Arcane Experimenter

Lindwickett Berenbiddle's page

15 posts. Organized Play character for ithuriel.




Inspired Blade 1 / Empiricist 1 HP: 20/20 AC:16 FF:13 T:14 F:+3, R:+6, W:+2 (+2 vs illusion, fear and despair) Init:+4 Perception +5 (+1 vs traps, Darkvision 60') Panache 4, Inspiration 4/3, Effects: None

About Lindwickett Berenbiddle

Lindwickett Willoicious Berenbiddle
Gnome Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator(Empiricist) 1
Favored Class Bonus: HP
Senses: Perception +5, +6 total vs traps, Darkvision 60'

HP: 20/20 [8+3, 5+3, 1 fc]
AC: 16 (2 armor +2 Dex, +1 size, +1 shield)
Flat: 13
Touch: 13
Fort: +3 Reflex: +6 Will: +2 (+2 vs illusions spells or spell-like abilities that allow a save to disbelieve their effects.)
BAB: +1 CMB: -1 CMD 11

MELEE (+1 bab +2 dex +1 size +1 wf +1 mw)
Mw Rapier +6 (1d4+2/18-20/x2)

RANGED (+1 bab +2 dex +1 size)
Light Crossbow +4 (1d6/19-20/x2)

Investigator Formulae Prepared
1st (2/day) Shield, Expeditious Retreat

STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 16 INT: 16 WIS: 10 CHA: 12

Skills: (4+3) + (6+3)
Acrobatics +7 (2r + 2 dex + 3 class)
Appraise +3 (+3 int)
Bluff +1 (+1 cha)
Climb -1 (-1 str)
Craft(Alchemy) +7 (1r + 3 int + 3 class)
Diplomacy (Int Based) +8 (2r +3 int +3 class)
Disable Device +9 (2r + 2 dex +3 class + 2 mw tool)
Disguise +1 (+1 cha)
Escape Artist +6 (1r +2 dex +3 class)
Fly +2 (+2 dex)
Handle Animal N/A
Heal +0 (+0 wis)
Intimidate +1 (+1 cha)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +7 (1r +3 int + 3 class)
Kn Local +7 (1r +3 int +3 class)
Kn Nobility +7 (1r +3 int + 3 class)
Kn Religion +7 (1r +3 int + 3 class)
Linguistics N/A
Perception +5 (2r +0 wis + 3 class)
Perform(all) +1 (+1 cha)
Profession(all) N/A
Ride +2 (+2 dex)
Sense Motive +4 (1r + 0 wis +3 class)
Sleight of Hand N/A
Spellcraft N/A
Stealth +10 (1r +2 dex +3 class +4 small)
Survival +0 (+0 wis)
Swim -1 (-1 str)
Use Magic Device N/A

Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Elven, Dwarven, Varisian
Traits: Clever Wordplay, Reactionary
Feats: (B) WF Rapier, (B) Weapon Finesse Rapier, Fencing Grace

Equipment: Traveler's Outfit, MW Backpack, Chalk, Trail rations (3), waterskin, belt pouch, MW Thieves Tools, Mw Rapier, Lt Crossbow, Bolts 19, Leather armor, Potion of CLW, Wand of CLW 46, Traveling Formula Book, Alchemy Crafting Kit, Mw Buckler, Bandolier, Oil of Magic Weapon, Alchemist's Fire, Potion of Remove Fear

Not Carried: Cold Weather Outfit

Gnome Darkvision: 60' (Lose lowlight and keen senses.)
Eternal Hope: +2 racial vs fear and despair. 1/day reroll a d20. (Lose defensive training / hatred.)
Fey Magic: Underground Only. (Lose Obsessive.)
1st: Liberating Command 1/day.
O:Detect Magic, Mending, Create Water.

Illusion Resistance: +2 racial vs Illusion.
Gnome Magic: +1 DC on Illusions.
1st: Speak with Animals 1/day
0: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Gnome Weapons = Martial.

Panache: 4
-Regain 1 with confirmed rapier crit (helpless, unaware, and less than half HD threats don't count)

-Derring-Do: 1 pt, +1d6 Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Swim. Exploding 6's.
-Dodging Panache: Attempt to dodge an attack by 5ft move, add Cha to AC, resolve. Provokes others. Only with Lt armor and lt load.
-Opportune Parry/Riposte: 1 panache and 1 AoO. Opposed roll vs attack. -2/larger size. If successful and 1 panache left, immediate counter attack.

Alchemy +7
-May ID potions. 1 minute.
Inspiration +1d6 4/day:
-Skills, 1pt
-Kn Linguistics, Spellcraft, 0 pts if trained
-Attack rolls and saves, 2 pts
Trapfinding +1, can disable magical traps

Chronicle Boons::

Inside Knowledge: +2 Kn Local vs Aspis Consortium. Strike this boon to take 20.
Lord Avid's Recommendation: +2 on Cha based checks with nobility on the Isle of Kortos. Stike this boon for a +4 vs anyone on the Isle of Kortos.

[ ], [ ] Heavenly Scholar: Strike a box for +1d6 on a Kn Religion roll before learning the results.

Belkzen Veteran: 2 PA to learn Orcish. Strike boon for 1 round of half-orc ferocity.
Martyr's Shard: Strike boon to grant weapon +1 enhancement, cold iron, good aligned for 1 minute.
Scarred Champion: When failing a save vs the spell or SLA of an undead creature, strike this boon to add 1d6 to the save.

Formulae Book:
Adhesive Spittle, Ant Haul, Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Shield

Fame: 6
Prestige: 4

Age 58
Height: 3'4"
Weight: 41 lbs
Carrying Capacity: (MW Backpack)
Light 19.5 lbs or less (22.5 or less)
Medium 19.6 - 39.75 (23.5-45 lbs)
Heavy 39.76 - 60 (46-67.5 lbs)