than a post a day during week days.

One last thing, I’m not a native English speaker even if I’m almost fluent with it. So I hope you’ll forgive my mistakes.
Any other questions, please ask. But please first go and read the informations on the campaign page.

I'll wrap up the scene with the zombies and leave the tunnel entrance to the next DM

Hellfire, I will send you my ideas about the plot on Obsidian Portal.