Prankster Illusionist

Kyzin's page

9 posts. Alias of Moonjuice7.

Full Name

Kyzin Lialis




Psion (Kineticist) 5










Interested, but not committed


Born of McIntyre, Raised in Mistrada


Common, Elven, Halfling, Auran, Strix, Lip-Reading

Strength 11
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 11
Charisma 16

About Kyzin

Name: Kyzin Lialis
Race: Male Humavian (Clan McIntyre, see backstory)
Class: Psion (Kineticist)
Alignment: CG
Personality: He alternates between somber and mischievous. Very intelligent, but doesn't always have the best of common sense.

Kyzin was born to parents of the McIntyre Clan, but spent much of his childhood among Clan Mistrada. His parents were (On assignment/Merchants/stuck there for some benign reason) and often away, so he grew up playing with the halfavian children in the neighborhood. This included a large number of pranks. Kyzin was always seeking to use his powers to find a new prank to pull, and got to be something of a hero amongst the neighborhood children (His excessive height as he aged might have had something to do with that as well.) All was well and good until one day he pranked a visiting member of the Astradian council delegation. They did not appreciate the joke, and were skilled enough to catch him after the prank (which worked splendidly by the way.) They reported him to both his parents and the clan. In order to save face his clan decided to send him far away where he could learn to be a responsible (read: lawful) citizen and contribute something productive to the clan. His parents were severely reprimanded for not keeping him in line. Kyzin has now left, not quite an exile, determined to do something to redeem himself, and more importantly his parents, in the eyes of the clan leadership. To this end he has tried to repress his mischievous and cheerful nature, though it never holds for long.


Str- 11
Dex- 14
Con- 13
Int- 22
Wis- 11
Cha- 16

Combat Stats:

BAB: +2
Initiative: +2
AC: 12/10/12 (+4 or 5 with powers)
CMB/CMD: 2/14
HP 22/22
PP 37/40

Feats, Traits and Special Abilities:

Trait- Slippery
Trait- Child of the Streets

Level 1- Access Psionic Talent
Bonus Level 1- Endowed Mind
Level 3- Expanded Knowledge (Cryptic 1 Chameleon)
Level 5- Expanded Knowledge (Egoist 1 Natural Healing)
Bonus Level 5- Scribe Tattoo

Telekinetic Hurl: At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, you gain the ability to telekinetically hurl objects of up to 5 lbs. as a ranged attack at an enemy within 30 ft. Such attacks deal 1d4 points of damage due to the force exerted. This damage increases by 1d4 points of damage for every four psion levels thereafter.


Acrobatics 2
Appraise 6
Autohypnosis 4
Bluff 4
Climb 0
Craft: Tattoo/Calligraphy/Art 10
Diplomacy 4
Disable Device 8
Disguise 3
Escape Artist 2
Fly 5
Heal 0
Intimidate 7
Knowledge: Arcana 10
Knowledge: Dungeoneering 14
Knowledge: Engineering 10
Knowledge: Geography 10
Knowledge: History 10
Knowledge: Local 12
Knowledge: Nature 12
Knowledge: Nobility 10
Knowledge: Planes 10
Knowledge: Psionics 14
Knowledge: Religion 10
Linguistics 7
Perception 0
Ride 2
Sense Motive 0
Sleight of Hand 8
Spellcraft (Psicraft) 12
Stealth 10
Survival 0
Swim 0
Use Magic/Psionic Device 4

Powers Known:

Level 0- Far Hand (Automatic)
Level 0- Missive (Automatic)
Level 0- Create Sound (Automatic)
Level 0- Psionic Repair (APT)
Level 0- My Light (APT)
Level 0- Lesser Fortify (APT)
Level 0- Ectoplasmic Trinket (APT)
Level 0- Empathy (APT)
Level 1- Force Screen
Level 1- Energy Ray
Level 1- Entangling Debris
Level 1- Mater Agitation
Level 1- Slumber
Level 1- Foxhole (FC)
Level 1- Chameleon (EK)
Level 1- Natural Healing (EK)
Level 2- Energy Push
Level 2- Control Sound (FC)
Level 2- Energy Missile
Level 2- Breach
Level 2- Cloud Mind
Level 3- Localized Windstorm
Level 3- Concussive Onslaught

Equipment and Wealth:

MWK Light Crossbow (1d8)
Quarterstaff (used mostly for walking)
Dagger (x3) (1d4)
Headband of Avian Intelligence (Knowledge Dungeoneering) (Using the animal affinity power)
Cloak of Fiery Vanishing (if permitted. Couldn't find exact translations from magic into psionics, but found plenty of powers with similar effects.)
Tattooing supplies worth 600 gp

Natural Healing (ML 5) x4
Chameleon x6
Missive x4
Locate Secret Doors x1
Skate x1
Synesthete x2

Current Gold Unspent: 146 gp