Full Name |
Larma |
Race |
Human 6 | D&P: 7, T: 5/5 | F: 5, W: 7 | |
Classes/Levels |
Init: +5 | Senses: perception +8 |
Age |
37 |
About Larma
Larma Waywalker, Monk
Human, PL 6
STATS [36]
Strength 1, Stamina 3, Dexterity 0, Agility 5
Fighting 4, Intellect 1, Awareness 4, Presence 0
Toughness 5 (3 Stamina +2 defensive roll)
Dodge 7 (5 Agility +2 enhanced)
Parry 7 (4 Fighting +3 enhanced)
Fortitude 5 (3 Stamina +2 Enhanced)
Will 7 (4 Awareness +3 enhanced)
Acrobatics 8 (+3), Athletics 2 (+1), Close Combat 8 (+4 unarmed), Insight 8 (+4), Investigation 5 (+4), Perception 8 (+4), Stealth 5, Treatment 5 (+4)
Healer's Kit [4, removable]: Healing 10 --Distracting, Unreliable(5)
Cat's Feet: move silently
Combat Awareness: perception DC 15 to avoid surprise
Defensive Strike 2: +5 attack vs opponent who just missed with close attack
Defensive Throw: if opponent misses close attack by 2+ degrees of failure, make free trip against
Deflect Arrows 3: free block check vs thrown/arrows with +rank bonus
Direction Sense: know North & can retrace steps
Evasion: +2 to dodge area attacks
Improved Critical 2: unarmed attack crit range 18-20
Improved Trip: on trip choose Acro or Athl for opponent's defense
Light Sleeper: no perception penalty for sleeping, and no daze upon waking
Martial Defense 3: +3 unarmed damage
Monkey Climber: use Acro to climb when handholds, ledges, etc available
Power Attack: up to -5 attack for +5 damage
Precise Strike: ignore < total cover for melee attacks
Steadfast: +4 vs push, pull, trip, or throw, and +1 vs knockback
Sweeping Strike: trade damage bonus for free trip attack bonus (min 1 on each)
Swift: +1 speed rank
Takedown: when attack incapacitates minion, may attack again
Tiger Leap: leaping 1
Tracking: use Perception to follow tracks
Motivation (Doing Good): Larma cannot pass up an opportunity to do what he believes is right.
Honor: Larma does not kill his opponents, though he will not stop his allies from killing someone in a fair fight. He will not abide an undeserving lethal ambush or killing a helpless creature.
Larma is an older man, simple dress covering a defiantly healthy and fit body. He carries no weapons or armor, indeed nothing but a healer's bag. When he is not wandering the open roads he is honing his body and mind to become strong in both the flesh and spirit.
Though he has revered a few gods over the years, Larma mostly exists on his own now, at peace with the gods but not a devotee to any in particular. Instead he simply seeks to live a good life, do good to others, and strike down the works and workers of evil. Having no home, he travels from place to place to meet new people and find new opportunities to do good. Sometimes that is as a healer, and sometimes as a fighter.