Demon Fey

LLuukkee's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 17 posts (19 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Jacob Jett wrote:
Kobold Catgirl wrote:
A dire period is also called a comma--a period holding a knife under the table.
OT: Isn't that actually a semi-colon? :P
That's a dire colon, silly.

No no no, a dire colon is the result when I eat dairy

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yay!! Thank you all for being awesome and contributing to Paizo and its products!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
NicoleH wrote:

I will keep this brief. As a community, especially in the Organized Play region, there have been many peer calls to leave reviews for adventures, or regular releases. We especially saw this with LO Legends.

While it's easy to direct someone to the link where they can leave reviews, it isn't very intuitive for a couple of reasons. One of these being that the link to click to review a product is hidden in the line of another sentence. Secondly, the link color of dark blue fails to contrast the black of the rest of the words. This makes it more difficult for parties looking to provide feedback. If an idividual is less invested in offering their opinion, as well as having a hard time figuring the system out, they may choose to abort. I fully feel that this may lead to an increased percentage of negative reviews, as we know people are prone to persist out of dislike moreso than an affinity or indifference; furthermore, decreasing the total number of prospective responses.

If possible, could we look at making this process easier, and more noticeable/intuitive? Thanks for your time!

Agreed! And anything that can be done to reduce the rate of the site "eating reviews" would be great--I've had at least 3 eaten. I know I should learn to write them outside of the box but apparently I can't help myself :) and while I tend to persist, others may not.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Quandary wrote:

I understand artists might not always produce according to canon, but blacking out the eyes of elves to fit Golarion norm seems like an easy fix to apply to non-conforming artwork. Just a bit disappointed that elves are set up as alien and so forth, only to casually fall back into "slender humans with pointy ears" territory, it doesn't feel like serious dedication to unique setting.

Anyways... Subsytem for dismemberment obviously is priority before guns, sorry I don't make the rules... ;-)

Could be a half elf!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Yqatuba wrote:
Doesn't the Windsong Testament mentioned mean that all of the gods (including Pharisma) will die eventually as well (other than the Survivor?)

Yeah, that was my understanding as well. But I believe they are supposed to be in-world legends/myths/stories, so it's possible they're wrong or don't have the whole story!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
JaysonFour wrote:

I'm trying to make a list of everything I'm still missing from my Pathfinder collection, and I'm trying to figure out just what's been released for Second Edition as far as Campaign Settings and Adventure Paths and that kind of thing. I click on the Second Edition listing and all it gives me are the rulebooks- is there anywhere where it says "hey, these books here are for First Edition and these are for Second Edition"?

It gets kind of confusing because right now, everything's all mashed together in the same listings and I don't know what's compatible with what...

Looks like Salamileg got it pretty much covered. But this link should continue to be a pretty good reference for you, broken down by what sort of book/other source they are. It will only cover things published that have rules elements in them, but so far (and I suspect forever) 2e books should have rules elements in them :)

It's a link from the officially sanctioned pathfinder reference website Archives of Nethys, which is an excellent resources for rules. 10/10, would recommend.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Morgan wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:

I mean, your description isn't exactly wrong, but it's coming from a very specific place and whether it's accurate sort of depends on one's point of view.

The souls that dissolve don't generally do so until they're ready to on the Good planes (all sorts of s~@% can happen on the non-Good ones, but that's rather the point), and go on to become one with the plane. Becoming one with the plane that epitomizes one's highest ideals isn't exactly oblivion by most reasonable definitions. It's the end of that individual, certainly, but many real world religious beliefs hold out the eventual loss of identity in a way very much like this as a good thing (Buddhism leaps immediately to mind).

On a practical level, since this only happens on Good planes when a soul is tired of existence, wouldn't it be more horrifying if there wasn't some way out of an existence grown utterly stale? Looked at as a choice, even if it's a form of death (which is, again, a matter of perspective) don't some people have the right to make that choice?

Really, it all depends on how you look at it.

This. If you want to see a good example of this action, try watching the final season of THe Good Place. Actually, do it anyway, because that show is great.

... but watch the other seasons first :)

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
WatersLethe wrote:
I'm spending so much time reading everyone's comments about the playtest my eyes are aching like mad. Please make a dark theme for the forums!

I'm personally not a dark mode fan but I'm all for the forums having the option for those who are!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cyrus007 wrote:


Does anyone know where to find Shoony miniatures or pawns?

Thank you.

There’s some decent ones here (search for pugs): r-kingdoms-anthropomorphic-animals/
I saw someone of the PF2E reddit post about them. Not officially Shoony, obviously, but looks pretty similar to their depiction.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Moppy wrote:

Consider the ability to "overclock", at the risk of taking damage or passing out.

2E oracle in playtest had it, 1E kineticists has it.

People keep telling me it's a really bad idea, and obviously Paizo agrees since the Oracle lost that. But the CE Champion (the Paladidnt?) has it so it's not like their totally against the idea of self-harm powers.

What exactly was the problem with it? I'm guessing it was a community social thing which some thought was in some way disruptive to the game?

I have to say that I was a bit... jarred... to be scrolling through the forums here and see a post title that started with such a common trigger phrase. I'm sure you had no intent to hurt anyone, and it is an accurate term for what you are describing; but I personally would not have opened the title with that so that the topic of the post is clear before the phrase comes up, and honestly I probably would have chosen a different phrase.

But of course, my experience is not universal, so that's only my 2 cp.

As for your post itself, I think the main issue was that it was just TOO punishing of an effect on the Oracle. You'll notice that there is still a cost for them to overclock their powers, but not nearly as severe. The knock-out effect sidelined a player for the rest of the encounter, and if the player is extenuating themselves to that point, it's probably an important fight and not a fight the player wants to sit out. This was definitely a cinematic type effect and I can see why some people liked it, but it def wasn't for me personally. Hopefully, as PF2E continues, Paizo will put out more classes that have risk-reward mechanics that'll also please people who want this kind of effect!