
Lai Tsuan's page

652 posts. Organized Play character for Watery Soup.

Full Name

Lai Tsuan


AC 24 (T 17, FF 18, DP 26, OD 27) | HP 68/68 | I+7, P+11 | F+6, R+14, W+6 |


ki pool (6/6), panache (3/3), clover (3/3), Timelost +1 (1/1) | Active Conditions: none


retired in PF1, continued in PF2 | "Tsuan" | NG female (she/her) human (Tien) ninja 7 / swashbuckler 1 |

Strength 14
Dexterity 20
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Lai Tsuan

Background Summary

Lai Tsuan is descended from survivors of a shipwrecked Lung Wa vessel sent to map Avistan. She believes that if she completes her map and returns home, she will be richly rewarded.

Personality and Development:
She is friendly but quiet in social situations, and impulsive in combat situations. She will sometimes attempt ill-advised things simply because she has been challenged.

#4-09 (The Blakros Matrimony): Tsuan chatted up a Blakros family member on the boat ride home.
#7-00 (The Sky Key Solution): Tsuan was seen with the same man after her adventure.

Casting: Ellen Wong (Misaki Han from Dark Matter)

Theme Song: Krewella, "Enjoy the Ride"

Background Narrative:
They said that the Fifth Fleet that left Lung-Wa to explore the coasts of Avistan and Garund was cursed. The main mast on the flagship cracked while the fleet was still in sight of the Tian Xia mainland. Two other ships had to turn back early on when they collided while transferring provisions. The three ships that managed to return home reported that the other five had been lost during a storm.

But of those five ships, only four perished in the storm. The last ship, the Haibing Do, lost its rudder and all of its sailing crew, but drifted on the sea for three months before washing up on the shores of Cheliax. The survivors, having lived off the ocean for months, were shocked to find conditions on land even worse, as the nation of Cheliax was in the midst of a civil war.

Finding a small, barren rock off the coast, the survivors were not foolish enough to believe they themselves would ever be able to return home, but they held hope that their children or their children's children would. Their hidden community flourished, and over the next 50 years they mapped most of Avistan's western coast and passed on their last instructions from the emperor - to return home with a world map.

Tsuan was taught all this by her great grandfather, one of the last of the original crew. Unlike her father and her grandfather, who only speak Tien, she grew up speaking both Tien and Taldane. She was the first in her clan to venture into the cities, using her powers of disguise to move through the provinces as an ordinary traveler. She most often shows up in peasant's clothing, and only reveals herself as a combatant when she feels she can trust others. Sometimes, if she really doesn't trust people, she will pretend not to speak Taldane, and speak only in Tien to listen to what they say about her when they think she’s not listening.

Appearing as an ordinary traveler from Tian Xia, she carefully draws up two maps every time she visits a new place - a plain map indicating the name and geographical features, and a secret map indicating the garrisons and defenses of each town. She believes that when she returns to Lung-Wa, the emperor will reward her with riches beyond imagination for providing such detailed information.

She has heard that the empire of Lung-Wa is no more, but refuses to believe it.

Tsuan's Secret Map Includes:

10-01 (Daggermark, River Kingdoms): PFS safehouses
0-13 (Augustana, Andoran): sewers
10-16 (Korvosa, Varisia; Arthfell Forest, Andoran; Highhelm, Five Mountains; Grand Lodge, Absalom): Jeggare Museum, thicket, cave
0-02 (Diobel, Absalom): pirate bases
4-11 (Chelish embassy, Absalom): vents and embassy
9-04 (Merab, Thuvia): catacombs
3-06 (Absalom): sewers
4-09 (Pariol Island, Absalom): landing beaches
6-02 (Blakros Museum, Absalom): secret passages
0-05 (Blakros Museum, Absalom): none
2-11 (Blakros Museum, Absalom): none
5-09 (Nerosyan, Worldwound): hideout
7-17 (Worldwound): Laktharis' temple
9-06 (Heaven): Shores of Heaven
4-13 (Fortress of the Nail): painting
5-03 (Absalom): Fiddlemorn Manor

LAI TSUAN (in Lung Wa culture, the family name is the first name, so her given name is Tsuan)

NG female human (medium humanoid) ninja 7 / swashbuckler 1
Initiative +7, Perception +11
Speed 30 (medium)


AC 24 (T 17, FF 18, DP 26, OD 27) (+5 DEX, +6 armor, +1 deflection, +1 dodge [+3 with Dodging Panache, +4 with Offensive Defense], +1 natural)
Max HP 68
Fortitude +6, Reflex +14, Will +6 (+2 with 4-leaf clover)


Melee : +1 keen wakizashi (+13/+8, 1d6+3, 15-20, x2)
Melee : +1 keen wakizashi [mwk wakizashi] (+11/+6 [+11], 1d6+3 [1d6], 15-20 [18-20], x2)
Ranged: shuriken (+11/+6, 1d2, x2) (10')
Ranged: shuriken [shuriken] (+9/+4 [+9], 1d2 [1d2], x2)
Special: Sneak Attack (4d6) (30')


STR 14 DEX 18(+2) CON 14 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 14(+2)
BAB +6, CMB +8, CMD 25

Traits: Reactionary, Ordinary (+4 stealth in crowds)

Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Light Armor Proficiency, Weapon Focus (wakizashi), Dodge, Uncanny Dodge, Quick Draw, Iron Will

Ninja Tricks: Vanishing Trick (7 rounds), Shadow Clone (1d4+2 clones), Offensive Defense (+4 dodge to AC)

Swashbuckler Deeds: Derring-Do (+1d6 to Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Swim), Dodging Panache (+CHA to AC, 5' move), Opportune Parry and Riposte (AoO to parry, immediate action to attack)

Ki Pool: 6/day
Panache Pool: 3/day

Skills: Acrobatics +16 (+21 to move through threatened and enemy squares), Appraise 0, Bluff +11, Climb +6, Diplomacy +14 (+1 in Absalom), Disable Device +9, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +9, Fly +5, Heal 0, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (geography) +1, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +4 (+1 in Absalom), Linguistics +4, Perception +11, Profession (Cartographer) +4, Ride +5, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +16, Survival 0 (+2 vs being tracked), Swim +6, Use Magic Device +14

Languages: Common, Tien, Infernal

Gear: mwk wakizashi, +1 keen wakizashi, shuriken (purchased 50, used 33), +2 mithril chain shirt, alchemist's fire (x2), backpack, map maker's kit, peasant's outfit, poncho, torches (5), flint and steel, wand of cure light wounds (3 charges), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), thieves tools, waterskin, courtier's outfit, cold iron weapon blanch (purchased 2, used 1), silver weapon blanch (purchased 2, used 1), ghost salt (purchased 2, used 1), oil of align weapon (purchased 4, used 2), potion of protection from evil (x2), daredevil softpaws, cloak of resistance +1, dust of tracelessness, belt of incredible dexterity +2, ring of protection +1, amulet of natural armor +1, headband of alluring charisma +2, wand of protection from evil (27 charges), spring loaded wrist sheath (x2), wand of greater invisibility (2 charges), four-leaf clover, cracked pale green ioun stone (saves), cold iron shuriken (10), silver shuriken (10), ghost salt shuriken (10), 110 gp.


1.1. 10-01 Oathbreakers Die
1.2. 0-13 Prince of Augustana
1.3. 10-16 What the Helms Hide (GM)
2.1. 0-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident
2.2. 4-11 The Disappeared
2.3. 9-04 Unseen Inclusion (GM)
3.1. 3-06 Song of the Sea Witch
3.2. 4-09 The Blakros Matrimony
3.3. 6-02 The Silver Mount Collection (GM)
4.1. 0-05 Mists of Mwangi (GM)
4.2. 2-11 The Penumbral Accords (GM)
4.3. 5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (GM)
5.1. 7-17 Thralls of the Shattered God (GM)
5.2. 7-00 The Sky Key Solution
5.3. 9-06 Shores of Heaven (GM)
6.1. 4-13 Fortress of the Nail
6.2. 10-19 The Daughter's Due (GM)
6.3. 5-03 The Hellknight's Feast
7.1. 7-08 The Blakros Connection
7.2. 6-07 Valley of Veiled Flame (pregen)
7.3. 10-13 Fragments of Antiquity (GM)


Acquainted with Aslynn: The entity known as Aslynn knows who you are and what you did in Thurl’s laboratory. Whether this is to your advantage or detriment is as yet unknown.

Acquainted with Aslynn: The entity known as Aslynn knows who you are and what you did in the Forae Logos. Whether this is to your advantage or detriment is as yet unknown.

Aggressive Researcher: You have proven your mettle in Absalom's greatest libraries, and in the course of your research, you uncovered many facts that were not immediately relevant but might one day prove useful. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet before attempting a Knowledge (arcana, history, or planes) check in order to treat your final check result as if it were 25, even if you are not trained in the skill. Alternatively, you may instead gain a +5 bonus on the check.

[ ] Blakros Family Member, 20 PP: You are a member of the well-established Blakros noble family, granting you a comfortable townhouse in Absalom’s fashionable Petal or Ivy districts and a small staff of servants to care for it. You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks and may use that skill to make Day Job rolls. In addition, while in Absalom, your family connections grant you a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate when dealing with other members of high society.

Champion of Time: You survived the Society’s ill-advised jaunt through time and survived. You gain one of the following boons depending on your role in the victory. Each references traits that appear on pages 327–330 of Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. Record the number of the character who earns this trait below, and include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character. Defender of Time: You boldly stood against an unceasing horde of time-knitted duplicates afforded your companions the chance to defeat Lady Arodeth, and your bravery attracts members of the Harbingers of Fate with courage and reliability to join the Pathfinder Society. You may use this boon when making a new Pathfinder Society character to grant your new character one of the following as a bonus trait: courageous, indomitable faith, or resilient.

Concern for Liberty: You learned of the political climate in Andoran, and the news has inspired you and Major Colson Maldris to hunt down elements of corruption in the fledgling democracy. Whenever you would receive more than one Will save to overcome an enchantment (compulsion) effect, you gain a +2 bonus on the extra Will saves against that effect. Once per scenario as an immediate action, you may extend this benefit to an adjacent ally for 1 round.

Debt to the Scarred Sage: You promised Grandmaster Torch would be welcome to participate in confronting any threat to the organization. Whether this is ultimately to your benefit or not remains to be seen.

Driven by Glory: You learned of the political climate in Taldor so far as the Mendevian Crusade is concerned, and the news has inspired you and Lady Gloriana Morilla to pursue an ambitious project. This grants you a +2 bonus on any skill check you attempt to further the Taldor faction’s goals, including the faction missions from earlier seasons and goals listed in the Faction Notes section of a scenario. This bonus lasts for 1 year from the date of this Chronicle sheet.

Efreeti’s Wish: You secured a wish from an efreeti and managed to prevent her from twisting the wish against you. Choose one of the following benefits and cross the others off your Chronicle sheet.
Wish for Glory: You regain 2 spent Prestige Points, but any points that exceed your Fame must be spent immediately or it is lost.
• Wish for Power: You may cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to gain a +6 inherent bonus to one ability score for 5 minutes.
Wish for Wealth: You earn an extra 350 gp (Subtier 5–6) or 700 gp (Subtier 8–9) for completing this scenario.

[ ] Family Feud [Legacy]: This boon may have benefits and effects for the Pathfinder Second Edition organized play campaign. Additionally, you can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the shadow blend ability as if you were a fetchling for one scenario (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 123).

Friend of the Family: You are granted a permanent +1 bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks made within Absalom.

Heartwood Restored: You recovered and purified the heartwood staff and can purchase it.

[ ] Heaven’s Redemption: Your experiences in Heaven have inspired you to change your philosophy. When you receive this Chronicle sheet, you can check the box that precedes this boon to change your patron deity to any legal lawful good deity, in the process changing your alignment to lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good. When you do so, you receive the benefits of an atonement spell without paying any associated costs. Additionally, you may freely retrain any class abilities, feats, or other features that no longer function with your new deity, as well as character abilities that are directly tied to your old deity’s favored weapon, such as the Weapon Focus feat. This boon does not affect your character’s items.

[ ] [ ] Heavenly Scholar: Your studies of sacred scripture have enhanced your knowledge about matters of faith. If you are trained in Knowledge (religion), you can check a box that precedes this boon to add 1d6 to the result of one Knowledge (religion) check after rolling but before learning the results of your roll. Alternatively, you can check a box before rolling a Knowledge (religion) check to treat that check as if you were trained in the skill. You can use both boxes on a single skill check.

House Thrune's Favor: This grants you a +3 circumstance bonus on your Diplomacy checks to influence high-standing members of House Thrune, the Chelish government, or a Hellknight order in good standing.

Impossible Feat: The extraordinary actions possible within a dream might not be possible while awake, but you nonetheless dream of performing a similarly spectacular deed. You may cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet before attempting a skill check, saving throw, or attack roll to add 1d6 to the result of your check. If you roll a 6, roll the six-sided die again and combine the results. You may repeat this process up to twice for a maximum additional bonus of 18.

[ ] Impressive Find: Once you earn 12 or more Fame, your superiors award you 1 additional Prestige Point (but not Fame) in recognition of your excellence. You cannot have more Prestige Points than Fame.

Impressive Influence: During the course of the wedding festivities, you impressed one or more of the guests in attendance. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with a number of influential members ofthe Inner Sea society. (Nigel Aldain, Alexander Bedard, Hamaria Blakros, Tancred Desimire, Jeon Raeng-Woo, Rubaani Shafar).

Impressive Influence: During the course of the feast at Fiddlemourn Manor, you impressed one or more of the guests in attendance. How this will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with the following influential members of Absalom society: Lady Dyrianna of House Avenstar, Lord Rothos of House Vastille, Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq, Lady Darchana of House Madinani, Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar

Master Archivist: Whenever you spend at least 1 hour studying in a library (not including libraries that no longer contain books, scrolls, or other research material) during a scenario, choose one Knowledge skill. You gain a +2 competence bonus on trained checks with that skill, and you gain a +1 competence bonus on all other trained Knowledge checks. These benefits last for the rest of the day.

Master Smith’s Service: The slag giant Valsog is a master craftsman, and he offers to repair a broken item free of charge. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet at the end of an adventure to repair one item as though you had cast make whole (CL 10th). Alternatively, if you also own the sword Gamin the Misforged, you may cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet and spend 5 Prestige Points to permanently remove the broken condition from that weapon. If you instead spend 25 Prestige Points, you can also increase Gamin the Misforged’s weapon enhancement bonus to +2. Neither of these improvements modify the sword’s market price or resale value.

Oread’s Favor: You have earned the recognition of a large group oread geniekin. This boon may be used in conjunction with other boons to grant one or more of your characters access to oread-related options.

The Paracountess's Debt: Paracountess Zarta Dralneen of Cheliax offers you any single item you wish for, paid
for out of her personal wealth rather than Chelish or faction resources. Choose one item worth up to 1,500 gp that you receive for free. This item is not restricted by your current Fame score, but must otherwise be an item you could purchase. If the chosen item is worth less than the listed value, any difference is lost.
Item: Concealed Pocket.

[ ] [ ] Paranoid Observer: You can check a box next to this boon to gain a +2 competence bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks you make for the duration of a scenario.

[ ] [ ] [ ] Piercing the Veil: At the start of any adventure, you may check a box next to this boon to gain a +1 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks, as well as all Will saving throws made to resist or disbelieve illusions, for the duration of the adventure.

Prospective Poisoner: You earned the respect of Pemak, a member of the Daggermark's Poisoner Guild. She welcomes you to join the Poisoner's Guild, or to suggest candidates to join the organization. All of your characters gain access to the Daggermark Poisoner Prestige Class.

Respect of the Nail: You have earned the respect of the leadership of Varisia's Hellknight order, the Order of the Nail. At a future date, should you encounter members of this order, they will remember you for standing up for the law, even if doing so meant opposing them.

Timelost Chronicler: You have journeyed through the ancient serpentfolk city of Sessegishoss and witnessed the fall of the Starstone, granting you a remarkable perspective of Golarion’s history. You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks from your first-hand knowledge. Once per scenario you may call on the nascent power granted by your exposure to the falling Starstone to find inner greatness, granting you a +1 morale bonus to a single d20 roll. You must declare your use of this power before the roll is made.

[X] Timinic's Trinkets: He has procured some useful tools for prospective recruits, and has offered these items to you as well. You can purchase any wondrous item from the Core Rulebook worth 250 gp or less, a pair of sleeves of many garments or a traveler's any tool, for 1 Prestige Point.

A Torch in the Dark: Keep this Chronicle sheet, as this boon will have certain benefits in the new organized play campaign for the Pathfinder RPG's second edition.

[X] Twin Tomes: You may spend 1 Prestige Point to gain access to either Celestial Song or Infernal Incantation while the Pathfinder Society researches their contents. Your time spent poring over the chosen book's pages grants you proficiency in either [ ] Celestial or [X] Infernal.

[ ] Valais’s Wisdom: When you fail a saving throw against a demon’s compulsion or possession effect, you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to reroll the saving throw.