His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad

Laszlo!'s page

3 posts. Alias of stormraven.

About Laszlo!

NAME: Laszlo

RACE: Male Smoke Mephit N

    Age: ? (Adult)
    Size: M, 4' tall, 2 lbs
    Type: Outsider (Air/Fire, Extraplanar)
    Lang: Common, Ignan
    Move: 30 ft. / 50 ft. (Perfect)


    STR 10
    DEX 14
    CON 10
    INT 12
    WIS 11
    CHA 15

Senses Darkvision 60'; Perception +13


    AC 24, Touch 14, FF 21 (+1 size, +2 DEX, +1 Dodge, +3 Natural, +7 Natural - Familiar)
    AC 28, Touch 18, FF 25 <-- Mage Armor

    CMD 20, FF 17
    CMD 24, FF 21 <-- Mage Armor

    DR 5/magic
    SR 19
    Fast Healing 2 - in smoke

HP: 44 (3D) (as 10HD for effects)


    Fort: +3
    Reflex: +9
    Will: +7

    Immune to Fire
    Vulnerable to Cold


    INIT: +6

    2 Claws +9/+9 1d3 (20/x2)

    Touch ATTs: +9

    BAB: +7/+2 CMB: +5


  • Darkvision


    1/Hour Cast Blur (sp) CL 6
    1/Day Cast Ember Storm (sp) CL 6 (20' radius, 2d6 Fire DAM; Reflex DC:14 for 1/2)
    1/Day Summon 1 Smoke Mephit 25%
    Sooty Breath (su) (15' cone of soot, DC:12 for 1/2 1d4 FIRE | -4 AC, -2 ATT for 3 rnds)
    Grant Alertness to Strae
    Improved Evasion
    Share Spells
    Empathic Link
    Deliver Touch Spells
    Speak with Strae
    Spell Resistance - SR:19
    Strae can Scry on Laszlo
    Fast Healing 2 - in smoke


  • Dodge
  • Improved Initiative



    Wand of Call Lightning (CL5)
    Wand of Ill Omen (CL1)
    Wand of Shield (CL1)

Capacity Light - 24.75 lbs; Medium - 49.5 lbs; Heavy - 75 lbs
All Gear: 1 lbs

This small winged humanoid has soot-colored skin, crimson eyes, and dark wings. Small trails of smoke stream from its body as it flies along.