
Laird Triath's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

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As some of you guys've said, I was sort-of hinting toward the idea that - even if the followers don't know about the blasphemy, the Deity might, and might therefore task their followers to deal with it (as opposed to, as you say, direct intervention).

I wondered if it might offend the God, or the religion, for an Arcane caster to be goin' around profiteering off of the God's reputation without having earned that position, or paying due tribute/respect. Even if this wouldn't bring any real harm to their reputation, although arguably it might do if this unscrupulous individual is seen to be charging for heals in Bahamut's good name (for instance).