HP 32/35 | AC 15 (t 12, ff 15) | CMD 17 | Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4/7* (+4 vs fear) |
perception +0, sense motive +13; +2 initiative | raging song 9/12 | active effects: rage song
Common, Skald
About Lief Stoutspear
Racial Abilities:
+2 Cha
Skilled- +1 skill point/level
Focused Study- bonus skill focus feats @1st, 8th, and 16th level (replaces standard bonus feat)
Class Abilities:
Skald [dragon skald/wyrm singer] 4
Wind Whistler- add alter winds, fog cloud, and obscuring mist to bard spell list (replaces scribe scroll)
Sea Legs- +1/2 level to profession [sailor] and swim, to acrobatics and climb on ships, and to survival at sea (replaces bardic knowledge)
Raging Song: 12 rounds/day, standard to start (free to maintain)
- draconic rage: +2 morale to hit/damage and save vs sleep/paralysis; -1 AC (replaces, and functions as, inspired rage)
- glorious epic: spend 10 minutes telling heroic tale about target (cost 1 round of performance); target gains +2 to diplomacy or intimidate vs anyone who listened to whole tale (replaces marching song)
Versatile Performance- use bonus to perform [oratory] for diplomacy and sense motive
Fearless Raider- +4 to saves vs fear, increase DC to intimidate by 4 (replaces well-versed)
Rage Powers: active during raging song, can choose to extend to other targets (all or none)
- lesser elemental blood [electricity]: add 1d6 electric damage to weapon for 1 round (3/day, swift)
Uncanny Dodge- cannot be flat-footed, keep Dex bonus vs invisible
Leif was born in the town of Frembrudd on Battlewall, one of the Ironbound Islands in the Land of the Linnorm Kings. His father, Snorri, who had sailed under White Estrid on her famed journey to Absalom, was the highly respected commander of a raiding ship called the White Wyrm and her crew. His mother, Brunhild, was a skilled shieldmaiden and a member of Snorri's raiding party. She missed a whole season of raids when he was born, but by the time he could tie a knot he was sailing with them (and helping to mind the ship while they were off fighting). Snorri and his crew had great success in their raids and grew in boldness, eventually raiding as far south as Citadel Gheradesca, less than a day north of the Arch of Aroden, in Cheliax. This infuriated the Chelaxian navy who, zealous to prevent a repeat of White Estrid's raid, sent a small armada of ships to hunt them down.
Despite their boldness and battle prowess, the White Wyrm, faced with such overwhelming opposition, was forced to flee. They made a run for Mediogalti Island, but were hemmed in to the west and forced to try to skirt the Eye of Abednego. The Eye, however, proved an even harsher foe than the Chelaxians. The storm took hold of the ship, pounded it with winds and waves, and scattered its wreckage across the northern edge of the Shackles. Young Leif awoke alone on the shore of a small island there, tangled in the tattered riggings wrapped around a large piece of the mast. He spent weeks exploring the island and living off of what he could forage, and a barrel of pickled fish that had been caught in the rigging with him. When it proved deserted, he fashioned a raft out of driftwood and rope from the rigging and began island hopping southward (away from the Eye and deeper into the shackles. On his third island he encountered a group of fishermen who agreed to take him to Drenchport on Tempest Cay.
He lived in the city for several years, surviving on the streets and doing odd jobs around the docks. He met Wulfric there, an aged, threadbare, Ulfen skald who despite his own circumstances did his best to help young Leif. He learned from the old man how to fight, how to tell the stories of their people in a way that would inspire others, how to do a little magic, and the fine art of convincing others to see things your way. When he came of age, he put those skills to use and found work on the Golden Gryffin, a ship that smuggled contraband in and out of Rahadoum and Cheliax. He served with them for a couple of years before the ship was taken by the Siren and her pirate crew. The captain offered to spare the lives of anyone who served under her, and Lief agreed without hesitation. He served on the Siren–one of the few men in the disproportionately female crew–for several years. Barely a week ago, the first mate, a hard man named Augustus Murillo, lead a mutiny that threw the ship into turmoil. Lief was amongst a group of about a dozen crewmembers who jumped ship as soon as it hit port and now finds himself once more looking for work.
Lief stands a little over six feet with broad shoulders and an athletic build. He has the blond hair and bright blue eyes common among the Ulfen people and, like many of them, his weathered skin is more pink than tanned. His clothing and equipment are a strange mixture of viking and pirate, with the tall leather boots and linen pantaloons of the latter standing in contrast to the well-made but rather rustic studded leather that protects his upper half. He is a handsome man and looks to be fairly comfortable with the large axe-like weapon he carries.