
Lenora Zimmeruski's page

2 posts. Alias of Leoian Mousekewitz.


Lenora is my froggy girl, I think she's pretty well done mechanically, but I still need to decide on some background story stuff and write that up. I keep talking with Meows about working on our characters during one of our hang outs, but somehow we always end up going off to do something else.

I don't know what kind of hero suit Lenora would wear, I gotta try to think about that too. Hmmm decisions are difficult.

Meows is doing some kind of Audiokinesis.

Glad to hear things are calming down with you, I know it's been super hectic. And really glad to hear you're still on board for Supers activity here really slowed down, but I think everyone's still interested.

So talking with Pin we've determined that the Luck stat doesn't seem very balanced in the RAW, it heavily favours a lower luck stat, and a low luck stat also makes a lower stat dice more favourable, luck of 1 and a d4 in a stat means you have a 1 in 4 chance of an auto success.

So instead we thought rolling a d12 for luck with each roll would be more balanced rather than a static luck stat. Then if your luck roll matches any of your die rolls then you succeed.

as example Lenora has 1d10 for action, and 1d6 for a power

Fighty power action: 1d10 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (5) = 6
Luck: 1d12 ⇒ 6

Neither roll matches the luck die so no auto success this time, but something like that.