Rosie Cusswell

Lhienne's page

104 posts. Alias of spinningdice.


Lhienne, Female Halfling Rogue | HP 13/24 | AC14 | Str +1 / Dex +3* / Con +2 / Int +2* / Wis - / Cha +1 | PP10 | Insp. [Y]

About Lhienne

Female Halfling Rogue (ex-slave/plainsfolk)

STR 12 +1
DEX 17 +3
CON 14 +2
INT 14 +2
WIS 10 -
CHA 12 +1

SPD 25
HP 24 (3d8+6)

Weapons Blowgun, dart, sling, spear, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Armor Light Armour
Tools Thieves’ tools*, Cook’s Utensils, vehicles (land)
Saves Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Deception, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth*.
Languages Ledean, Orcish
*Expertise Skill

Resourceful Can find something useful when looking through clutter, garbage or refuse.
Farm-Folk Can negotiate meals, shelter and rest from farm folk in exchange for chores
Halfling Traits
Lucky When roll 1 on attack roll/ability check/save may re-roll
Brave Advantage on saves against being frightened.
Nimble Can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger
Stealth Can attempt to hide when obscured by a creature at least one size larger
Talent Add Acrobatics, Deception, Persuasion and stealth to class choices.
Rogue Traits
Expertise 2 skills have double proficiency bonus
Sneak 1/turn extra 1d6 dmg, with finesse or ranged weapon. If have advantage or if friendly is adjacent to same enemy (and no disadvantage).
Thieves Cant
Cunning Action Bonus action each turn for Dash, Disengage or Hide actions
Mage Hand Legerdemain Mage Hand can be invisible, plus:
* Can stow object held in container worn/carried by anotehr creature
* Can retrieve object held in container worn/carried by another creautre
* Can use thieves tools to pick locks/disarm traps at range
Dex (sleight of hand) vs Wisdom (perception) to do this without being noticed
Can use bonus action from Cunning Action to control the hand.

Spellcasting DC12 / Attack +4
Control Flames (XG)
Mage Hand
Minor Image

1st Level
Disguise Self
Feather Fall
Silent Image

Gear 5gp
Leather Armour
5 darts
Burglars pack (backpack, 1000 ball bearings, 10’ string, bell, 5 candles, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days rations, tinderbox, waterskin, 50’ hemp rope.
Traveler’s Clothes
Thieves Tools
Common Clothes

Maps and Journal Fragments
Common Clothes
Riding Horse (with saddle)


The Dagger of Spiragos:
Weapon (shortsword), rare, requires attunement
You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for attacks you make with this magic weapon; despite being the size of a typical shortsword, it can be wielded without penalty by anyone proficient with either a shortsword or a dagger. If you apply poison to the weapon, that poison's saving throw DC increases by 2.

Once per day, you can use a bonus action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for 1 minute or until you hit a creature with the poisoned weapon. When you hit a creature with the poisoned weapon, the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes poisoned for 1 minute and takes 11 (2d10) poison damage.

The Ring of Spiragos:
Ring, rare, requires attunement
You must be a druid, sorcerer or warlock to become attuned to this ring.

If you are a druid, then starting at 5th level, you can use your wild shape feature to transform into a giant spider.

Age 32
Lhienne is small and skinny even for a halfling, she kept her hair short as a slave, but has since grown curly brown locks. She has a love of decoration born of having no access to it for most of her life, and wears jewelry, makeup and decorative clothing (though when on the road keeps her decorations hidden).

Lhienne is lively and cheerful, perhaps a little too much so, feeling the need to compensate for living at the whims of others for all her life. She enjoys her new life, though feels hollow in a way she dare not speak of. She attempts to fill this void by risking her life for goals she deems worthy, and will be especially keen to help any other slaves in any way she can.

Lhienne was mostly a house-slave, kept for cooking, cleaning and general maid work. Though she’d put time in the fields when her owners imagined a some slight against them. She tried her best in her slave-life to avoid attention as much as possible, though the estate she worked on was not large and there were few house-slaves. The masters were not kind owners and a few of the other maids had received… unwanted advances.
Everything changed when the beast attacked. Lhienne used her best instincts and hid herself in a cupboard as she listened to it tear apart everyone in the house. Eventually everything fell silent and she emerged, finding little left she started to salvage what she could to make her way on the road, then she saw him, bloody, bold and standing proud… the Unchained.