About LayjianiPlaying in Wellard's Goodman/Necro Campaign Abilities:
Experience: 17,355 xp, next: 23,000
Initiative: +4
Skill Ranks per Level:
Skills: Total/Max Ranks per skill 60/6 Spoiler:
Acrobatics: +12= 5 ranks +4(dex)+3(class) Appraise: +7= 1 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Bluff: +6= 3 ranks +0(cha)+3(class) Climb: +7= 3 ranks +1(str)+3(class) Craft: +11= 1 ranks +3(int)+3(class)+4(ring) Diplomacy: +0= 0 ranks +0(cha)+0(class) Disable Device: +12= 5 ranks +4(dex)+3(class) Disguise: +0= 0 ranks +0(cha)+0(class) Escape Artist: +12= 5 ranks +4(dex)+3(class) Handle Animal: +6= 3 ranks +0(chr)+3(class) Heal: +6= 1 ranks +2(wis)+3(class) Intimidate: +0= 0 ranks +0(chr)+0(class) Knowledge(dun): +9= 3 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Knowledge(loc): +7= 1 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Knowledge(geo): +7= 1 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Knowledge (nat): +8= 2 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Knowledge (eng): +6= 1 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Linguistics: +7= 1 ranks +3(int)+3(class) Perception: +10= 5 ranks +2(wis)+3(class) Perform: +0= 0 ranks +0(chr)+0(class) Profession: +3= 0 ranks +3(int)+0(class) Ride: +8= 1 ranks +4(dex)+3(class) Sense Motive: +8= 3 ranks +2(wis)+3(class) Sleight of Hand: +9= 2 ranks +4(dex)+3(class) Stealth: +12= 5 ranks +4(dex)+3(class) Survival: +10= 3 ranks +2(wis)+3(class)+2(racial) Swim: +7= 3 ranks +1(str)+3(class) Use Magic Device:+6= 3 ranks +0(chr)+3(class) Feats:
Weapon & Armor Proficiency: All simple & martial weapons, sap, hand crossbow, all armor and shields. Class Features:
Money: 1,832gp, 9sp, 43cp (most of this is in small gems for weight) Carrying Capacity: Light (up to 43), Medium (44-86), Heavy (87-130)
Combat Gear: (On Person) +1 Composite Longbow(Str1) 250gp (bow crafted) 20 arrows, 5sp (crafted) +1 studded Leather Armor, 175gp Rapier, 20gp *+2 Dagger, 2gp (loot) Bolas X2 (10’, 1d4nl dam) 10gp * Ring of Force, L hand Bracers of Archery Gloves of Dexterity +2 In Specialty Quiver:2 signal, 2 thundering, 5 blunt(wooden), 2 alchemist’s, 2 flight, 5 blunt(iron), 2 holy water, 5 cold iron, 5 silver, 10 normal (all with her custom trademark design fletching-no effect, just recognizable to her and anyone who knows her work) Gear: (On Person) 8.5lbs
Gear (Full Pack): 2.8 lbs
Total weight on Person: 5.5lbs (Light Load) Total weight in Pack: 5.8lbs Total weight With Pack: 40.3 lbs (Light Load) Party Loot: Spoiler:
Personality & Appearence Spoiler:
-Blond, Blue eyes, of average looks and height, slim & fit. Looks half-elvin to most -Rather shy and quiet, doesn’t speak too often but when she does she shows a keen intelligence and insight - Comfortable by herself -In a party likes to scout ahead, far away enough from the more noisy party members so they don’t interfere with her stealth -Can hold her own with her rapier but much prefers to strike from a distance with her trusted bow ‘T’landarnel’ –Heart Striker- in Elvish Backstory Spoiler:
-Born in Dearthwood, parents very old, poor, was the youngest of 4 siblings -Ostracized because of her blond hair and the elfish traits which have showed up so strongly in her. -As a result spent a lot of time alone in the wilds. -Left her home several years ago -Has been wandering the land, usually never staying in one place for long -Has a particular interest in exploring old ruins, particularly Elvin ruins, as a means of discovering more of her heritage. She has found a few interesting things in a some of them. -Has a talent for languages that serves her well in her explorations and wanderings. -Makes her living as a scout or guide and by selling made to order bows of excellent quality -Hearing of the many ruins to be found in the Valley of the Ancients she has made her way there over the past several months -Recently found herself in the region of Lepas and has been in the town for a couple weeks now. She has already made a few bows for people and guided a few caravans through the nearby woods. XP Awarded
600 Owl Bears ?? Wraith 960 Skeletons 266 Fire Salamander Men Beetles 375 Skeletons |