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Lachlan Rocksoul's page

Organized Play Member. 262 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Shadow Lodge

Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere in these many posts. But, Your armor section needs a Size modifier. Small people get a -1 to armor and there is no where to put that (can't even put in a negative value in the fields that are there now). Otherwise, love the product!

Shadow Lodge

Benly wrote:
Avatar of Groetus wrote:

Another thing you might keep in mind...

The rules state that you cant take two archetypes that substitute the same ability. What if two archetypes substite one same ability at, say lvl10 and you only want to follow the class to lvl 5 anyways?
That is something that seems to have to be houseruled
If you really want to houserule your way into making two otherwise incompatible archetypes work together, probably the tidiest solution is to ask the GM to change what ability is traded for one of the conflicting abilities. I don't think there's a need for a general-case modification to the rules.

Wouldn't it just be neater and cleaner to get with your GM and create an Archtype? Obviously you like aspects from two Archtypes, so create a new one with the best of both and have the GM approve. Done.

Shadow Lodge

Quatar wrote:

It's active all the time, but Darkvision does not overrule normal vision if normal vision is better.

So, how does that work? If my normal vision, due to a torch, can see normally up to 20' and everything from 20-60' is black and white?

Guess I am over thinking this, it's fantasy, move on. :P

Shadow Lodge

Kind of a rules question and a "never really thought about it question".

Darkvision. Is it active all the time? Or is an ability you can turn on and off.

If it's active all the time, I would have some important questions:

Are the players color-blind?
Do they even know what darkness is?
If they close their eyes, do they see the back of their eyelids?

Just curious. We just always take it at face value.

Shadow Lodge

Serpentine Mantle:
All feedback appreciated.

Serpentine Mantle

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9
Slot chest; Price 50,000 gp; Weight 40 lbs.


Attached to each end of this 15-foot length of tarnished chain is a hinged iron vise lined with sharp teeth and shaped to resemble a monstrous reptilian or perciform skull. The chain is magically animated; when draped over the shoulders, it wraps around the wearer's torso, and the vises float ominously near the wearer's forearms. The wearer's speed is reduced as if he were wearing chainmail, and he incurs an arcane spell failure chance of 30%. These penalties are not cumulative with any other such penalties from any armor worn, though they do supersede penalties bestowed by armor with a lesser arcane spell failure chance or speed penalty.

In combat, the vises threaten the area around the wearer with a reach of 5 feet. Once per round, if a creature moves through a threatened area within the vises' reach, each vise may make a melee attack at a +9 bonus, dealing 1d4+4 damage each and latching onto the targeted creature for one round. If hit while moving, the target may still move up to its speed, but must remain adjacent to the wearer of the mantle for the remainder of the round.

For each successful vise hit, the wearer of the serpentine mantle gains a +3 bonus to his CMB rolls against the affected target for one round when attempting to use any of the following combat maneuvers: dirty trick, disarm, drag, grapple, reposition, or trip.

The targeted creature can break free of the vises by making a DC 19 CMB or Escape Artist check; breaking free counts as a standard action which does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate rope, hold monster; Cost 25,000 gp

I'm no Neil. But I will give my two cents.

I think the use of the word vise is a little off setting. I'm sure they have vises in D&D, but the image for me brings to mind the old shop vise with a turning handle. I would have chose another word, like metal hinged jaws or something.

I wouldn't have worried about a speed penalty, the concept you presented seems wonky. I would have just done something along the lines of "adds 10% to arcane spell failure chance"

And since the chain wrapped around the torso adds no armor benefit, I wouldn't worry about a speed penalty. And I would actually drop that aspect all together, otherwise you get players going "Dont I get an AC bonus for the chain being over my leather armor?" I know you were going for effect, but when you add something you have to consider what questions will be raised.

I wouldnt have said "latches onto". Just say that they automatically grapple the target. Also, both vises get to attack and latch? Wouldn't that be awkward for the owner? If the target is to his left then they both fly over there and latch on. Wouldn't that restrict the owner's movement? If not and he moves 10' away, is the chain an obstacle for other combatant's? And what if the grappled person ran around the wearer? Could he choke him with the chains? These are questions people would ask.

And if you just said that the target is grappled, then you wouldn't need the last line and save yourself some wordage. They would just follow the grapple rules in the core book to escape.

I would use hold person as well as hold monster for requirements (all of which should be italicized).

Just my few cents worth.

Shadow Lodge

shammond42 wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

The first thing that stands out for me is making it too much work for the DM. How does the math work for this? If I use part of the clay to make 10 arrows, do I have enough to make 1 key? Fractions always hurt my head.

I also don't get the masterwork, but +2 and counts as magic for DR. Why doesn't it just make +2 magic items then?

I might also run afoul of the "makes adventuring too easy" guideline. It can become anything, but unlike something like the marvelous pigments, it is reusable so the PC's never have to worry about having a piece of mundane equipment again.

The never worrying about mundane equipment again wouldnt bother me. After level 3 it's not really too much an issue. But, I would have made it where the clay could make up to a certain weight of product base on the weight of the amount of clay you had. So, 1lb of the clay could make any item of up to 1lb.

Shadow Lodge

Clay of the Master:
Wow. This Thread has proved a considerable and commendable effort by all those who have posted before me.

Clay of the Master
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot --; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This pliable material appears like any other tan clay and can be molded into a variety of shapes. When a command word is spoken, the clay hardens instantly, becoming a functioning tool, weapon, or item for up to 1 hour before turning back into moldable clay. Any item made has a masterwork quality to it, granting a +2 bonus. Any weapon created functions as a weapon of masterwork quality, but also provides the /magic quality needed to overcome damage reduction. The user does not need to make a craft check, to succeed in creating the masterwork item.

The Clay of the Master may be used as a whole or in separate chunks, and contains enough material to create the following:

  • 20 arrows, bolts, or bullets
  • any two handed weapon for a medium creature, or two one-handed weapons
  • up to 3 separate keys
  • up to a heavy shield (for a medium-sized creature)
  • other handheld or carried items at the gamemaster’s digression

The command word can be used up to 3 times per day. All pieces of the Clay of the Master are effected by the command word, and will harden, regardless of a specified use, when the command word is spoken. Several sets of clay may be combined to create rowboats, battering rams, or other larger items.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Cost 10,000 gp

The first thing that stands out for me is making it too much work for the DM. How does the math work for this? If I use part of the clay to make 10 arrows, do I have enough to make 1 key? Fractions always hurt my head.

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Vistarius wrote:
Marc Chin wrote:
DM Steam wrote:

Tome of Deadly Pranks

This item violates at least two auto-reject threads.

No further analysis necessary.

to be fair, one of the top thirty two violates 4.

This one does more than that:

1. Item already exists
2. Not a wondrous item
3. Doesn't follow format
4. Makes the GM's job harder
5. Is a joke item
6. Is a monster in a can
7. Chance item

Honestly it's almost like he took all the advice and did the exact opposite.

Does he have to roll a d10 to determine what it does? :D

Shadow Lodge

Tome of Deadly Pranks:
Tome of Deadly Pranks
Aura strong evocation; CL 17th
Slot - ; Weight 5 lbs.
This book looks exactly like a tome of understanding yet hides a powerful curse. Whenever the book is read, roll 1d10 on the following table to determine the result.
  • 1 - Every time the reader speaks the word, "Help," in any language, she slips and falls prone.
  • 2 - The next item the reader touches shrinks as per the shrink item spell, except that the duration is permanent and the reader cannot expand the item.
  • 3 - The next member of the opposite sex the reader speaks to explodes, as if that person had just read explosive runes.
  • 4 - The reader can only verbally communicate in chicken clucks. He can still understand any languages he knows.
  • 5 - The reader’s weight doubles, causing him to take a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity.
  • 6 - The reader, along with all her gear, is instantly transported to the nearest occupied bedroom.
  • 7 - The reader is polymorphed into a sheep.
  • 8 - Whenever the reader draws a weapon, that weapon shouts an embarrassing fact about that character's childhood.
  • 9 - A army of goblins declares war on the reader. This army is always within 20 miles of the party, and consists of any combination of gobliniods that add up to the party’s ECL +2. The army tracks the party consistently and aggressively, yet non-magically.
  • 10 - Roll twice and keep both results.

All effects are permanent unless removed with a successful remove curse spell. Although Tomes of Deadly Pranks are created by error, many more are created by insidious Arcane Tricksters.
Magic Items any book or tome.

Was this a serious entry or a prank (no pun intended) entry?

Shadow Lodge

Clark Peterson wrote:

Boring. Boring name. Boring item. It is, literally a ship in a bottle. Yawn....

Thanks for the feedback Clark. I'll take all you said to heart and present a better item next year!

Shadow Lodge

Now that's what I'm talking about, Neil. Thank you for the brutal honesty with my first time entry. I will aspire to do better next year!

Shadow Lodge

Adventurers Rally Stones:
Phasics wrote:

Thanks in Advance, harsh is better its the only way to improve.

Adventurers Rally Stones
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 13th
Slot —; Price 110’000gp (minimum for complete set of 10), individual stones only worth their value as a cut gemstone; Weight —lbs.
Rally stones are a safeguard against the cardinal rule many groups sometimes break. DON’T SPLIT THE PARTY! During construction a single large gemstone is cut into smaller gems (worth at least 1000gp each). A key phrase to activate the stones is chosen by the caster. As a standard action anyone possessing a stone may speak the activation phrase. All other creatures who are in possession of a stone (e.g. in a backpack/pocket) are immediately teleported to the nearest adjacent square to the creature who spoke the activation phrase. Any creature carrying a rally stone gets no save to avoid being teleported. Because of this quirk, stones are sometimes left in piles of treasure to be taken by unwitting adventures who later find themselves randomly teleported into a very precarious situation. A set of stones can be activated 3 times per day.
Any effect/area/resistance that would prevent Greater Teleport functioning can also prevent a creature being teleported via a rally stone’s effect. A creature who finds and identifies a rally stone can attempt to activate the stone blindly without knowing the activation phrase with a successful Use Magic Device check DC30 and teleport the other stones and the creature possessing them to her, a dangerous proposition, but one that would lead to acquiring a complete set of rally stones and the activation phrase.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, 5 Ranks Craft: Gemstone, Greater Teleport, a Gemstone worth at least 10,000gp, 1 Caster level per smaller gem cut Cost 50’000gp + minimum 10’000gp gemstone

Didn't they already do this in World of Warcraft?

Shadow Lodge

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:
Ship in a bottle

*item has been done before... folding boat is basically the same item with a different inert form

*no need for a hard DC to open/ruin it... if people want to be dumb and ruin their treasure, let them ruin it.
*there's a lot of extraneous information--describing the boat when we know what a ship in a bottle looks like, saying that the fluid is harmless when nobody would think to drink it, etc.

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't say the liquid inside was harmless (as a matter of fact I didn't state there was any liquid in the bottle at all lol). I said that if the bottle was set into any liquid (lethal or otherwise). And I put the hard DC so your player's kid didn't accidentally open it. rofl Again, thanks for the feedback.

Shadow Lodge

Chrononaut's Horologe:
Herremann the Wise wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I think my item gave Sean a little inspiration for his Hitler Sword (he posted the sword a couple of hours after I submitted this). Suffice to say, from that point on I knew my item was going to struggle. Well hit me with your comments please.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Chrononaut’s Horologe
Aura strong abjuration and evocation; CL 17th
Slot none; Price 132,100 gp; Weight -

Activating this intricate silver hourglass of complex design and appearance, chronoports up to seven willing mortals who are in contact with one another, including the horologe’s activator, from where they stand to that same place at a specific time in the past for a single hour. When the sands run out, the horologe swiftly decays to nothing, while safely returning any living chrononauts with their possessions to the place and moment following the horologe’s activation.

While in the past, chrononauts may neither venture further than seven miles from where they arrive nor interact directly or indirectly with their past-self or direct ancestors, else automatically suffer imprisonment within the horologe; returning as usual when the hour expires. Casting freedom upon the horologe releases all imprisoned chrononauts. The horologe’s duration cannot be altered or suppressed by magical effects such as antimagic field, mage’s disjunction or temporal stasis although time stop works normally. The horologe’s duration automatically expires if destroyed, safely returning any living chrononauts. Upon expiry, any dead chrononauts, their bodies, souls, and even the memory of their existence are erased for eternity.

A chrononaut’s horologe requires the daring of a deity sufficiently motivated to manipulate the fabric of space and time. Upon an attempted activation, the deity involved grants or withholds the chronoporting miracle imbued within the horologe. Activity in the past may herald miraculous...

Yeah. One of their big beefs is anything dealing with time.

Shadow Lodge

Ok. I didnt think I'd get through with my first year entry. So I am ready for some brutal honesty to prepare for next year.

Ship in a bottle
Aura strong transmutation; CL 8th
Slot -; Price 2,500gp (rowboat), 8,400gp (keelboat), 22,400gp(long ship or sailing ship), 52,400gp (warship), 62,400gp (galley); Weight 1lb
The first ship in a bottle was created by a great wizard for the admiral of the royal navy when he retired, along with his warship. Many variations of it have been created since then.
The ship in a bottle looks just like a normal, clear, 2 inch thick, glass bottle capable of holding about 1 gallon of liquid. But, inside the corked bottle is a tiny ship sitting upon wooden supports. Anyone giving it a cursory glance will see a tiny model of a ship with amazing detail (sometimes even having barnacles on its hull).
Handling the bottle in any way will allow the handler to see that the ship does not move within the bottle no matter the amount of shaking. However, if the bottle is broke or if the cork is removed (a DC 24 Strength check) while not in contact with any liquid will cause the contents to spill forth and crumble to useless wooden pieces.
If the bottle is set into any liquid (lethal or otherwise) then the powerful magics set into the object activates. If the liquid is deep enough and the area is large enough to accommodate the ship set within the bottle, then the bottle will evaporate and the ship inside will instantly grow to its normal size. Otherwise, the bottle does nothing. The ship is equipped as per their related descriptions in the transport section (see page 163).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Cost 1,250gp (rowboat), 4,200gp (keelboat), 11,200gp (long ship or sailing ship), 26,200gp (warship), 31,200gp (galley)

Shadow Lodge

Swamp Druid wrote:
I think there are a lot of us waiting to post in it. I thought it was going to be 4 pm central time.

Well, it would have been 2pm Central or maybe it was 2pm Martian. Not sure. lol But, I'm sure Sean was not sitting at his computer counting the seconds down. He'll open it when he gets to it.

Shadow Lodge

The Grandfather wrote:
When will the "Judges, Please Critique My Item" thread be opened?

Yeah. I'm ready for some brutal honesty on my item so I can began work on next year's entry. :D

Shadow Lodge

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

You don't have to decide whether or not you're taking an archetype until you hit a level where the archetype in question would swap out your class abilities. If your archetype doesn't swap anything until level 5, you don't make a decision until you hit level 5 in that class.

And, and as the APG says, if you're GM's willing to let you retrofit an existing character to an archetype, that's totally fine.

Do you have an errata on that or some official ruling? I mean, really, it doesn't matter. But the rule book does say "When a character selects a class, he must choose to use the standard class features found in the Core Rulebook or those listed in one of the archetypes presented here."

To me, it's almost like your character is choosing a lifestyle. You get to new ability because you have been training the character towards that goal.

But, again, it doesn't really matter. It's totally up to the GM. But, I did want to make it clear what the AGP states. In case you are a rules nazi. :)

Shadow Lodge

Ambrus wrote:
Which creature types, if any, don't benefit from the death/dying rules? That is to say, which creatures are destroyed when they reach 0 hit points?

Although I don't know every monster ever published. The general rule is that all monsters die when they reach 0 hit points. Unless you are doing subdual damage or the monsters description says otherwise.

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:

The lance does double damage if you charge on horseback -- if you aren't charging you don't deal double damage. Which means if you are just attacking at the end of the horse's charge you aren't charging and aren't getting double damage.

You are saying that you aren't charging the horse is, and the rider would still get double damage -- which isn't correct.

Really? You are reading the sentence that litterally? So, when my car is diving 100mph down the road and I get pulled over I can say "No, officer. I wasn't speeding, my car was". They are both charging as one. How's that?

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
rules wrote:

From Page 202 of the core guide. "If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge)."

Right. Don't get what you are implying. I said that if the horse charges you get an attack at the end of the charge(which, if a lance, does double damage).

Shadow Lodge

Disturbed1 wrote:

Pardon my newbish question. I think Ive read the answer someplace, but for the life of me, I cant find it now that I need it.

So, In a RotR game Im running, Ive got a player using a halfling cavalier, who rides a baby t-rex. He wants to know, when the T-rex moves/charges, does the mount get to attack, as well as him attacking (with a lance), or is it just him?

Cant remember how it was worded in the book. I wanted to say no cause I didnt think a horse got to make an attack after the rider did, BUT, considering the mount is treated as an animal compaion, I thought perhaps it might get to, since a Druid w an animal companion (that he doesnt ride, at least), get to act seperately, and both attack, if desired.

From Page 202 of the core guide. "If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge)."

So, both rider and mount don't charge. The mount charges and at the end of the charge the player can attack.

Also, remember: "Mounts in Combat: Horses, ponies, and riding dogs can serve readily as combat steeds. Mounts that do not possess combat training (see the Handle Animal skill) are frightened by combat. If you don’t dismount, you must make a DC 20 Ride check each round as a move action to control such a mount. If you succeed, you can perform a standard action after the move action. If you fail, the move action becomes a full-round action, and you can’t do anything else until your next turn."

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Archetypes are restricted to the first level taken of a given class. So if she is a fifth level rouge she can then be on her next level an archetype class ranger. but not an archetype rouge.

Not true. If there is an archetype that doesn't do anything until later you can choose it when the option to change out occurs.

Example: Rogue gets to level 3 and hasn't chosen an archetype. At level 4 they decide to take an archetype that trades out uncanny dodge for something but didn't do anything before that -- the rogue is in the clear. You can't trade out after you get a class feature -- or choose to not trade out for one if you take an archetype but until you hit the trade point you can still take an archetype.

Actually, the AGP states "When a character selects a class, he must choose to use the standard class features found in the Core Rulebook or those listed in one of the archetypes presented here."

However, it also goes on later to state that it's up to the GM "As long as the GM is comfortable with retroactively adjusting character specifics, there should be no disruption to future adventures."

So, it's both. They are really designed to be picked up when you first create a character or pick up a new class. But, it's ultimately up to the GM.

Shadow Lodge

thepuregamer wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:

But, that's the thing. It doesnt state or suggest that it can be affected by ALL Summoner Spells. It states which spells can be used and that spell -must- be in the Summoner's Spell list. That's to let you know that if you cast a spell from a scroll for a spell not on the Summoner's Spell list, it can't be used through Share Spells.

** spoiler omitted **

ok neither the first nor the second sentence uses restrictions in its language. Also, neither the first nor the second sentence are connected in any way. IE, a summoner can use share spells to cast spells with a target of "you" on his eidolon( a modification of aiming rules) or he can cast spells that affect creature types other than outsider on his eidolon( a modification of creature types a spell works on). The only restriction on this is that these spells must come from the summoner's spell list and the summoner must be the one casting them.

btw, are there any spells with a range of you that also only work on certain creature types?

Well, I already posted earlier that I agreed with all that once Wraithstrike pointed out they were two totally different conditions, not multiple conditions for Share Spells to work. And, no, I know of no spells where type is considered for range of "you".

Shadow Lodge

wraithstrike wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:
thepuregamer wrote:

I think you are misunderstanding the share spells text. it does not state that the spell "must" have a target of you to work but rather that a spell "may" have a target of you and still work. It is expanding the ways a summoner may buff his eidolon not restricting it.

Share Spells (Ex): The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list.

You may cast the spell on your eidolon instead of yourself which has a target of "you". And from page 214 of the core rulebook, under Aiming a Spell: "If the target of a spell is yourself (the Target line of the spell description includes “You”)". Enlarge Person target line "Close". Detect Evil target line in the spell description "You".

There are two sentences because those you are your two options.

The spell can have a target of "you", and it can be cast on the eidolon even though it is not human. You can't use one class's version to define another class. Look at the ranger's hide in plain sight, as compared to the shadow dancer's as an example. Same name, but different affect.
The Summoner's version can affect outsiders because the book says it can.

Now see. That's the first logical argument that makes sense. I was putting the two sentences together, like they were all requirements to be able to Share Spells. But, in actuality, because there is a period, they are actually two different conditions. Thanks, Wraithstrike.

Shadow Lodge

Quandary wrote:

Lachlan, you´re trying to suggest that it works like Wizard Familiars.

But why is the wording different, then?

I mean, there´s an argument that because both are listed under the Share Spells ability, that is the scope of both sentences, but the fact remains that the line saying Eidolons can be affected by Summoner spells applies to ALL spells cast by their Master. The Wizard Familiar is an existing exampe of wording which DOESN´T work that way (applies only to ´shared spells´), and COULD have been pasted in, BUT THAT WASN´T DONE.

But, that's the thing. It doesnt state or suggest that it can be affected by ALL Summoner Spells. It states which spells can be used and that spell -must- be in the Summoner's Spell list. That's to let you know that if you cast a spell from a scroll for a spell not on the Summoner's Spell list, it can't be used through Share Spells.

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:
I didnt say there were not situations where you cannot have the flat footed effect. I was responding to your "you get it any time the targets are denied their dex bonus". Which is not true. There are instances where you are denied your dex bonus, but not considered "flat footed".

Name one?

Either way there is a huge difference from what you are suggesting was the point and what you said:

So, no, you can only use Surprise Spell during the first round of combat before the target has attacked (sort of like Surprise Round).
Which is still not true.

Well the first one that comes to mind is climbing: "While climbing, you can’t move to avoid a blow, so you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)." But, it doesn't state that you are flat footed.

And there will always be exceptions to the rules. But, in normal circumstances, with no other powers or effects causing "flat foot", you can only use Sneak Spell in a round before the target has acted (should have said acted and not attacked). Which would be the Surprise Round and Round 1. So I was wrong in saying "only", it should say "normally".

Shadow Lodge

thepuregamer wrote:

I think you are misunderstanding the share spells text. it does not state that the spell "must" have a target of you to work but rather that a spell "may" have a target of you and still work. It is expanding the ways a summoner may buff his eidolon not restricting it.

Share Spells (Ex): The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list.

You may cast the spell on your eidolon instead of yourself which has a target of "you". And from page 214 of the core rulebook, under Aiming a Spell: "If the target of a spell is yourself (the Target line of the spell description includes “You”)". Enlarge Person target line "Close". Detect Evil target line in the spell description "You".

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:

Surprise Spell states "At 10th level, an arcane trickster can add her sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, if the targets are flat-footed."

Flat footed states "Flat-Footed: A character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to the situation. A flat-footed character loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) and cannot make attacks of opportunity."

So, no, you can only use Surprise Spell during the first round of combat before the target has attacked (sort of like Surprise Round).

You are good until that last bit -- if you can't see your target you are flat footed and denied your dex meaning this ability would work with invisibility

IF the targets are flat-footed means any time the targets are flat footed -- if you are invisible and they don't have the means to see you they are flat footed against what you do.

I didnt say there were not situations where you cannot have the flat footed effect. I was responding to your "you get it any time the targets are denied their dex bonus". Which is not true. There are instances where you are denied your dex bonus, but not considered "flat footed".

Shadow Lodge

Maxxx wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:

Enlarge person is not a touch spell and does not have "you" as a target. "you" being in the description of the spell (as per "Detect Evil").

But it also says:

"A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list."

Thus it is allowed.

The first line states that the spells affect the eidolon's type. So, yes, Enlarge Person says "one humanoid" and thus it would affect the eidolon. But, the Share Spells also says that it must have a target of "you" (as a spell with the range of touch) and Enlarge Person has a range of "Close" and "you" does not appear in the spell description.

Shadow Lodge

Surprise Spell states "At 10th level, an arcane trickster can add her sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, if the targets are flat-footed."

Flat footed states "Flat-Footed: A character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to the situation. A flat-footed character loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) and cannot make attacks of opportunity."

So, no, you can only use Surprise Spell during the first round of combat before the target has attacked (sort of like Surprise Round).

Shadow Lodge

Rathendar wrote:
Fnipernackle wrote:
U CAN NOT cast enlarge person on ur eidolon. The link ability only allows u to cast spells with the range of Personal on ur eidolon, but the eidolon must still meet the prerequisites of the spell, in this case, being humanoid, which the eidolon is not.

they can

"A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider)."

Enlarge person would not work with Share spells. Share spells says "The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself."

Enlarge person is not a touch spell and does not have "you" as a target. "you" being in the description of the spell (as per "Detect Evil").

Shadow Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:
I think what it comes down to is this. The Rogue only gets sneak attack damage when he rolls to strike (which leaves Magic Missile out) and he has to be able to see the target to strike a vital organ. So, even if you allowed Magic Missile, it still wouldn't work because you don't direct magic missile. You tell it a target and the missiles fly to hit the target.

Unless you have the arcane trickster's capstone ability.

Also note the shadow strike feat in the APG which can allow you to sneak attack things you normally couldn't.

Well, yes, but the Sneak Spell ability will only allow you to do that if you act before the target in the first round.

The Shadow Strike would have to be a GMs call. It says you can strike targets that have concealment. But, again, in the case of Magic Missile, is that good enough to allow you to strike a vital organ? Do you direct where on the body the Magic Missiles hit or do the missiles guide themselves and just hit the target. I would have to say the Missiles do their own thing, so you wouldn't be able to do sneak damage. But, again, that's an individual GMs call, since there is now RAW on it.

Shadow Lodge

Well, the spell says it duplicates the "effects" or Entangle. Saving Throws and Spell Resistance is not an "effect" of a spell. It's what is used to avoid being effected by the effects. So, the Animate Plants just a more powerful version of the Entangle spell.

Shadow Lodge

Mahorfeus wrote:
Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:

Well, that's the kicker. The GM is not supposed to say "Will save, DC 15". He says "Make a Will save". You roll and tell him the result. Then he tells you if you passed or not.

What they say above is true. You roll and get a 5, before the GM tells you if it's a pass or fail, you use your power and re-roll it (but, you can only use it once per rage, so you don't get to re-roll it again) and hope for a higher roll. The first sentence should read "A barbarian may re-roll a Will save."

There's nothing RAW that says a DC cannot be divulged before the save is made; after all, a PC is obligated to divulge the save DCs for all of his abilities. I'd call it common courtesy; it makes things move more smoothly, especially in PbP (though that's a whole different story). In whatever case, the GM's playing style would be the factor here.

With that in mind, the ability's wording makes perfect sense. Of course, if I am even wronger, then I agree that it should be reworded. I just don't see how a contradiction like that could be in there for so long.

No there is no RAW that says it can't. But that is the spirit. Take the Example Play from the Core Rule Book:

GM: Lem, could you roll a Perception check?
Lem rolls a d20 and gets a 12. He then consults his character
sheet to find his bonus on Perception skill checks, which turns out
to be a +6.
Lem: I got an 18. What do I see?

So, at this point. If Lem had rolled a 5, he could have said "ew, lemme re-roll that".

It's standard practice that the Players have to reveal their DCs to the Gm, but not for the GM to reveal his. Thus is the power of the GM. :)

Shadow Lodge

I think what it comes down to is this. The Rogue only gets sneak attack damage when he rolls to strike (which leaves Magic Missile out) and he has to be able to see the target to strike a vital organ. So, even if you allowed Magic Missile, it still wouldn't work because you don't direct magic missile. You tell it a target and the missiles fly to hit the target.

Shadow Lodge

Of course, the way it reads, it almost seems like the qlippoth is making a Beetlejuice maneuver. Where he explodes his face. So when he "presents" himself, he may be showing his real appearance as a one shot deal.

Shadow Lodge

Mahorfeus wrote:

I may be completely wrong, but I'm interpreting the "before the results are revealed by the GM" as the effects of failing the Will save, not whether or not you failed your save. For example:

GM: "Grognak, Will save, DC 15"

Grognak: "Oh, crap." *rolls a 2* "Damn it!"

GM: "You st-..."

Grognak: "Wait! I use my Clear Mind rage power to reroll my save!" *rolls a 20* "YES YES."


In other words, the ability is making the assumption that you have NO idea what you are making the save for, but that you know what the DC is. It'd be more than a little cheap to be able to use the ability if I knew that I was about to get hit by a 1d6 INT drain.

Well, that's the kicker. The GM is not supposed to say "Will save, DC 15". He says "Make a Will save". You roll and tell him the result. Then he tells you if you passed or not.

What they say above is true. You roll and get a 5, before the GM tells you if it's a pass or fail, you use your power and re-roll it (but, you can only use it once per rage, so you don't get to re-roll it again) and hope for a higher roll. The first sentence should read "A barbarian may re-roll a Will save."

Shadow Lodge

Kain Darkwind wrote:
Bumping. My questions weren't answered, no matter how good Windquake's intentions were.

It always helps if reference where you got that information from so others can look at it.

Shadow Lodge

Mahorfeus wrote:

I actually like the idea of the armor being tainted by my own evil aura, though that would be a purely fluff mechanic.

Who knows? Maybe having two auras could be handy.

Well, once the detect spell gets to the 3rd round, they would know that you were the source of the evil aura and the chainmail was the source of the good aura.

Shadow Lodge

Congrats to the winners.

Shadow Lodge

Congrats all. Maybe next year.

Shadow Lodge

ulgulanoth wrote:

1MINS! he-he

Shadow Lodge

Witty Phantom wrote:

5 more minutes now, and I'm here because I couldn't sleep any longer. I dreamed of elated victory! I dreamed of crushing defeat! I don't know what's going to happen today, but I'm excited and scared and man this is a mix of weird emotions.

Also when I went to post, in place of my bat avatar were the words 'horse kitty'. I'm very confused.

Actually, its "horrors-kitty"

Shadow Lodge

Well, you actually have to take the entire ability into contest. Later it say they register the spy as being the creature touched. So, basically the Master Spy is cloaking his aura in that of the being he/she touched.

This would mean any spell looking for the being the Master Spy touched would register 2 of them in existence.

Shadow Lodge

cappadocius wrote:
Oliver McShade wrote:

Nit-picky... You are not a creature of that type... but only of that form. You still count as humanoid while wildshaped as animal, plant or elemental.

The PRD is silent on the matter, so please cite where a druid wildshaped into the form of a fox remains of the Humanoid type while wildshaped.

Well, according to the Polymorph description in the core rulebook (pg 212). It states: "When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body."

So, it looks like you actually turn into the "type" of creature you are wildshaped into.

Shadow Lodge

Shar Tahl wrote:

Lure of the Heavens (Su): Your connection to the skies above is so strong that your feet barely touch the ground. At 1st level, you no longer leave tracks. At 5th level, you can hover up to 6 inches above the ground or even above liquid surfaces, as if levitating. At 10th level, you gain the ability to fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.

What is the official rule on this (the bold part)? Do you hover around without actually touching the ground, which seems to the be what it is should be based on the level 1 part.

If it uses standard levitate, then it is the most useless ability every with no horizontal or vertical movement beyond six inches.

Well, if you read levitate, it says you can go laterally by pushing off a surface or someone pushing you. So, when you come to that chamber with the trapped tiles, I'm sure you'll enjoy being pushed across the room. Or if you call into the water, you won't drown. It's not meant to be uber-powerful.

Shadow Lodge

wraithstrike wrote:
SlimGauge wrote:
I found an e-mail address for the author/publisher. I've asked for clarification and permission to name the module. We'll see how long it takes to get an answer.
You don't permission to name a module. If you were trying to post the monster's stat and what not that would be a different case, unless this is a special case for some reason that I don't know about, in which I case I stand corrected.

No, Wraithstrike, you are correct. There is nothing against the law for naming a module. You just can't post anything "ruleswise" from said module. You could talk about it, review it and mention parts of it, but the stats and item or monster descriptions are all intellectual property and require permission to post anywhere.

Shadow Lodge

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
joshua pavlisko wrote:
My first official post on the Paizo boards, and it's to say that I have to wait 6 hours untill I find out whether or not my item made it in :( Stupid real life work. Why can't they understand obvious priorities?


Hello and Welcome. I'll commiserate with you on the waiting and having to work bit... I feel ya' my RPG brother... I feel ya'. ;)

Quit feeling up the new people. It freaks them out. :P

Shadow Lodge

Monkster wrote:

Yup - I expect at 1:55 p.m., P.S.T (Paizo Standard Time), things could get a bit ... syrupy.

Just curious, for those that wish to (just as anxiously) monitor their e-mail accounts for news of their impending Superstardom, (perhaps also in the hopes of avoiding total messageboard meltdown) - anyone know if there is much of a lagtime between those individual e-mails, and posting on the Paizo site?

On another thread someone had posted their email they got last year and it showed a time stamp of 2 minutes after the announcement time. They also say they are going to post on Facebook. So I am going to watch that, because I'm sure the board will be overloaded.

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