Koriah Azmeren

Leeca's page

11 posts. Alias of In_digo.


Goblin Squad Member

Pax Areks wrote:

Helps with immersion. Yeah yeah, I know me and my immersion.

Same reason why you want to see a sword being swung when you attack instead of your character standing still saying "Xeen swings sword for 25 damage."

See, I've been thinking this too. On the same note, should we not be eliminating types of weapons? Types of spell effects? Even races?

Aren't all those cosmetics that can be 'imagined'?

Goblin Squad Member

1. The wilds are unforgiving. If I'm starving, I need to feed myself.

2. Everyone and their mother will claim that this purse is 'theirs'. If it has anything clearly recognizable, I would seek out the owner (provided they are a good person I respect). If not, I'd use it to fund my guild members. Seeing as we hunt bandits and other 'bad' folk, it wouldn't' be a waste.

3. Take my two most competent guild members and confront him behind closed doors.

4. Keep an eye on my close friend, and the settlement leader. The request smells fishy.

5. Hold a meeting with my guild members to discuss our options. I don't like keeping an item that can be used to spy on me.

6. Praise Calistria for granting me her divine powers, and heal him/her enough for us to escape. If that isn't possible, well my guild members knew the risks when they signed up to patrol. Attempt to escape with my own life.

7. Confront them to find out their intentions (was this on purpose?). If it can't be resolved this way, come back later with a group to ambush them for their theft.

8. The money should be going into the settlement. Who knows where the guest's money is going? That being said, point out to the settlement member the guest's prices and try to barter.

9. Kill the bandits. I don't tolerate them on a good day. Determine if the enemy settlement member can be of use to my settlement. Consider taking pity on the man/woman depending on their status (why slaughter a simple merchant?).

10. My character trains for her guild. She has her purpose and her responsibilities, and a 'dip' into a skill that is not in her field would not make sense.

Goblin Squad Member

Banecrow wrote:
At this point I dont think anything short of the hand of god will stop this from funding.

... violent solar flare of doom that knocks out everyone's power?


Let's not think about that....

Goblin Squad Member

How do we know that there isn't ALREADY a limited gargantuan miniature waiting to be unveiled?? O:

But seriously, maybe if they revealed more outlines, it might get people more excited to pledge. Even if they added on some limited edition ones like you suggested :)

Maybe an all miniatures pledge (I know this has been suggested before)?
However, I don't think they should allow separate pledges for each already revealed miniatute, since they're already going to be available in the Goblinworks store.


I'm in at the $75 level right now, with pretty much everything added. I'm really hoping we get to $40,000 ^^