
Lady Ionnia Orlovsky's page

451 posts. Alias of Critzible.

Full Name

Lady Ionnia Orlovsky




Cleric of Shelyn 4th/Fighter(Glaive Master)4th|HP:32 Perception:+9 Init:+1|








Neutral Good




New Sveten


common,elven, celestial, slyvan


Missionary, Preacher,Healer,Singer, Chef

Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 20
Charisma 14

About Lady Ionnia Orlovsky

Lady Ionnia Orlovsky
Human Female Cleric of Shelyn Level 4th/Fighter(Glaive Master)4th
Age:25 Hgt:5’3” Wgt:135 Hair:Black Eye:Amber
Alignment: Neutral Good Senses: Perception+9 Initative:+1
Str:12, Dex:12, Con:13, Int:14, Wis:20 Cha:14

HP:32 BAB:+4
Fortitude:+6[Base:+4 Con:+1 Domain:+1]
Reflex:+4[Base:+1 Dex:+1 Domain:+1]
Will:+10[Base:+4 Wis:+5 Domain:+1]

AC:18 [10 armor+6 shield+1 dex+1] Touch:11 Flat-Footed:16
CMD:18{10 BAB+4 Str+1 Dex+1+1CMD]

Mwk Glaive +9 1d10+2 Critical: Wgt. Price: Range:Melee Type:
Morning Star +6(2h+7) 1d8+1(2h+2) Critical:x2 Wgt.6lb. Price:8gp Type: Bludgeoning and Piercing
Cestus +5 1d4+1 Critical:19-20/x2 Wgt.1lb Price:5gp Type:Bludgeoning
Dagger(x2) +5 1d4+1 Critical:19-20/x2 Wgt. 1lb.(each) Price:2gp(each) Range:10ft Type:Piercing
Maidens Hammer(+1Club)+6 1d6+2 critical:x2 wgt.1lb Price: Type:Bludgeoning
Light Crossbow +5 1d8 Critical:19-20/x2 Wgt.4lb. Price:35gp Range:80ft. Type: Piercing
Bolts(10) 1gp 1lb.

Armor Pieces:
Masterwork Steel Lamallar: +6 Max Dex +5 Armor Check Penalty:-4 Price:300gp Spell Fail:25% Speed:20ft Wgt.35lb.
Quickdraw Light Steel Shield: +1 Max Dex:- Armor Check Penalty:-2 Price:59gp Spell fail:5% Wgt.7lb.


Diplomacy:+10[4+2(Cha)+3+1(Noble born)] Heal:+10[2+5(Wis)+3] Knowledge(Nobility):+7[2+2(Int)+3] Knowledge(Religion):+7[2+2(Int)+3] Linguistics:+7[2+2(Int)+3] Perform(sing):+10[4+2(Cha)+3+1(Trait)]
Perform(dance):+8[2+2(cha)+3+1(trait)] Profession(cook):+10[2+5(wis)+3] Profession(teamster):+10[2+5(wis)+3] Sense Motive:+12[4+5(wis)+3] Spell Craft:+7[2+2(Int)+3] Craft(Calligraphy):+7[2+2(Int)+3] Perception:+9[4+5(wis)]
Handle Animal:+7[2+2(cha)+3]

Feats: Quick Draw,Selective Channeling,Channeled Smite,Guided Hand,Weapon Focus:Glaive,Bladed Brush


Patron of the Arts: +1 to Perform skills and Perform is always a class skill.

Noble Born: House Orlovsky and gains +1 to CMD and Diplomacy checks, Motto: “High Above”

Class Abilities:

Aura: Ionnia radiates the overpowering power of Good when seen through alignment detection spells

Channel Energy: 6/day, DC13 30foot radius 2d6 healing energy
Spontaneous Casting: Can always burn a prepared spell to cast a positive energy healing spell.

Domains: Charm(Love), Protection(Defense)
Charm(Love): Adoration: As an Immediate action, you can attempt to thwart a melee and ranged attacks that targets you. This functions as sanctuary, but only against one individual attack. You must use this before the attack roll is made but after the attack roll is declared. The creature gets a Will save against this affect. 6/day
1-Charm Person, 2-Enthrall,3-Suggestion,4-Heroism,5-Charm Monster,6-Geas/Quest,7-Insanity,8-Euphoric tranquility,9-Dominate

Protection(Defense): the protection domain grants its user a sacred bonus to their saves it starts at +1 and goes up by +1 per every 5 levels to the max at +6 at 20

Deflection Aura: 1/day for up to 2 rounds(1round a level) can emit a 20ft radius aura that provides divine protection to all allies within it. It grants +2 Deflection bonus to Armor Class and to CMD.
1-Shield,2-Barkskin,3-Protection from Energy,4-Spell Immunity,5-Spell Resistance,6-Antimagic Aura,7-Deflection,8-Mind Blank,9-Prismatic Sphere

Fighter(Weapons Master)
All Armor and Shields. Simple and Martial Weapons.

Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Glaive, Bladed Brush, Point Blank Shot.
Weapon Guard: At 2nd level, a weapon master gains a +1 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder attempts while wielding his chosen weapon. This bonus also applies to saves against any effect that targets his chosen weapon (for example, grease, heat metal, shatter, warp wood). The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
This ability replaces Bravery.

Weapon Training: Glaive, At 3rd level, a weapon master gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with his chosen weapon. The bonus improves by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd.
This ability replaces Armor Training 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Memorized spells
0-Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1-Bless(x2), Divine Favor, Shield of Faith(x2) d-Shield
2-Divine Trident,Sound Burst(x2) d-Barkskin


On Me
Explorers Outfit: *(free) 8lb.
Masterwork Backpack: 50gp 4lb
Bedroll: 1sp 5lb
Belt Pouch: 1gp 1/2lb.
Canteen: 2gp 1lb.
Compass: 10gp 1/2lb.
Flint and Steel: 1gp –lb.
Silver Holy Symbol: 25gp 1lb.
Adventurers Holy Text: 25gp 2lb.
Mess Kit: 2sp 1lb
Tankard: 2cp 1lb
Scrollcase: 1gp 1/2lb
Signet Ring: 5gp –lb
Soap: 1cp 1/2lb.
Whetstone: 2cp 1lb
Brooch(House Insigna): 25gp –lb
Spell Component Pouch: 5gp 1lb
Week trail Ration 35sp 1lb

In Wagon/ Wagon
Wagon,Light : 50gp
Heavy Horse: 200gp 2000lb
Bit and bridle: 2gp 1lb
1 week Feed: 35cp 70lb
Chroniclers’ Kit: 40gp 41/2 lb
Coffee pot: 3gp 4lb
Cooking Kit: 3gp 16lb
Fishing Kit: 9gp 29lb.
Gear Maintenance: 5gp 2lb.
Grooming Kit: 1gp 2lb.
Shaving Kit: 15sp 1/2lb.
Folding Shovel: 10gp. 12lb.
Silk Rope(50ft): 10gp 5lb.
Tea Pot: 1sp 1lb
Tent,Pavilion : 100gp 50lb
Portable Altar: 250gp 40lb
Healers Kit: 50gp 1lb
Surgeons Tools:20lb 2lb
Parasol, umbrella: 2gp 3lb
Nobles Outfit: 75gp. 10lb
Coffee(2lb): 16cp
Honey(jar) 1gp ½ pd
Applejack(Barrel) 4sp 8lb
Travel cake Mix 1sp 1pd
Tea 4cp 1lb
Flag 10gp 3lb
Perfume(Lavender and Rose) 10 doses 10gp 1lb

Ionnia is the 5th child of the Orlovsky Royal court Representative Ivanco. She grew up in the Capitol of Brevoy with her four older brothers and her mother Cheriva. Here she grew up amongst the whos’ who of Brevoy. She played with the children of the other houses as well as any diplomats children as well.

While she was in her studies her father happened by and heard her singing. He was delighted to hear her voice, and When he learned of her lessons going incredibly well, he found him self signing her up to go to the lovely city of Oppara with a delegation of House Orlovsky and learn at one of the famous Bardic colleges there.

So at age 10 he sent his girl with the Delegation. She traveled about a half a year by boat and by carriage. On her journey she had befriended a priestess of Shelyn, and often talked with her sang with her, studied with her from the Melodies of Inner Beauty. When she got to Oppara, she decided to follow Sister Avayda and joined the clergy.

She was a quick study learning the scriptures, focusing on her music, and a little training in the practice yard, as well as tending to the clergy and its parishioners. She soon swelled in the ranks, and at 13 ran a small class of fundamental music to children.
About the same time her Father sent her older brother Edavere after her. Edavere though can to the city and met with Ionnia and her Mentor Aveya. This turned out to be fruitful as he spent the year here with Aveya and the two wed. Edavere left with Aveya shortly after Ionnias’ 15th birthday. This is when she had began to do a few sermons in the Temple in the late evenings. She also began her frist relationship with a young cartographers apprentice. Her tryst didn’t last long and she moved on to another clergy memember and fellow sister Edwena , an Ulfen girl about the same age. Her tryst with the boy though lead to something unexpected a child. A girl she Named Oparal.

She slowed in her studies for a few years raising her daughter, as well as doing some more sermons and singing lessons. She Finally left and was done when she was 20. Oparal was 4 when they left Oppara and headed home. As she traveled north a brand new Cleric of her faith, she helped who she could and where she could. She made her way through Galt and the River kingdoms. It took her 2 years and she reached the Capitol of Brevoy.

She tried to get her father to allow her right to build a temple in her ancestral home but her grandfather wouldn’t allow it. Feeling shunned and looked at like some disgraced and disguarded woman who had cheated on her husband. She took her fathers offer, after the snubs and the looks and went to Rostov. Here on one of her Families Estates she lived and raised her daughter. She did so for Two years here, before her goddess reached out to her to gather some goods and prepare to spread her word to the Stolen Lands as the people there need a dose of unconditional love that only a true devotee of the Eternal Rose can provide.

She said her good bye to now 9 year old Oparal, letting her brother Edavere and fellow Sister Aveya take her, and raise her with her cousin Dalia. She than gathered a horse a wagon and her goods, as well as a few weapons and headed south. On her way she preached and raised her Goddesses colors above her pavilion. She also would hold sermons and clinics as she traveled making her journey long and hard.

She never lost her faith though as she headed south taking on the challenges with an open heart, a warm smile and a rose in the hand. She has reached the Stolen lands and seeks the adventurers who helped the lovely couple at the trading post, and see if they can help her achieve her goddesses will and save these people and introduce the people to her goddesses faith!