The Fifth Archdaemon

Laythe's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

If augmentations work (Force Soles, a magic effect) what about Falcon Boots?

Scarab Sages

Armor and space suits roll of assembly lines in large quantities. Like cars, a basic radio is standard and you get no discount to take it out. But aftermarket swap out sure can do. If you pay for the miniaturization to bring it down to tier 0 size then it would just replace the basic comm of the suit. In homebrew, you and the GM chat it out. In society though, just buy the computer, drop it on your hip or arm or backpack and link it to the suits comm's. Like pairing your the bluetooth of your phone to your car stereo.

Scarab Sages

Since your at a school, you have some options for speeding up you setup and tear down to maximize your play time.

Most white boards are magnetic, so use a overhead projector or if the room has a projector use that to project the map and use magnetic tokens from walmart or the Dollar store, there an inch across and come in several colors, your students could draw or download and print a image and stick glue it onto the token, takes less space than a mini and more durable when thrown into a big bag. Using the whiteboard or projector still allows you to use fog of war and have a initative table and buffs written in a side bar to keep it quick and viewable to all.

If you are even a little computer savy, use excel as your vtt software, its simple to use and easily available. I use to sanitize maps of all markings and cut/crop out all the secret doors, traps, etc. Then just import each map of a scenario into a excel sheet, add all the secret doors and traps ontop, then I add block shapes ontop of that to hide the map (fog of war). The selection pane feature lets you view/hide areas as needed. I keep a set of semi transparent circles off side incase someone throws down a darkness or other spell effect and just drag it onto the map and size to spec. If your on a network you can lock the sheet and share it, and the players can move themselves around. Or just manually move the magnetic tokens on the whiteboard. Takes me about an hour to setup a scenario or module once, but then its good to go anytime. But if its all onscreen I can just save it and open it later when I run out of time, even in mid imitative order. Otherwise a quick camera pic from a phone remembers where everyone was standing.

Scarab Sages

Fly as the spell only has a Good maneuverability, not perfect, so it requires you to rise at half speed at an angle of 45 degrees. So that wizard is either the correct distance away from the tower to hit his mark or is zig zagging thru the sky to get high enough. that would be an easy perception check to SEE the wizard, who cares if hes rustling in the wind at that point. Levitation would be better. In 3.5, there was Move Silently and Hide vs Spot and Listen. Pathfinder rolls that into stealth and perception to make life easy. So stealth is a BLEND of move silent and hide, same as perception is a BLEND. so to be fair, if the spell doesn't give them a bonus, they don't get one. Maybe a +2 circumstance which is the same as a masterwork bonus, or +5 if they role play it well. Gotta make em work for their pluses.

Scarab Sages

For really complex or long scenarios, a second set of hands / and or gopher. A PFS scenario is based for a 4 hr window, that two chick flicks I have to watch, or a day of clothes shopping I endure with my wife, or a nephew who owes you for buy all those useless school fundraising whatevers.

Scarab Sages

From the sounds of your post, its you that is asking for your build in a ' my "quoty fingers" Friend has a weird rash on his ... anyway. yes legal but at higher levels when ability damage and drain get more common, a melee combatant with 7 con is gonna need lots of rez's when his eidolon gets smoked. As for powerattack, unless there is a forum post or errata that says different, I say no. In a not sythesist summoner, the eidolon has mental stats and can get feats it can apply for like powerattack. But when you wear your eidolon, its mental stats are supressed. With a 7 Strength your not learning powerattack and it can't tell you how to powerattack. You can play Modern Warfare and be a trickshot god, but if you get a real gun in a real warzone, with a clone of yourself on a headset telling you to no scope the guy in the head 80 yards away thru 2 windows moving at full run while you freefall of a ledge. Your gonna stand there like an idiot contemplating HOW your gonna do that. You cannot get talked thru a learn motor response like physical feats in a stress situation

Scarab Sages

-Speak with dead- Can easily kill a murder mystery plot, if not prepared for. >He wore a mask, Attacked from behind, Had a bag thrown over my head. etc

-Transportation/Transp, Greater- Can easily skip right past travel based encounters. > If they know where they're going. Trackers has to walk a trail, or discover a landmark overgrown by foliage or swept under sand by wind, etc.

-Fly/Overland Flight- Can bypass travel based encounters, and pit-styled dungeon barriers. > Those are hard to keep up over periods of time and resource wasteful. That means less spells to use against the big bad or less money in there pocket as they replace those consumables often. Why can't you have big winding natural cavern with dead ends that takes hours to explore, or a cave in they have to manually clear, or brush they have to cut away. it all takes time.

-Stone Shape- Can bypass dungeon areas, prisons, doors, etc. > agreed Stoneshape, woodshape, gaseous form are great for getting into or out of someplace but see previous answer.

-Rope Trip- Pretty much cancels all ambushed-while-camping scenarios. Ambush them before or after they use it, have a bear think the ground under the rope trick is a great place for a nap, have snakes climb up rope thinking its a vine from a tree. burn the rope and have caltrops or a glyph of warding on the ground (my players still hate me for that one). There are more but auto killing a sleeping party is rude

Everything has a counter.

Scarab Sages

In the 'Terrors' run I believe, a Knowledge (Local) roll was required but none of the pregens had it. I see this as an oversight in module/pregen design more than an error. We had the Rogue swap a rank to have it as it made the most sense.

Scarab Sages

Here is ammo for both camps.

Vow of Fasting says you can NOT use alchemical items requiring eating or drinking. So you can use alchemical items that do not require eating and drinking. AntiToxin, Antiplague, Kindness, are all consumed. I can't see how any of these can be made into a non consumable. Ie, I can't see how you would cure cancer by rubbing goop on your arm.

Bloodblock, alchemic grease and solvent are used in a localized way, on a wound, on the gunk thats touching you etc. So they're fine.

Now Potions and Oils. Potion of Invisibility could be consumed or poured or smeared all over you. Potion of bull strength, not so much, but could have a weak argument if rubbed over your muscles. Potion of Owl Wisdom. I mean your gonna rub it on your head? and expect me to accept that as the wise choice? I'd smack you in the back of the head for trying it.

There is a PFS scenario that has potions of clue light wounds being injected into someone. Its getting into your body. If you your poured it into a gaping sword wound, I'd overlook RAW and allow it if you weren't being a jerk (I mean a hypocritical rules lawyer).

Notice that Elixirs are not specifically mentioned, But I would categorize as potions. Depends how close to the line you want to argue.

So what this all boils down too is.

Argument One: Potion of CLW exits in the books as written, Oil of CLW does not. If your GM allows it in a RPG game, cheers to you. In Society, tough.

Argument Two:
Player: Hi GM,
GM: Hi Player,
Player: I'd like to do this... Its a smidge in the grey, would you allow it.
GM: Sure but if It gets weird, We change it up or drop in some more clarifications at the end of this session or scenario.
Player: Cool with me, lets play. Or Your a big meanie GM jerkface and I'm gonna cry all the way home, then kick a cat, and its your fault. (cuz if the GM goes home, NOBODY Plays, way to spoil it for everyone)

(wonder if I'm gonna get wrist slapped for calling people names)

Scarab Sages

"...It (the creature in question) must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies...".

So from wording, I cast guidance, but that +1 hangs around unspecified until I choose the roll to apply it to. then it is specified and added to X roll.

Multiple casting would only rest the clock, as you haven't specified if its attack,save,skill and rolled.

You could cast and pre apply it to say skill, but if you cast it again it would reset and be unspecified again.

My interpretation

Scarab Sages

First off: reskining has no mechanical effect as mentioned many times. even to npc reactions.

I sit down to play with people who I have not played before. I open declare my (longsword is the mighty flamberge of clan pickle hunter because i stained it red, boar is county fair prize sow named Petulia, barbarian wearing a tartan kilt is adventures cloths not an armored kilt)

option A: No prob, so I run with flare
Option B: A player or GM not crazy about it. So I don't add flare.
Option C: A player or GM willing to see how it goes.

during game.."I swing my red flaming flamberge toward the giants arm in rage. ie I swing my longsword at the giant"

If you add the extra narrative in every action you due, every table I've played at was ok with me dropping the extra narrative and quoty fingers after 10 minutes. If they chose for me to drop the flare, I would.

Simple as that.

Scarab Sages

Andrew Phillips wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

My two coppers.

The last thing i would want to do is run a 7 person table. I would much prefer to run two 3 person tables with 2 GMs. But on the other hand, I don't like turning people away.
I would prefer to have the option of a 7 person table, in case i get a couple of walk ins, and my two "back up GM" players are not present.


Andrew Philips- Hey it is good to see you back on the boards...I hope everything is going well.

!!!Caution Threadjack-- So how do folks do the whole back up GM thing? I can't stand to run a scenario unprepared, I don't feel it is fair for players, esprcially new players.

Myles--I am currently attempting to return to gaming at Game Theory, time restraints have forced me to only run PFS during my Sunday home game breaks. If you still come to Duke I'll keep a watch for you.

Currently our group is trying to tackle the logistics of our weekly games. Last year we were one table of 4, now we hover between 16-22 players a week, 3 planned GM's and 1-2 backup GM's incase new or infrequent players show up at the last minute. We hate turning people away, if you spent an hour on a bus to find out you can't play, you'd prob never come back. We're trying to groom more GM's but until we do, 7 player tables are common for us.

A 7 player table can be loaded with the right mix or the wrong mix and sometimes its a cold run scenario so I have no idea if a trap or combat is gonna wipe the party or be a cake walk. so my 2 cents.

Scenarios I find work well with a right mix of 4 players, wrong mix of 5 and bad mix of 6 players for most role playing, puzzles and combat. Adding just 1 right player or any 2 players just in numbers can turn a scenario from a challenge to cake. So I'd propose a base line of 4 players at tier = 0, 6 is +1, and 7 +2. GM's can add another +1 to the tier as a float so he can scale up or down depending in his mix of players to the encounter in the scenario. All skill dc's and saves are based on tier, not a flat number. I remember a thread that specifically discussed this but I admit I didn't read all of it. Number of opponents and or stats, so say every +1 above tier add 1 thug or increase all AC's by 2, or add low visibility or terrain effect. etc etc. (personal gripe > I really wish all scenarios has the stat blocks printed in them at each encounter, not 'use thugs stats in act I' or see Bestiary. If I have to run a cold scenario this slows me down)
I know this may add more from the writer or designer POV, but it would make your product have a greater range of playability.

We play for the challenges (that should always be scalable), we walk away with the story.

Scarab Sages

Changed the page, new link

Scarab Sages

>Like this?


>Yup, I'm going to list this post in both lists if you don't mind... Also >the row separating the seasons could use a different background color, >similar to the top row, so you could tell (say if you wanted only the >current season)

Grab the excel sheet at the bottom of the page. It is set up that way, when i convert it to html and post it to weebly, it drops all colors except the header row.

Scarab Sages

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Jason S wrote:

I found the list really useful, however I would find it more useful if at least part of the scenarios name was displayed in the list. I don't have the scenario numbers memorized and it would be a lot easier than flicking between your list and the Paizo scenario list pages.

I'm actually going to do out an inverted version of this list over the next few days (listing the scenarios and having the map pack/flipmat name in the text box) Look for that by saturday.

Like this?

Scarab Sages

Steel_Wind wrote:
By the way, you have a cool Scenario Index on your website. I like it a lot. Mind if I steal it for our own?

I want to steal your whole page. You okay with that? Or link to it...

By all means, steal away. It's flattering. If you copy it, just fire me a link so I can steal any of your improvements. (