Gnoll Slaver

La'Vassa's page

1 post. Alias of Lord Foul II.




Oracle 15




twenty seven

Special Abilities

WRESTLING and FIRE and snakes!





Strength 26
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 26

About La'Vassa

Ability Score Modifiers: Gnolls are powerful physical specimens geared toward hunting and scavenging, though their mental faculties are not blunted but equivalent to many other races’. They gain +2 Strength, and +2 Constitution
Size: Gnolls are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Gnolls are humanoids with the gnoll subtype.
Base Speed: Gnolls have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Gnolls begin play speaking Gnoll. Gnolls with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Abyssal, Common, Goblin, Orc. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Darkvision: Gnolls can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Armor: Gnolls have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Carrion Finder: Gnolls have a natural affinity for carrion, since they feed on that more than on fresh kills. Gnolls gain the scent ability, but only in regard to corpses and badly wounded creatures (those reduced to 1/4, or less, of their total hit points).
Influential: Exceptionally clever gnolls take up the mantle of shaman for their tribes and use their gifts to more readily enslave gnoll captives. Gnolls with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks and add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells of the enchantment school that they cast. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.


1 unarmed combattant
1 deific obedience
1 demonic obedience
2 fiendish obedience
2 improved powerful maneuvers
3 improved deft maneuvers
3 combat reflexes
4 Kraken style
4 skill focus (knowledge planes)
5 Kraken throttle
5 Kraken wrack
6 greater grapple
6 chokehold
7 step up
7 eldritch heritage (abyssal)
8 improved initiative
8 versatile obedience
9 rapid grappler
9 following step
10 step up and strike
10 divine interference
11 Extra revalation
11 extra combat talent
12 snoutgrip
12 extra ravalation
13 extra combat talent
13 extra revalation


Coils (Ex)
You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Whenever you hit with an unarmed melee attack, you can make a grapple check without provoking an attack of opportunity, and you gain a +4 racial bonus to such checks. When making grapple checks, use your oracle level as your base attack bonus plus your Charisma modifier to calculate your CMB. On a successful grapple, you can constrict an opponent and deal 1d8 + half oracle level + Charisma modifier hp damage each round you maintain the grapple.
Fangs (Ex)
You can make a bite attack as a standard action. This bite is considered a natural weapon so you are always considered armed and you do not gain additional attacks for a high base attack bonus. This attack deals 1d6 hp damage plus your Strength modifier (1d4 if you are Small).

At 5th level, this bite is considered a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming DR, and any creature you bite must make a saving throw against black adder venom. The save DC equals 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, the damage increase to 1d8 (or 1d6 if you are Small).

Snake Body (Ex)
Your senses become more acute, and your form becomes lithe and sinewy. You gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics, Escape Artist, and Perception checks. This bonus increase to +4 at 11th level. At 7th level, you also gain tremorsense 30 ft. This increases to 60 ft. at 11th level.

Armor of Scales (Su)
You can conjure armor made from scales, and it grants you a +4 natural armor bonus to AC. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, the scales also grant you DR 5/bludgeoning. You can conjure these scales for 1 hr. per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hr. increment

Snake Summoner (Su)
You add all summon monster and summon nature’s ally spells to your list of known spells, but you may use these spells only to summon a snake or a reptilian creature. If you cast a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell gained through this revelation to summon a snake or reptilian creature, you summon one extra monster of that type, and the creatures gain the benefit of the Augment Summoning feat.

Speak with Snakes (Su)
You can speak with snakes as per speak with animals as an at-will, spell-like ability. You gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made to influence snakes or creatures with the reptilian subtype.

Enhanced Cures (Su): Whenever you cast a cure spell, the maximum number of hit points healed is based on your oracle level, not the limit based on the spell. For example, an 11th-level oracle of life with this revelation may cast cure light wounds to heal 1d8+11 hit points instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum.

Channel (Su): You can channel positive energy like a cleric, using your oracle level as your effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage healed (or caused to undead) and the DC. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.

Beast Form (Su)
You gain the ability to call forth your bestial nature. As a standard action, you can take on a falcon’s characteristics per aspect of the falcon.

At 3rd level, this ability improves, allowing you to assume bear characteristics per aspect of the bear.

At 5th level, you can assume the form of a Small or Medium animal, as beast shape I.

At 7th level, you can assume the form of a Large animal per beast shape II.

At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Huge animal, as beast shape III.

Finally, at 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large magical beast, as beast shape IV. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour/level. You must select this revelation at 1st level.

Rage (Ex)
Your feral nature grants you the ability to express your ferocity. You can rage as a barbarian with an effective barbarian level equal to your oracle level –4. You gain a rage power when you choose this revelation, and every 3 levels thereafter (4 rage powers) from the following list:

animal fury, totem (any), fearless rage, inspire ferocity, intimidating glare, raging climber, raging leaper, raging swimmer, reckless abandon, scent, terrifying howl.
lesser Fiend totem, Fiend totem, scent, raging leaper


spells known
0 acid splash, stabolize, resistance, create water, guidance, spark, detect poison, detect magic, enhanced diplomacy, mending, purify food and drink, read magic
1 detect undead, pass without trace, cure light wounds, speak with animals, bless, bane, enhance water, firebelly, obscuring mist, burning hands
2 lesser restoration, skinsend, cure moderate wounds, bear's endurance, scorching ray, flaming sphere, detect magic (greater), silence, waters of lemasthu, tears to wine, spiritual weapon
3 neutralize poison, poison, cure serious wounds, remove curse, monstrous extrematies, prayer, anthropomorphic animal
4 restoration, spit venom, cure critical wounds, badger's ferocity, wall of fire, giant vermin, freedom of movement, death ward, mark of the reptile god
5 breath of life, snake staff, cure light wounds mass, bloody claws, baleful polymorph, flamestrike, break enchantment, boneshatter
6 heal, mass suggestion, cure moderate wounds mass, animate objects, cold ice strike, hellfire ray
7 greater restoration, creeping doom, cure serious wounds mass, delayed blast fireball, blasphemy, resurection.

pass without trace (2nd), skinsend (4th), poison (6th), spit venom (8th), snake staff (10th), starry vision* (12th), creeping doom (snakes, 14th), animal shapes (snakes and reptiles, 16th), summon elder worm (18th).