
Lilivati's page

Organized Play Member. 72 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

I recently placed an order (#2990508). I was careful during the order process to indicate I wanted items to be shipped as they became available. However, the summary screen (after I confirmed the order and payment was authorized) stated that the order would NOT be shipped until all preordered items arrived in the warehouse.

I need the other two items that were not preorders to ship when they are available.

Can this be fixed?


I am in a kind of odd situation right now with my online group. We are playing through Kingmaker, and the group was advertised as being roleplay-heavy. I have played with two of these people quite enjoyably for years in heavy-RP games (one of whom is the GM), two of them I had never met previously, and the fifth is my husband who has run tabletop games for us and our friends in the past that are pretty casual games.

There have been persistent problems with boredom in the group. The paladin and I have been most vocal about these, but everyone's felt them. The game feels stiff, repetitious, and almost more like an MMO than an RPG. The GM has been receptive to feedback about the combat elements and made some changes. But still, half the time when we are supposedly "RPing" I feel like I am talking to myself- whether interacting with the other players or the NPCs- and I've become severely self-conscious in this game as a result. When my character speaks I worry more about "wasting time" than about being in-character, which is not much fun. Nobody has said anything to me but I also worry about ticking off the other players by being too RP-oriented. And most of the RP- like most of the combat until recently, honestly- feels meaningless, like idle chitchat that is not adding anything of substance to the game, the plot, or the relationships between the characters.

The biggest problem is even though we've been playing for months now, once a week in five-hour sessions, there is no "spark" to the game. We are going through the motions but nothing is coming together. The plot progresses, but nobody cares about it. There are pretty much zero connections between PCs- if one were to drop off the face of the earth I'm not sure any of the other PCs would even notice. Personally, these are all the elements of the game that make an RPG fun for me. (There's not even OOC "tabletalk" to make things a little more interesting.) I am playing a pretty "bubblegum" character and sometimes I feel like it might be more interesting to me if I were playing something more controversial or conflicted, but there has to be some platform for interaction regardless of the character base.

I'm really tired of waiting for things to gel, and giving up a significant portion of the weekend to something I'm not truly enjoying. (Because three of the players are British, the game falls in the middle of the day Sunday for us Americans. Which pretty much kills all of Sunday, as Monday is a work day. I wouldn't mind if the game were more engaging than it is, but...yeah.) The problem is that quitting is easier to say than do; not only is one of the other players my spouse, but I do genuinely like the other players on an OOC level and would like to continue to play with them. This game is just not working. I already feel like I've given too much feedback on it in an honest effort to try to improve the situation, so I'm hesitant to make further comments. I miss games where balance between combat and dialog was not discussed because people were thoroughly enjoying all aspects of the game and events flowed naturally without needing to be "balanced". I miss caring about what happens to my character and the other PCs and NPCs in the game. I don't know how to bring that spark to this one.

I feel like every game I'm walking on eggshells. I spend more time tabbed out of maptool surfing the web and occasionally glancing at the maptool chatbox, due to how slow things move. I'm not sure the GM CAN fix the RP situation- that's a group effort, not something the GM can tune up or down very easily. A part of me wishes we could just start over now that we have a better idea what the game will be like, so we can tailor our characters and expectations to the reality. Another part of me just wants out. Compounding this is that I've been RP starved since my previous online game ended, so I really would like a game that works, and I don't know where to go if this one falls through.

I guess I'm sort of at my wit's end and I don't know what to do at this point. Should I just bow out and lose the opportunity, and risk the anger of my friends? Or should I continue to try to make it work?

Sorry for the long post; I'm rambling a bit. It's been bothering me for weeks now and I really have no idea how to make it any better. :(

Hi all :)

I am planning on starting a homebrew Pathfinder game in about six weeks (still set in Golarion, but not using an adventure path). I have been trying to find a way to organize all my planning effectively. Long word files have not worked in the past; spreadsheets don't allow for paragraphing or incorporating pictures, maps, etc. very easily; multiple files leads to a lot of window clutter on my small laptop I ferry back and forth from friends' homes.

I am honestly about to give up and go back to an old school pen-and-paper binder, despite how much more difficult it is to update and rearrange material. I've looked online for campaign management software, and while I've found a number of good programs for character tracking and encounter planning, I've yet to find a package that is actually geared towards creating and running a campaign. I'm looking for something that will handle plot outlines, map folios (or internal links to external documents for this), NPC cue cards (including a way to organize stat blocks would be nice, but honestly even just something where I can jot down notes and a picture would be great), player handouts, and general campaign notes. A way to store encounter information and any house rule changes would also be nice but isn't totally necessary for me personally.

Does anyone use or know of anything like this? (It doesn't have to be freeware, I'm prepared to pay pretty well for something that solves this problem for me.) Or am I just dreaming imagining other people might have a use for this kind of product?