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Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Kyleria wrote: "I don't really like this. Like I said, I have friends in Daask, they were who I talked to to get the lead on Jolin. And I don't want to cross swords, figuratively, with them. If we can get the pots without a fight, I'll help, but I won't fight Daask." "Kyleria, relax. I for one won't lay a hand on any Daask we meet." ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() "Now, Cogmin, you don't need to worry. We're growing up, we can't just stay here and be children forever, right? Besides, we're just going to pick up a crate and take it back to whoever hired Tulgeihk. There's no need to get the Watch involved." Lam flashes the warforged a smile, hoping he is convinced. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Likewise, and still here. Lam leans down and begins patting down one of the xvort. "Now what do we have here?" he says as he holds up a heavy wooden amulet. He pulls two more amulets from beneath his mail, a collection of bones and a holy symbol of the Path of Light, and compares them. "Yep, another one for the collection", he says as he places the new amulet around his neck and returns all three to beneath his mail. Feat: Fickle Servant, +3 Religion and I can take any domain feats in the future. Power: Nose For Trouble(Streetwise skill power), I can replace my Initiative check with a Streetwise check once per day. Item: +1 Symbol of Reproach(Daily, when I hit something with this they take -2 to saving throws and can't regain HP until the end of my next turn.) ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Ostran wrote: "Lam,never tease an orc. They may tear your arm off", Ostran jokes as he walks up to him. "Shall we go find the others?" "I didn't tease him, I was tossing money at him." Lam coughs as he shifts back to his usual form and scoops up his coinpurse. "Besides, what do you think I've been trying to do? Still, a different form might help relations a bit." His jaws juts out as his features become orcish. "Actually showing the holy symbol might help them get the point sooner too, now that I think about it.", Lam says as he reaches into the neck of his mail and pulls out a collection of carved bones, tied together by twine and lays it on his chest. "Anyway, mind I just sit down and catch my breath for a bit? Damn, my jaw hurts." One healing surge to get back to full. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Actually, I was going for more of a generic "The Traveler is the only god that walks the earth, could be anyone, and is the closest thing to the patron saint of changlings" vibe and thus didn't roll Religion because there isn't really any set description of that. Still, who cares it worked. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() The elf recoils back clutching his head. "You really don't know a thing about religion, do you?" He scowls as his face melts and his eyes become gray orbs sunken into it's face. "A traveler offers you a gift, you take it. You don't just attack the guy, or he may give you more than you bargained for." The elf(?) looms over the orc, dingy gray hair hanging over it's face and it's voice like gravel. Do we have an understanding?" Let's see if I can convince you to allow the +5 from Changling Disguise on an Intimidate check, if only by changing in front of a guy to a form large, intimidating(hopefully) and reminiscent of a trickster god. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Or I could just roll well. That works too. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() "Just remember what they say about the Traveler's gifts!", yells Lamm as he runs away. Hey, I have a grand total of one power that actually does damage. I'm running. Initiative to run away before he hits me, and Streetwise so if I get away I can turn into an orc and maybe find the rest of the damn party. 1d20 ⇒ 11d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T I ROLL ABOVE A F#$%ING FIVE! Damn it I just want to get back to the party so I can actually do something but I can't roll worth a damn so I just gave all my money to a thug who's still going to kill me despite me throwing five gold at him so I just want to break something at this point but I can't because I'm literally built around debuffing other things so other people can break them which doesn't do a damn thing when you're wandering around by yourself trying to find the rest of the party. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Storyteller. wrote: Why don't you give me everything you have, and then we'll talk. Lam shakes his head. "Beggars these days just don't know their theology." He takes his coin purse and tosses it at the beggar's feet. "There. Sorry there's not much, I'm just a humble traveler you understand. Now, start talking." Insight, maybe I'll finally roll above five. 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Storyteller. wrote: The beggar: I have seen an orc. How much of that do you have? "That depends entirely on how much you know. You tell me something useful and you will be rewarded. You don't, and you'll still have a gift. You understand?" Diplomacy and Insight, should it prove useful: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 111d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Storyteller. wrote:
Lam reaches into his coinpurse and flicks a silver coin at the beggar. "I'm looking for some people. A minotaur, an orc and a woman. You see anyone like that around here?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Storyteller. wrote:
The elf heads for Lower Dura, hoping for a lead of some kind. Another Streetwise check to catch up, I guess? 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Storyteller. wrote: Based on your knowledge of the streets, you try slipping in and out of alleyways, hoping to avoid contact with anyone. Suddenly, you jump over a wall and find yourself standing right near a group the Watch, who eye you suspiciously. One begins to approach you. One success, one failure "Ah, this caen' be right, was I supposed to turn right back there?... Lad, could you give me directions to tha Keltos Inn? I got my directions mixed up." Diplomacy, I assume? (Add +2 if Bluff is more appropriate): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() "Don't find us, we'll find you." Lam quickly whispers to the halfling as he runs past. *** Once out of sight, Lam hands Ostran his cloak and his form shifts into a stout dwarf. "I'm Baldric, you're Garret, got it? We're here to negotiate a business deal. You're me assistant. Let me do tha talkin'.", he says shifting into a Mror accent as he goes. Bluff to disguise ourselves as someone else, including the +5 from Changling Disguise: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() "The weak will become strong, and the strong weak." Ostran is revitalized, and Bandatiq finds his defenses lowering despite himself. Minor, Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy(I am weakened until the end of my next turn and Ostran can spend a healing surge plus five HP) and use Astral Seal on B(vs Reflex, he takes -2 to all defenses until the end of my next turn and the next ally who hits him heals 5 HP) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Lam chants quietly as he backs away from the thugs, and Ostran's wounds begin to heal. "Come now Bandatiq, stop being a fool and accept your gift." He raises his hand and a lance of light shoots into Bandatiq, providing a convenient target for Ostran. Shift to F17, Healing Word on Ostran(1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 extra HP) and Lance of Faith on B(vs Reflex, Radiant damage and +2 to Ostran's next attack roll against him.) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 91d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 "It's not very polite to refuse such a gracious gift, you know." Ostran, may I suggest a burst of some kind next turn? These goons can use some clearing out. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 Lamander silently follows, his green eyes sparkling. But weren't they brown a moment ago? And a featureless gray before that? Now that you think of it, was his hair quite that long when you left? Who knows how many minor differences there are in his appearance? ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Ostran wrote:
"One moment, a few guards are heading our way." Lam moves to intercept the guards. "Gentlemen, forgive us for that little altercation. They were trying to rob us and my friend frightened them off. Nothing more than that happened. Now, can my friend and myself leave or would you rather we stayed to answer a few questions?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() The ritual book, reagents and holy symbols were all gifts from someone or another. The chailmail and morningstar? Well, he needed some armor and a weapon before he could be ordained, and no one notices a guardsman walking out of the gym and putting on his equipment, they only notice when he comes out again a few minutes later and starts yelling about where his equipment is. He managed to convince Mevitari that he bought it off of a veteran and just wanted to protect the orphanage as well as he could. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Cogmin wrote: {OUT OF CHARACTER - I forget how to make rolls on here - or are we just using the honor system and rolling in realspace?} The BBCode is in the spoiler beneath the posting window, but you ccan guess what {ooc}{/ooc} and {dice}1d20{/dice} would do if they had brackets. ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Streetwise, Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 181d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Lamander, wearing a holy symbol of the Path of Light on his chest, is outwardly serene, happy to be at a true temple to the Path of Light. Still, he glares at the priests' backs once their backs are turned. "Did you hear, Petralis is supposed to be riding on a wyvern in the race today. He's racing to win a fair lady's hand, if I heard right." ![]()
Male (Usually) Changling Cleric 1
![]() Lam was worried over Lazam's death and the changes in Mevitari at the time, but he has come to accept it. After all, one must always embrace change, even when it isn't for the better. Still, today Lamander is helping Kyleria tend the children. his green eyes glittering. "Got your nose! What, of course I did. It's right here." Lam points to his face, changing his nose back to the usual form once the child humors him and laughs. "Say, Ky, how about we go get some good seats for the race before they all fill up?" |