Ilarris Zeleshi

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Magus focus spell Runic Impression in its description, it says

"Your unarmed attacks or weapon gain the benefits of a weapon rune you choose when you cast this spell: corrosive, flaming, frost, ghost touch, returning, shock, or thundering. If you cast runic impression on a weapon, this spell ends if you cease holding the weapon."

so I want to give my thrown weapon a [returning] rune, wishing that it can flies to me after my Strike.

But I also find that "this spell ends if you cease holding the weapon", so I throw a weapon to strike, when it leaves my hand, the spell ends and the rune disappear, my thrown weapon will never come back. ("cease" is even not the free action "Release",so it can be used more widely)

Is there some errata about it? Or it's intentionally designed to be stupid?

The Support Benefit of Horse animal companion on page 216 of the Core Rulebook.

"If your weapon already has the jousting weapon trait, increase the trait’s damage bonus by 2 per die instead."

The question is what is the "increas by 2" really mean, "1+2=3" or "1→2"?

We all know when you are on a mount (not the companion) the base lance damage would be 1d8/1d6+1+Strength.

But I'm not sure on a Horse Companion (with the Support Benefit) the base lance damage should be "1d8/1d6+3+Strength" or "1d8/1d6+2+Strength" ?

If the answer is "1→2", there seems no reason for a cavalry to choose a jousting weapon, since other weapons can gain the benefit with no difference.