In the years since, Razmiran, as the theocracy came to be called, has expanded its borders five times at the expense of various River Kingdoms and Ustalav. Threatened the Outlaw Council made up of rulers of all the kingdoms predominated by Daggermark, Gralton, Lambreth, Mivon, Pitax, the Protectorate of the Black Marquis, Sevenarches, Tymon and Uringen met up and discussed the growing powers of Razmiran.
In order to appease the living god Razmir, the Outlaw Council agreed and signed a pact to recognize the divinity of Razmir. As a show of their declaration of Faith, they have agreed to send their finest warriors every year to Thronestep to take part in the arena games. To keep these warriors in check, the Priest administered a highly addictive drug, the Tears of Razmir which is a combination of narcotics and hallucinogens which was created by Razmir.
The winner of these games will be given a choice to either ascend Priesthood by traveling to the Exalted Wood for training and acting in league with the faith despite any previous misgivings. In return, the kingdoms of these warriors will be given amnesty from Razmiran and even tribute and military might for the next 3 years.
A gold masked priest wearing with the the symbol "α", the first of the Visions bowed before a Living God.
A council of high-ranking priests known as the Visions. The goldmasked priests carry out Razmir’s erratic mandates, each in a unique way. While some Visions are gifted sorcerers, and others still use honeyed words and bribes to accomplish their goals, a significant portion is skilled at martial combat from the winners of the Immortal Games.
The Revelations is made up of 5 priest among the Visions. They are the most blessed and Razmir closest council.
"α"- Alpha
"ε"- Epsilon
"Ĩ"- Iota
"Ω"- Omega
"Ψ"- Psi
A divine being clothed in bright shimmering robes that captures the bright sunlight beaming above him through a glass ceiling atop and reflecting the beams all around the throne room. Looking at him, you would believe his divinity as he looks like an Archangel that descended unto this world. He wears an ornate Ivory Mask of a Serene Visage as he looks down at his council upon a 31-stepped mithril throne, in reference to the steps he supposedly took to achieve divinity.
The city-state of Tymon lies southwest of Daggermark on the very western borders of the River Kingdoms, next to the kingdom of Razmiran. It is renowned for its gladiators, as Tymon boasts both a huge arena and many prestigious gladiator colleges. Tymon's history of gladiatorial excellence goes back to its founder,Maldar Tymon, who was a renowned Taldan gladiator and hero of one of Taldor's Fifth Army of Exploration. Unfortunately, this proud heritage has made Tymon a visible target, and the living god Razmir greedily eyes the city with conquest on his mind. the current ruler of Tymon is Ullorth Ungin.
A dark shadow cast upon the town as a floating ship powered by Arcane Magic flew past the Colosseum where Gladiators are fighting each other to the death. The loud cheering of the bloodthirsty crowd drifted off into silence....A gladiator lifting to bring his huge axe downwards to crush the head of a prone defeated gladiator paused as he place his axe down and relaxes his grip as they cast their sights upon the engineering marvel.
Turning around he offers a hand to the fallen gladiator as he pulled him to his feet. It is unspoken but it means.
Tomorrow we will be opponents once more. Today...we are brothers.
The floating ship caused commotion where its shadow passed as the crowds started following the ship. The destination castle Stone Rock of
Ullorth Ungin. Loud trumpet can be heard as it bellows within the town signalling the gladiators college, townsfolk and nobles to gather in the town's square. The king of Tymon walked out and formed the welcome envoy as the ship maneuvered to land in the town's square. It's ship hull brushed upon one of the buildings as the flag bearing the symbol of Tymon crushed under the weight of the ship and fell into the town's square.
How the mighty have fallen...
Ullorth Ungin looked at the fallen flag and thought its appropriateness of Tymon's shame. The enforcer of that shame walked out as a set of 31 steps slide down from an opening of the ship.
Gold plated Razmiran soldiers rushed out and formed a formation around the king as a being of impressive proportion walked down the 31 steps. His huge form was concealed under a heavy silk white cloak. he wears a golden mask with the symbol "Ω" imprinted on the forehead.
Tymon welcomes the will and divinity of Razmir!! We prepare and present ourselves for the Immortal games.
Omega looks impassively at the King before responding in a booming deep voice.
Glory to Razmir...
He walked towards a platform made of steel ignoring Ullorth Ungin. Clenching his fist, the king is visibly burning with fury as he calmed himself and followed after Omega as they ascended the stairs to the platform.
Facing the gathering crowd, a large golden chest was carried by a 4 Tymon guard and placed at the feet of a weasel looking man as he stuck his hands into the chest scrambling the hundreds of golden ingots bearing the names of the various gladiators names.
We will now choose the representative for the Immortal Games! May they bring honor to Tymon!!
Alright, You may start as doing something in the town or arena and then saw the floating ship before heading to the towns square. You may indicate your feelings perceptions emotions as you stand in the crowd looking at all this. Your names is written on one of the golden ingots in the chest. Your thoughts can be an inner conflict to be picked or not to be picked.
The northeastern shores of Lake Encarthan have always been a turbulent place. For centuries, this land was part of the unruly River Kingdoms, changing hands dozens of times from one burgeoning prince to the next. All of that changed 47 years ago, when the living god Razmir came to the shores and claimed his dominion. He appeared first before the people of Xer, then part of the Arch-Duchy of Melcat, and told them of his power. Razmir claimed to have taken the Test of the Starstone in far-away Absalom, and through this test he claimed to attain divinity. Using his arcane powers, Razmir set about gathering a flock by ousting the local magistrate and the Trades Guild — a front for thieves and extortionists.
In the years since, Razmiran, as the theocracy came to be called, has expanded its borders five times at the expense of various River Kingdoms and Ustalav. Threatened the Outlaw Council made up of rulers of all the kingdoms predominated by Daggermark, Gralton, Lambreth, Mivon, Pitax, the Protectorate of the Black Marquis, Sevenarches, Tymon and Uringen met up and discussed the growing powers of Razmiran.
In order to appease the living god Razmir, the Outlaw Council agreed and signed a pact to recognize the divinity of Razmir. As a show of their declaration of Faith, they have agreed to send their finest warriors every year to Thronestep to take part in the arena games. To keep these warriors in check, the Priest administered a highly addictive drug, the Tears of Razmir which is a combination of narcotics and hallucinogens which was created by Razmir.
The winner of these games will be given a choice to either ascend Priesthood by traveling to the Exalted Wood for training and acting in league with the faith despite any previous misgivings. In return, the kingdoms of these warriors will be given amnesty from Razmiran and even tribute and military might for the next 3 years.
It is called The Living God Games.
20 years have passed since the first Living God Games. Razmiran has strengthened considerably from the creation of a council of high-ranking priests known as the Visions. The goldmasked priests carry out Razmir’s erratic mandates, each in a unique way. While some Visions are gifted sorcerers, and others still use honeyed words and bribes to accomplish their goals, a significant portion is skilled at martial combat from the winners of the Living God Games. Since they are all identically attired, most obey Visions without question, for fear of angering one of the more cruel members. Razmir himself holds council with his Visions from atop a 31-stepped throne, in reference to the steps he supposedly took to achieve divinity. From there, he hides his divinity behind an ornate ivory mask.
However despite the pact signed by the Outlaw Council, there are still tensions between Razmiran and some of these kingdoms. Once such kingdom is Tymon. The city-state of Tymon lies southwest of Daggermark on the very western borders of the River Kingdoms, next to the kingdom of Razmiran. It is renowned for its gladiators, as Tymon boasts both a huge arena and many prestigious gladiator colleges. Tymon's history of gladiatorial excellence goes back to its founder, Maldar Tymon, who was a renowned Taldan gladiator and hero of one of Taldor's Fifth Army of Exploration. Unfortunately, this proud heritage has made Tymon a visible target, and the living god Razmir greedily eyes the city with conquest on his mind. Ullorth Ungin has to contemplate turning his valuable gladiators loose on the field of battle, supported by the bloodthirsty priests of Gorum. Each year Ullorth Ungrin seeks to win The Living God Games thus postponing Razmir's invasion for another 3 more years.
However the odds are stacked against them as Razmir seeks to deny them the championship through treachery and incredible opposition in the games. Unfortunately despite the fighting prowess of these Tymon's gladiators, they have lost the Living God Games consecutively for the past decade. Tensions are mounting and through reliable sources, Tymon spies have reported the vast armies of Razmiran are preparing to invade Tymon by next spring. Desperate, Ullorth Ungin knows his army is not ready for an invasion yet and would require more time. Thus he has decided to call for the greatest warriors in the lands of Tymon for a single purpose. To survive through incredible odds and win the 21st annual Living God Games...
Looking to recruit 8-10 players.
Creation Rules
Character Level 5, 20 point buy.
All Pazio contents allowed, 3PP check with me but I am very open.
Class Allowed: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Cavalier, Antipaladin, Samurai, Gladiator, Rogue and Ninja and Monk allowed with no class alignment restriction. Yes you read me right, you may create a Barbarian/Monk if you want.
Traits: None. Players choose Persona instead. Refer below.
Starting Gold: Max starting gold of 10500GP.
Some House Rules
Restriction on magic
It's illegal to use higher than level one spells in the arena by decree of the Razmir. If the rule is broken, an anti-magic field will spring up covering the entire arena as an immediate interrupt option and the offender will be punished by the Razmiran Priest.
A gladiator develops a distinct persona in the arena, with signature moves, personality, and appearance.
His persona must have a name, a developed appearance and style, even it’s own alignment, all of which can be different than the gladiator’s, and must be maintained to stay in character. If a gladiator violates his persona, he must make an immediate Charisma check (DC 25) or lose the audience’s favor. The gladiator’s reputation also goes down by one point if the Charisma check fails.
Choose Face OR Heel
Face: A face is a hero in the arena. A face never backstabs or cheats, and plays the role of the “good guy” for the crowd. The crowd loves a face and cheer for him to win time and time again. The face trait gives a gladiator a +2 bonus to Charisma. The face also receives a +2 bonus to his reputation score.
Heel: A heel is the villain, the “bad guy”. He is the one the crowd loves to hate, and they boo the heel loudly every time. The heel is often is a backstabber and/or a berserker. The heel trait gives a gladiator a +2 bonus to his Charisma, but suffers a -2 penalty to his reputation score.
Backstabber: A backstabber is a gladiator who takes advantage of his opponents lack of readiness or his disadvantages, striking from behind or the side when his opponent least expects it. The backstabber trait gives the gladiator to add his DEX bonus to attack OR damage versus any opponent that is flat-footed, blinded, or has a back to the gladiator.
Berserker: The berserker is a gladiator that is wild in combat, howls like a beast or grunts and growls, cuts his arms or forehead and displays the blood to the crowd, and generally acts in a barbaric fashion. The berserker trait gives a gladiator a +5 bonus to Intimidate and Perform (act) checks.
Braggart: The braggart is a gladiator that makes loud boasts before, during and after a match. He claims no one can beat him, that he is the best there is. The braggart may even antagonize and challenge members of the viewing crowd. The braggart trait gives a gladiator a +5 bonus to Perform (oratory) and Bluff checks.
Daredevil: The daredevil is a gladiator that makes dangerous moves, performs reckless stunts and takes unnecessary risks in combat, though always with extreme confidence. The daredevil trait gives a gladiator a +5 bonus to Acrobatics checks. Once per combat, the daredevil can make a charge attack without needing a straight line to the target, and can take a full attack at the end of the charge, though the gladiator suffers a -5 penalty to AC for one full round beginning when he starts his charge.
Joker: The joker is a gladiator who pulls practical jokes on his opponents and makes derisive or derogatory jokes about his opponent to the crowd. ou get a +5 to Perform (Act) or Perform (Oratory) and the following ability:
Joke (Standard Action) (Ex):You can use this ability to cause an opponent to become enraged for a number of rounds, taking a -2 to their AC, Saving Throws and Skill Checks. To make a joke about them roll a Perform (Oratory) check. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier.
Success: If you are successful, the target is enraged for one round. This duration increases by 1 round for every 5 by which you beat the DC. You can only joke about an opponent this way if it is within 30 feet and can clearly hear you and understand you. Using Joker again on the same creature only extends the duration; it does not create a stronger condition.
Fail: The opponent is not enraged.
Joker Action
Joking about an opponent is a standard action.
Showy: A showy gladiator is one who customizes his armor in such a way that it takes on an exotic and visually stunning appearance. It might include overly large shoulder guards, a helmet with long animal manes or tails, spikes on the leg or arm protection, a long, flowing cape, or any other sort of dramatic addition. No addition to the armor actually adds to the armor bonus of the armor. The showy extras do give the gladiator a +5 bonus to Intimidate and Perform (oratory).
A gladiator develops a reputation during his career, and the reputation can go up and down throughout that career. Reputation is used to determine the DC of the gladiator’s Perform skill checks during combat. The higher the gladiator’s reputation, the lower the DC, representing a well-loved gladiator’s ability to easily get a crowd on his side.
Reputation increases by 0.5 point each time the gladiator advances a level, each time he wins a fight, and sometimes at the GM’s discretion (for acting in persona outside of the arena, for instance). Reputation decreases by 0.5 point for each fight the gladiator loses, for each time the gladiator acts out of persona (beginning at 3rd level), and sometimes at the GM’s discretion (for refusing to meet adoring fans, for example).
Reputation can also affect how others treat the gladiator outside of the arena. Shop owners may give a highly reputable gladiator a discount, while tavern owners might jack up the price of ale for a much despised gladiator.
Signature Move:
A signature move is a particular combination of moves that is used time and again by a gladiator, which the crowd comes to expect from the gladiator. The signature move is a combination of a move action (usually acrobatic in nature) greater than 5 ft. and but no more than double the gladiator’s normal movement rate, a combat maneuver, and a full round melee attack. The gladiator could also choose to make his signature move a move action followed by two combat maneuvers, or two combat maneuvers and a full round melee attack also.
The signature move trait allows the gladiator to take all three actions as a full round action (even though normally all three could not be taken in a round) once per combat.
Combat Modifications
Bloodsport Showman
Gladiators do not just fight, they fight to entertain, and as such, during combat they may add either their Strength or Dexterity bonus (not both) to any Charisma-based skill check.
Charisma Bonus:
In addition, combat maneuvers such as trip, disarm, feint, and sunder (Exclude Sever) — maneuvers that provide a distinct edge in battle but do not directly hurt one’s opponent - all get a +1 bonus to skill check, as they add more variety than just hammering one another with blows. Such techniques draw out the spectacle and showcases the gladiator’s skill and prowess more fully than a quick kill would, and give the audience a better show for their entrance fee. Likewise, a gladiator will often extend a fight by resorting to grappling if possible.
A gladiator may add his Charisma bonus to his CMB IF he makes a successful Perform (act) skill check (DC based on the gladiator’s reputation). The Perform check is made each round of combat as a free action on the gladiator’s turn. The character then fights dramatically, including feigning injuries or fatigue, making flashy moves, brandishing weapons, taunting their opponent, and other impractical but entertaining techniques.
In addition, the gladiator may make a Bluff roll against their opponent as a standard action. The Bluff is opposed by the opponents Sense Motive. If successful, the Bluff provokes an immediate attack of opportunity from the opponent, which must be taken and which counts towards the number of attacks of opportunity the opponent gets in a round.
Fatal Combat:
To make combat more realistic a gladiator learns the Sever combat maneuver which may be included in your signature move.
NOTE: You take -4 penalty to your CMB if you attempt to sever with a blunt weapon or unarmed attack. The limb is considered broken instead of server. Each creatures can only be attempted upon Sever Limb Maneveur once per round only
You can attempt to sever an arm, foot, hand, or leg at the joint as part as a standard action. Normally you cannot sever other limbs than those four extremities, but your GM may deem some special limbs fragile enough to qualify (a wing, for example). If you do not have the Improved Sever feat, or a similar ability, attempting to sever an item provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver. Declare which limb you are targeting before your combat maneuver roll.
If your attack is successful, you have a chance at severing the targeted limb. Depending on the target's HP, it will determine if the Sever Limb happened. Calculate the percentage (Round off to nearest 2 decimal place) of the remaining HP against the Original HP of the target.
For example: Guard left 29/40. It is 29 divided by 40 which is 0.725 round up to 0.73 there for 73%.
Once you know the percentage the inverse is the Chance for it to happen when you roll 1d100.
For example: Guard is 29/40 which you calculated he is still at 73% health. So your chance of the Sever Limb successful after rolling successfully against his CMD is now 27%(100-75=25).
Roll 1d100 and if the dice result shows 1-27, then the move is successful. If not the move failed and the target do not receive any damage.
If the sever limb is successful, your opponent can make a Fortitude save (DC equal to your combat maneuver roll) to ignore the effect. Although horrific, the mind blocks out the pain of losing a limb. This attack deals no damage. However, due to the lose of limb the target will receive iD6 of Bleed Damage unless treated with a Heal DC20 or a burst of magical healing. (Use Treat Deadly Wounds)
Treat Deadly Wounds:
Note: You must expend two uses from a healer's kit to perform this task. You take a –2 penalty on your check for each use from a healer's kit that you lack.
When treating deadly wounds, you can restore hit points to a damaged creature. Treating deadly wounds restores 1 hit point per level of the creature. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this amount. A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated within 24 hours of being injured and never more than once per day.[/i]
If the Fortitude save failed, they go in a state of shock and is helpless for 1 round. During the helpless stage As a full-round action, you can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to automatically hit and score a critical hit. If the defender survives the damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die.
Either that you may perform a Sever Limb Combat Maneuver to decapitate the opponent. This attack has no damage.NOTE: For blunt or unarmed attack, take a -4 penalty to your CMB and the target is deemed to have broken his neck rather than decapitated. Decapitation is a terrific crowd pleaser. Each creatures can only be attempted upon Sever Limb Maneuver once per round only
Example of a Limb Sever Maneuver in combat:
1. It is a standard action.
2. You may roll a Perform(Act) check against the DC of your reputation table to check if you may add your CHARISMA bonus to your CMB score.
NOTE: Due to the Bloodsport Showman your you can add your STR or DEX score to your Perform(Act)- Gladiators do not just fight, they fight to entertain, and as such, during combat they may add either their Strength or Dexterity bonus (not both) to any Charisma-based skill check.
3. If unsuccessful, you use your normal CMB for the Sever Limb. If successful you add the CHA bonus to your CMB and perform the Sever Limb.
NOTE: For blunt weapons and unarmed attack, the CMB for server limb is at a -4 penalty.
4. If you do not have Improved Serve Limb, then the target will resolve Attacks of Opportunity on you.
5. You will roll against the target's CMD with your final CMB. If successful the target is at risk for Sever Limb, if not successful the Sever Limb move missed and you end your turn.
6. Depending on the target's HP, it will determine if the Sever Limb happened. Calculate the percentage (Round off to nearest 2 decimal place) of the remaining HP against the Original HP of the target.
For example: Guard left 29/40. It is 29 divided by 40 which is 0.725 round up to 0.73 there for 73%.
7. Once you know the percentage the inverse is the Chance for it to happen when you roll 1d100.
For example: Guard is 29/40 which you calculated he is still at 73% health. So your chance of the Sever Limb successful after rolling successfully against his CMD is now 27%(100-75=25).
Roll 1d100 and if the dice result shows 1-27, then the move is successful. If not the move failed and the target do not receive any damage.
If the dice rolls within the chance of it happening, the limb is successfully severed. The crowd will go crazy (Depending on how you describe it, I will serve as the crowd bloodlust) which in turn will help your reputation score. The target receives 1d6 bleed damage unless treated with Heal DC20 (Use Treat Deadly Wounds)
NOTE: For blunt weapons and unarmed attack, the limb is considered broken rather than severed. It still carries the same penalties for losing a limb and same excitement level for the crowd.
8. The target who lost the limb now MUST roll a Fort Save against the DC of your final CMB score again. If the Fort Save pass then he will take the penalties of losing a limb but he will not enter into a state of shock and may perform normally on his turn.
If the target fails the Fort Save, then he enters into a state of shock and become helpless until the end of his next round.
9. Coup De Grace may be performed on the target by another gladiator or by you next round. The good thing is that it scores a crit damage and if the damage do not kill the victim then He must roll a Fort Save against (DC 10+the damage dealt to him) or die. The downside is that it do not tickle the crowd's interest that much.
Thus gladiators may make a choice to perform a Decapitation instead. It is the same as a Sever Limb maneuver. Roll a perform(act)check to add CHA to CMB. Roll CMB to target CMD. The difference is that if it is successful, the gladiator need NOT roll the chance dice. (Auto success). The target will be decapitated (of course describe the gory scene for me) and the crowd goes wild adding a substantial favor to your reputation score.
NOTE: For blunt weapons and unarmed attack, the CMB for decapitation is at a -4 penalty.
NOTE: For blunt weapons and unarmed attack, the target is not decapitated but rather the neck is broken. The same effect to reputation will be in place
Loss of Body Parts Penalties:
Since a person’s manual dexterity comes primarily from the opposable thumbs interacting with the fingers and palms, the loss of a hand limits how complex items are used and how items are carried.
A character who has lost a hand incurs the following penalties:
-5 penalty on Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Use Magic Device skill checks;
-4 penalty on grapple checks;
Must make a caster level check to cast spells with somatic components;
Unable to wield two-handed weapons or make two-weapon attacks, but may still wear a shield on the affected arm;
Carrying capacity is not reduced. However, the maximum weight a character can lift over head or off the ground is reduced by one third, as shown on Table: Modified Lifting Capacity: Hand (for medium creatures). These penalties do not stack with other penalties for losing limbs.
A character who has lost both hands, or one hand and one arm, cannot use any of the listed skills, make attacks, cast spells with somatic components, or handle objects, without the aid of prosthetics or magic.
Losing an arm at the elbow (or higher) severely limits what that side of the body can do. With a markedly shorter reach and range, the arm is practically unusable.
A character who has lost an arm incurs the following penalties:
-10 penalty on Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Use Magic Device skill checks;
-8 penalty on grapple checks;
Must make a caster level check at a -5 penalty to cast spells with somatic components;
Unable to wield weapons two-handed or make two-weapon attacks, and may not wear a shield on the affected arm.
Carrying capacity is not reduced. However, the maximum weight a character can lift over head or off the ground is halved, as shown on Table: Modified Lifting Capacity: Arm (for medium creatures). These penalties do not stack with other penalties for losing limbs.
A character who has lost both arms cannot use any of the listed skills, make attacks, or use objects, without the aid of prosthetics or magic.
Keeping upright becomes a chore with the loss of the foot. Uneven legs, no pivot point, and a smaller base affect land movement.
A character who has lost a foot incurs the following penalties:
-5 penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, Stealth, and certain Perform skill checks (GM’s discretion).
Cannot run.
Cannot bull rush or overrun and takes a -4 penalty to resist these combat maneuvers.
Land movement rate is reduced by half, and characters can no longer benefit from the fast movement class feature.
Carrying capacity is reduced by one third and the maximum weight a character can lift over head or off the ground is halved, as shown on Table: Modified Lifting Capacity: Foot (for medium creatures). These penalties do not stack with other penalties for losing limbs.
A character who has lost both feet, or one foot and one leg, is always considered flat-footed, cannot use any of the listed skills, and can only move 5 feet as a full round action, without the aid of prosthetics or magic.
Losing a leg at the knee (or higher) strips it of its fundamental purposes. Walking is replaced by hopping, standing is replaced by balancing, kicking becomes impossible. Very little can be done in an upright position without aid from a prosthetic, magic, or fellow adventurer.
A character who has lost a leg incurs the following penalties:
-10 penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, Stealth, and certain Perform skill checks (GM’s discretion).
Cannot run or charge.
Cannot bull rush or overrun and takes a -12 penalty to resist these combat maneuvers.
Speed is reduced to 5 feet, and can no longer make a 5-foot step.
Carrying capacity is reduced by two thirds and the maximum weight a character can lift over head or off the ground is halved when sitting, impossible when standing, as shown on Table: Modified Lifting Capacity: Leg (for medium creatures). These penalties do not stack with other penalties for losing limbs.
A character who has lost both legs is always considered flat-footed and prone, and can only move 5 feet as a full round action, without the aid of prosthetics or magic.
Extreme shame.
Treatment for Severed Limbs:
The subject's severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise.
Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject of exhaustion and fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including undead). The Cost is 2,500 gold.
Earning Reputation:
From infuriated to frenzy. Your performance on the combat field plays to the audience mood towards you and therefore your reputation.
At the end of every match a favored gladiator will be chosen for his exceptional performance on the arena. He gains +0.5 Reputation.
All gladiator gains +0.5 after each victory.
Additional Feats Which Can Be Learned:
Improved Sever (Combat)
You are particularly good at cutting off body parts in melee.Prerequisite: Str 13, Power Attack.Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sever combat maneuver (see below). In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sever a foe’s limb. You also receive a +2 bonus to your CMD whenever an opponent tries to sever your limb.Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sever combat maneuver
Limb Ripper (Combat)
You sever limbs through sheer force.Prerequisite: Str 22, Improved Sever, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple.Benefit: When you are grappling an opponent, a successful check allows you to continue grapplingthe foe, and also allows you to perform a special sever combat maneuver (see below) as part of the standard action spent to maintain the grapple. Designate a limb (arm, foot, hand, leg) like you normally would when severing a limb, then make a Strength check. This is the save DC for your sever limb attempt. If your target fails this Fortitude save, you rip off the designated limb. This ends the grapple
Agile Defense (Combat)
Prerequisite: Dodge
Benefit: You gain a dodge bonus to AC, based on your Base Attack Bonus.
BAB +0 to +3 AC +1
BAB+4 to +7 AC+2
BAB+8 to +11 AC+3
BAB+12 to +15 AC+4
BAB+16 to +19 AC+5
BAB+20 or higher AC+6
Special: This ability is reduced by worn armor. Subtract 1 point of dodge bonus for light armor, 2 for medium armor, and 3 for heavy armor (to a minimum of +0 bonus).
Unarmored Specialist (Combat)
You are so well-trained at fighting without armor that you find yourself better protected without it.
Benefit: As long as you do not have any armor bonus to AC (such as from wearing armor, or from the spell mage armor) you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +4.
Martial Strike (Combat)
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Wis 13, Dex 13, BAB +4.
Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage equals that of a monk of the level of your character level -3.
Improved Martial Strike (Combat)
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Martial Strike, Wis 15, Dex 15
Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage matches that of a monk of the level of your character level.
South of most civilized lands, sprawling across a valley of blazing-hot sand, is one of the most incredible and wondrous cities in all of Golarion: the great desert metropolis of Katapesh. Katapesh is a city of organized chaos where cash is king and commerce is the highest god.The metropolis of Katapesh is the home to many bazaars and fairs that sell anything one might desire. Two notable permanent markets within the city are the Peculiar Emporium and the Nightstalls.
A few miles away from the city of Katapesh in the middle of the desert lies a bustling town named Olumsuz. Trade routes and caravans from as far as Osirion herald the gates of this town which is named "Deathless" by the locals. It is on one such caravan we find a group of wretched slaves...
You find yourself on a wagon. You are slipping in and out of consciousness and into the after life. A sound startles you and you come back to life. You are dazed and hallucinating. Scenes of the last 15 minutes of your life quickly flash across your mind before you woke up to the blazing Katapesh heat.
Hi guys, do write and live out the last 15 mins of your former life before you were captured. After which you will awake and find yourself in a caged wagon
Barnabas the tavern keeper looks around at his dusty tavern cleaning his mugs ready for the day. He is a large burly man with thick biceps and a broad chest. He has a large scar running across his face that gave him a scary visage. He yawns loudly.
It's always a slow on the first day of the week. Wonder if any gladiators would come by today since it's their off day today.
Barnabas smiles as he fondly remembers the times he spent as a gladiator. He lost a hand during his time and got it replaced with a hook.
What glorious times that was...the chanting of the crowd, the hot sand upon my face, the saltiness of the opponent's blood sprayed upon my face as i slit their throats.
Here he is, a successful gladiator that managed to pay off his debt and even earned the approval and delight of a Katapesh Lord which purchase his bond and gave him his freedom.
The dust and heat blow across the arena floor, the caked dirt already spattered with bright crimson. The clash of steel echoes into the packed amphitheater and sunlight gleams off bronze helmets and the sheen of muscle as the combatants gauge each other, their strikes testing one another. A splash of blood, a cry of pain, the roar of the crowd. A thumb turns, and both live to fight another day — or die, to be forgotten in a mass grave. This is the world of the gladiators, the kings of the arena.
Hi Guys, I am running a Gladiator only campaign where a team of 4-5 Gladiators will seek their glory in the arena. They form a team and survive each week of battle. Death is PERMANENT.
2. Level 5 character, 2 levels in a Class(Your Previous Life) and 3 levels of Gladiator
3. Starting Debt
A gladiator starts out (2d4+2 x 100) gp in debt to his stable for food, training, gear, or any prior debts, and he cannot adventure or acquire additional gear until the debt to the gladiator stable is paid off. It can be paid off by another person, who may very well have their own terms of repayment or via their winnings in the arena. The most unscrupulous of stable owners may also charge for healing.
4.Determine Persona
A gladiator develops a distinct persona in the arena, with signature moves, personality, and appearance. As such he must make a successful Perform (act) or Perform (oratory) check (and, if he has an elaborate costume, a Disguise check as well) before entering combat or suffer a -3 penalty to all combat rolls. The DC of all skill checks is based on the gladiator’s reputation score.
His persona must have a name, a developed appearance and style, even it’s own alignment, all of which can be different than the gladiator’s, and must be maintained to stay in character. If a gladiator violates his persona, he must make an immediate Charisma check (DC 25) or lose the audience’s favor. Loosing the audience’s favor results in a -3 penalty to all rolls (including damage) for the duration of the combat. The gladiator’s reputation also goes down by one point if the Charisma check fails.
When the persona is first developed and every four levels afterwards (at 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th levels), the persona evolves, developing a new trait that is in effect only when the gladiator is successfully in character. The first trait chosen at 3rd level must be either Face (representing the good guy/hero) or Heel (representing the bad guy/villain).
Backstabber: A backstabber is a gladiator who takes advantage of his opponents lack of readiness or his disadvantages, striking from behind or the side when his opponent least expects it. The backstabber trait gives the gladiator a +5 bonus to attack and damage versus any opponent that is flat-footed, blinded, or has a back to the gladiator. The target also suffers a -2 penalty to Dexterity until healed because of the nature of the wound. Alternatively, a gladiator using the Exerceo class feature adds the +5 bonus to his Perform check in the same situations, and the target suffers no extra damage.
Berserker: The berserker is a gladiator that is wild in combat, howls like a beast or grunts and growls, cuts his arms or forehead and displays the blood to the crowd, and generally acts in a barbaric fashion. The berserker trait gives a gladiator a +5 bonus to Intimidate and Perform (act) checks.
Braggart: The braggart is a gladiator that makes loud boasts before, during and after a match. He claims no one can beat him, that he is the best there is. The braggart may even antagonize and challenge members of the viewing crowd. The braggart trait gives a gladiator a +5 bonus to Perform (oratory) and Bluff checks.
Daredevil: The daredevil is a gladiator that makes dangerous moves, performs reckless stunts and takes unnecessary risks in combat, though always with extreme confidence. The daredevil trait gives a gladiator a +5 bonus to Acrobatics checks. Once per combat, the daredevil can make a charge attack without needing a straight line to the target, and can take a full attack at the end of the charge, though the gladiator suffers a -5 penalty to AC for one full round beginning when he starts his charge.
Face: A face is a hero in the arena. A face never backstabs or cheats, and plays the role of the “good guy” for the crowd. The crowd loves a face and cheer for him to win time and time again. The face trait gives a gladiator a +2 bonus to Charisma. The face also receives a +2 bonus to his reputation score.
Heel: A heel is the villain, the “bad guy”. He is the one the crowd loves to hate, and they boo the heel loudly every time. The heel is often is a backstabber and/or a berserker. The heel trait gives a gladiator a +2 bonus to his Charisma, but suffers a -2 penalty to his reputation score.
Joker: The joker is a gladiator who pulls practical jokes on his opponents and makes derisive or derogatory jokes about his opponent to the crowd. The joker trait causes the gladiator’s opponent to make a Will save (DC equal to the joker’s Perform (oratory) check) or suffer a -5 penalty to attack and armor class for 1d4 rounds as he fights in a wild and enraged manner. The effects of multiple jokes do not stack, but when the penalty wears off, the joker can make more jokes and cause the opponent to make a new Will save. Once the opponent makes a successful Will save, he is immune to the joker’s jokes for the rest of the day.
Showy: A showy gladiator is one who customizes his armor in such a way that it takes on an exotic and visually stunning appearance. It might include overly large shoulder guards, a helmet with long animal manes or tails, spikes on the leg or arm protection, a long, flowing cape, or any other sort of dramatic addition. No addition to the armor actually adds to the armor bonus of the armor. The showy extras do give the gladiator a +5 bonus to Intimidate and Perform (oratory), but the gladiator suffers a -2 penalty to Dexterity because of the unwieldy additions.
5.Determine reputation. 10 + 1d3.
A gladiator develops a reputation during his career, and the reputation can go up and down throughout that career. Reputation is used to determine the DC of the gladiator’s Perform skill checks during combat. The higher the gladiator’s reputation, the lower the DC, representing a well-loved gladiator’s ability to easily get a crowd on his side.
Reputation increases by 1 point each time the gladiator advances a level, each time he wins a fight, and sometimes at the GM’s discretion (for acting in persona outside of the arena, for instance). Reputation decreases by 1 point for each fight the gladiator loses, for each time the gladiator acts out of persona (beginning at 3rd level), and sometimes at the GM’s discretion (for refusing to meet adoring fans, for example).
Reputation can also affect how others treat the gladiator outside of the arena. Shop owners may give a highly reputable gladiator a discount, while tavern owners might jack up the price of ale for a much despised gladiator.
6. Determine signature move (Describe it)
A signature move is a particular combination of moves that is used time and again by a gladiator, which the crowd comes to expect from the gladiator. The signature move is a combination of a move action (usually acrobatic in nature) greater than 5 ft. and but no more than double the gladiator’s normal movement rate, a combat maneuver, and a single melee attack. The gladiator could also choose to make his signature move a move action followed by two combat maneuvers, or two combat maneuvers and a melee attack also.
When the signature move trait is chosen, the gladiator picks the specific types of move actions, combat maneuvers and melee attacks that make up his signature move. An example might be to Tumble up to the opponent, make a Trip attempt, and then strike with a cestus. The signature move combination cannot be changed once it is determined without taking the signature move trait a second time. The signature move trait allows the gladiator to take all three actions as a full round action (even though normally all three could not be taken in a round) once per combat.
The gladiator receives no bonus to any attacks beyond normal bonuses from successful results of the signature move (for example, if the gladiator successfully trips his opponent, the opponent is treated as prone for any melee attacks that follow.
A gladiator who works in the arena can win a share of the arena’s take. Gladiators are generally scheduled to fight once per week to allow for healing and recovery. More experienced gladiators with a larger draw may only fight every two weeks or maybe even only every month.
Hi all, concurrently I am doing an interest check for a lawful evil campaign of Fell Riders serving under the service of the Whispering Tyrant. It will be during his reign and war of the Shining Crusade. Epic battles where they will serve as Mounted Regiment on large scales battles between Orcs and the forces of good.
Styling himself the Whispering Tyrant, Tar-Baphon united the orcs of Belkzen under his rule and conquered Ustalav, taking the city of Adorak as his capital.When his troops fell in battle, he simply brought them back to unlife, greatly bolstering the strength of his armies. He continued this for over five centuries, holding much of central Avistan in his skeletal grasp, and tolerating no threat to his rule.
Fell Rider(Any race)
The fell rider rides a bestial steed, a mount mastered by him alone. He tramples his enemies down, leaving twisted bodies in his wake, and fear rides with him.
Inspiring Commander(Leader of Fell Rider)
The last of her kind, the inspiring commander leads from the front. They are a master of aid and bringing out the best in their allies.
Order Of the Whispering
While Cavaliers who follow the order of the warrior typically adhere to the principles of bravery and duty in order to live a life that emphasizes honor, there exist others who are motivated by more selfish goals. These evil Cavaliers follow the Order of the Whispering, and may be vicious warlords or warriors in the service to the Whispering Tyrant and they uphold the virtues of violence and pride above all other things. Cavaliers of the order of the Whispering function exactly like samurai of the order of the warrior—they simply pursue war and glory instead of honor and heroism
Looking to form a regiment of 6-8 players, among which a commander will be chosen.
Point: 25 point buy
Race: Any but check with me. Decide if you are alive or undead(raised by the whispering tyrant)
Mount: Any check with me.
Alignment: Lawful evil
Class: At least 2 levels of Cavalier(Fell Rider)
Hi all, I have started recently gamemastering and it has definitely been enjoyable so far. I hope I am doing a good job so far. Anyway I am thinking of a campaign involving a group of ratfolk adventurers along the line of "MouseGuard". This is not a Mouseguard campaign but it will be a homebrew campaign.
The race we will be using is restricted only to Ratfolks. We will be using all classes and materials and I am looking at level 3. 20 Point Buy, 1 trait. The Fur Finder it will be called.
It will be mainly light hearted and fun.
Fur Finder Law: Trusty, loyal, helpful; Brotherly, courteous, kind; Obedient, smiling, thrifty; Clean in body and mind.
Motto: On my honour I promise to do my best to do my duty to my society. To help other ratfolks at all times and to obey the Fur Finder Law.
I will update more lore and details if there is enough interest.
We are now in 4515 AR. It is a time of darkness where the forces of evil are at it’s strongest since the defeat of the Whispering Tyrant. There are talks that a sinister demonic group is plotting to free the whispering tyrant from Gallowspire, the current site of the Nation of Lastwall. The Hordeline, a makeshift border of wooden palisades and crude forts marking the border between Lastwall and the Hold of Belkzen, is constructed. However it is quickly overrun by orc hordes. As a bastion against the orcs, the crusader and adventurer Ekat Kassen begins his service to the nation of Lastwall. Invitations to form the 16th generation group of 7 Peers were also sent to the selected group of 7 inquisitors.
You receive the following correspondence-
The 15th generation has been fulfilled. A passing of time and an age of renewal has come. Fate has chosen you along with the blessing of your deity. Your presence is hereby requested by our Patriarch of the Nightfall Scion. Proceed to the Raker's Bridge in the Mindspin Mountains marked in the map on the 12th Day of the month at midnight. Present yourself with extreme discretion. May you live through the night.
Lightning seared across the midnight sky illuminating the stone bride connecting the chasm. A full bright yellow moon is eluding behind dark clouds as they formed overhead. A slight drizzle of raindrops is propelled by the gale of wind splattering against the outline of the stone bridge. Dead lifeless trees withered along the edge of the ridge looks like skeletal hands warning any passerby of the certainty of death should they fall off.
The stone bridge is well built and dwarven made. Hovering above a deep canyon of dark abyss, the fissure that stretched on as far as your eyes can see. The air carries a familiar musk scent of decay of a battlefield. Howls of wolf packs echoes in your ear drum heralds your arrival as the temperature of the night decline rapidly.
The Mindspin Mountains are a range of mountains that begin on the Storval Plateau in eastern Varisia and stretch south for several hundred miles before petering out north of the Menador Mountains.
As a natural barrier they form the east/west border between several nations. Farther south, the mountains form the western border of Nirmathas and separate dark Nidal and Molthune.
The northern section of the Mindspin Mountains, particularly between Varisia and the Hold of Belkzen, are considered a deathtrap to all but the most experienced explorers. They are filled with giants, ogres, trolls and all other manner of dangerous beasts. The abundance of such unpleasant life may be one of the reasons that the Mindspin Mountains form such an effective border between the two nations.
Do write your character's arrival at the bridge. Remember you are clueless about what is happening.
Dear all, congratulations to making it. I do not have much time to type this out so I will be brief.
1. As this is my 1st time GM this campaign, please feel free to feedback to me if I am doing something wrong. For your knowledge, DM Doomed Hero has agreed to advise and consult me for this campaign. Kudos to him.
2. As you may have realized now I am living in another time zone in Asia. As such it's tough for me to do back and forth posting during the American or European hours but rest assured I will response asap everyday.
3. I am expecting 1 post per day and for prolonged period of inactivity such as 2 weeks, you may be replaced.
4. I will be making rolls as much as possible for you guys to save time and for the combat system I will be doing it the non traditional method which basically involve me rolling perception and initiation for you. Depend on the rolls, the battle will start to be moving in groups. Advantageous for the players as you may move in a group doing teamwork feats etc.
That's all I can think off so do discuss among yourself.
1 other thing is that the Nighfall Scion upon passing the initiation test, a codename will be given to you. Think of one if you want or you can leave it open for me. It should be along the line like Wolfbane(Which is one of the NPC codename revealed later) or any cool sounding names that gives a glimpse of your character etc etc
"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"
The deities have spoken and an elite band consisting of talented inquisitors have been invited to join forces against the forces of darkness.
Hi All,
I am thinking of running a home-brew campaign of a band of inquisitors sent by their various deity to rid the world of various macabre horrors such as a witch coven, a vampire lord's castle, lycanthrope cave etc. The band will have a NPC Grand Inquisitor whom will assist the players in their adventures.
The inquisitors will each represent from one of the following deities. (Other deities allowed but prefer the major ones)