Spell Sovereign

La'Vantis Tuen's page

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About to play in a new Dark Sun game using pathfinder rules set.

One of the other players is set on playing a Cerebremancer. They have approval of the GM to play a Synad, but he asked for it to be converted. Being the veteran, it's generally my task to convert.

For those that don't know, a Synad can be found in Complete Psionics pg 139.

The short version:

Mostly human looking, but has 3 minds. Naturally psionic. Not sure how much more I can say without breaking copy rights since it isn't OGL.

Lets starts with attributes

I'm thinking:
Specialized (1 RP): Pick either mental or physical ability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to two ability scores of the chosen type, and a –2 penalty to one ability score of the other type.

+2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution.

OR [since they are so cerebral and originally have NO favored class coming from a psionics book]

Flexible (2 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to any two ability scores.

Sorry for what is kind of a sloppy post. Thought?

There are 110 ways to reduce the cost of crafting magic items. There are also many ways to reduce the time it takes to craft magic or mundane items.

However, is there a way to reduce the cost to craft mundane items?

Ok, whether or not you liked the movie... or The Novel, you cannot deny that the portrayal of the drug known as NZT-48 (or MDT-48 if you prefer) is awesome!!!

I would like to make this Drug in my upcoming Planescape game!

Now I know you can simply say, "Uh, try a potion of Fox's Cunning... duh". But that just doesn't have the same impact. I was thinking more along the lines of a bonus to all mental stats... and maybe dex as well (heightened reflexes).
Being a drug however, would come with it's drawback. It would be highly addictive and have a nasty DC to resist. Not to mention so insanely expensive, it would be VERY difficult to find/purchase.

Open to all suggestions!!!

I KNOW I've seen this made 3rd party somewhere.

But I can't find it!!!

It's a sorcerer bloodline/archetype that gives evolution points to the sorcerer (I think 5 EP by level 20).

Please let me know if you've seen this and post the link. Over an hour of searching and I'm lost!! :(

I'll add the fluff if you guys (and gals) like it, but for now just want to see initial reactions

My friends concept, I just took his initial creatiion and tried to hammer it so it's a legit race.

Basic fluff, they're a mutant off breed of humans. They are now a true race and so can therefor breed true.

Monster Racial Traits
+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, –2 Wisdom: Monsters are tough and quick to make friends, but tend to make poor decision that get them into trouble.

Medium: Monsters are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Monsters have a base speed of 30 feet.

Low-light Vision: Monsters can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Monstrous: Monsters are Humanoids with the subtype of (Monstrous). This type may now be found on the Ranger's favored enemy list.

Change Shape (Su): A monster can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The monster always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A monster in human form cannot benefit from her superior species, but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the monster does not adjust her ability scores.

Superior Species: Monsters receive 2 evolution points as a racial bonus. These point must be spent at character creation and cannot be changed later on. All of these point must be spent individually from the 1 pt evolution options found in the summoner eidolon section, and cannot be pooled to buy 2 or 3 pt options. Lastly, you may only choose the skilled option once, and when done so it instead provides a +4 racial bonus to the skill chosen (not +8).

RP point breakdown:

[0 rp] Standard ability scores
[0 rp] Medium sized
[0 rp] Normal Speed
[0 rp] Type
[1 rp] Low-light Vision
[3 rp] Change Shape, Lesser
[6 rp] Superior Species
Total of 10 rp

Argument for Superior Species value:

Worst case scenario is Scent (4 rp) and modified Skilled (5 rp) which would equal 9 rp. However most combinations of chosen abilities equal around 5-6 rp.

My friend initially wanted 3 evolution points and to have skilled function normally with no limit to the times yo can take it. I Argued taking skilled 3 times would equal about 30 rp alone.


opinions!!! [ ps. linky link for evolution ]

Here's the linky link.

So, is sidestep overpowered? Should this be allowed? I get that it takes your swift/immediate action, and that PP are not exactly endless (especially with Psionic Warriors!!!)... but to make someone auto miss? Is there a comparable spell or class feature that the core classes have?

So long story short. I wanna play an armorless psychic warrior. I'm starting at level 1, and don't intend to multi class (though I'll probably go elocator 1 or 2 after level 5).

For aesthetics I REALLY don't want to wear armor. Now I know that Inertial Armor is an option, but as the primary melee guy in the party, this'll still leave me rather open to ouchies. Especially since it doesn't last very long (early levels).

I'm on the homebrew forum because I want to ask...what is wisdom to AC REALLY worth? I know paizo hasn't yet released a Class Builder (like their race builder, and I figure one is on its way)... but if there were one, what would this really be worth? it's not exactly broken...

I remember 3.5 Monk's Belt was only REALLY abused by the druid. Everyone else only got a little perk at best.

Current Character Build:
Level: 1
Race: Elan
Class: Psychic Warrior
Path: Survivor
Stats (25pt buy): STR 14, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 18, CHA 8
Feats: ?? Dodge, Psionic Meditation ??

Current AC is 13 + 4 (Inertial Armor) 17.
Fine for this level, but level 5??
13 + 6 (Inertial Armor Augmented) 19
Not exactly impressing a kobold...

Any and all thoughts would be appreciated. I'm making a case to bring to my DM. A good ol' quick pro quo

How can one gain access to hexes?

1) Be a Which
2) Hexblade Archetype of Magus
3) any more exist?


Not sure if rules is the right spot for this... But here we go.

Why does Mage's Tattoo (or Varisian Tattoo) not allow Divination? What was the intent of this?

And dare I ask, which spell would represent divination should that be allowed? (this last part being suggestions/homebrew)

Lastly, this was posted from my phone, if someone would please link the feat for all to see.


sorry for the title, but I had to...

Anyway, looking to make a kitsune bard (magician) cohort for my caster... Thoughts?

Level 5, 15pt Point Buy. Feel free to help build till 18th LV.


P.S. He will spend most his time in fox form... I don't mind multi-classing for additional benefit (ie the party has no rogue)...

Does fox form interfere with bardic music?

Long story short, PCs are trying to recollect the power of the Dead Three for Jergal. One is a Anti-Paladin (Lawful Evil because I can't stand the Chaotic Evil version) of Jergal and he wishes to see his god returned to former glory.

Back story. NOT NEEDED, just in case your interested:

Currently they have the Crown of Thorns... that's been fun hehe

The Anti-Pally was born a Bhaalspawn, died, lost his power, came back as a normal Half-Orc. Did an uber sacrifice of one of his siblings to regain that divine spark, and they JUST finished killing the rest of them. He now has Divine Rank 0 in accordance to Deities and Demigods.

Their next goal is to confront Fzoul Chembryl to get the Scepter of the Tyrant's Eye.

With the Crown, the Scepter and the Bhaal Spark, they look to take down first Cyric, then Bane, then (sadly since they like this guy) Kelemvor.

Other side notes. They have Cyrinishad... They intend to use a serious amount of deception and intrigue to trick Cyric into reading the book again, then while he is weak, murdering him. They hope that this will transfer Murder to the Anit-Paladin (Divine Rank 1ish changing the whole way of game play!!!), and the rest of the portfolios will go to Mask (see below).

Obviously not all events are cannon, but this is taking place around year 1374, and Mask has just turned back into Godsbane to be used against Bhaal [who he's killed before], Kelemvor [same], and Cyric [who he's hated for a couple decades] and rest is the hands of his Alchemist/False Priest worshiper (who actually worships Mask but pretends to worship about...50 other gods, literally a bag of holding full of holy symbols collected along the way LOL).

Mask has his own reasons for this, namely trying to break his contract with his mother Shar.

Don't worry about details, just figured I'd give back story if your interested.

But first they need the scepter, and that's in Fzoul's hands. I need to convert him over to Pathfinder since not all the abilities match up...


So the DM just gave me permission to have a Harrow Deck as my bonded item for a Half-Elf Bonded Witch.

I'm curious as to what spells this should contain.

He said throw something together and he'll approve or send me back to the drawing board.


12 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Quick Question (I couldn't find the answer with a quick search).

Deadly Dealer

A spellcaster with this feat can enhance a deck of cards as though it were a ranged weapon with 54 pieces of ammunition. This enhancement functions only when used in tandem with this feat, and has no affect on any other way the cards might be used. Only a character who possesses this feat can make use of an enhanced deck of cards, and must still use the Arcane Strike feat to activate the cards’ enhancement.

Do you still need Craft Magic Arms and Armor, or Craft Wondrous Item?

Or does this feat supersede that need (Like a wizard's bonded item)?


Hey there. First Thread!

Ok, I'm making a Witch for an upcoming campaign and I REALLY want to take a support role. But not sure of the best way to go about it, here's what I've got:

Lv 1
Lawful Neutral or True Neutral
Half-elf or Human (up for change)
Bound Witch (Staff as bound item i think if half-elf)
25 pt buy: Str 7, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 19, Wis 14, Cha 14
Traits: Harrow Born, Harrow Chosen
Feats: Harrowed, Fortune Teller (will need flaw if half-elf)
[DM said the free trait and feat decks will be the same 1]

I'm obviously VERY focused on divining. The DM trusts me as a PC to not be obnoxious with divination spells, so I'm going to focus on that and support as my niches.
[BTW, never used Harrow Deck, VERY excited!!!]

The rest of the party:
Human Sorcerer focused on Illusions
Human or Elf Sorcerer (primal bloodline) [like old school Wild Mage]
The other is still deciding, she's thinking a Paly, Ftr, or Barb...

Again, I'm trying to be a support character, the others are focusing on combat and manipulation. So please toss any advice!!

P.S. i'm not interested in the Slumber / Accused Hex build. Spamming 1 attack isn't fun to me unless that attack is with a sword.