Born to an elven woman named Lafitae Lunarum, at the edge of the Southern Fangwood, who was member of the Chernasardo rangers that litter the land of Nirmathas. Lafitae often ventured out into the Fangwood and while she was accompanied by other rangers most of the time, her fellow rangers notice every now and again the elven woman would venture into the forest on her own. Within three months Lafitae began to change, she seemed happier and within the month to follow those Lafitae where closest to notice she was with child. While her trips into the Fangwood did not stop they did lessen, and Lafitae focused more on teaching even taking on an apprentice named Aubrin. The two got along very well and as Lafitae got further in her pregnantcy she welcomed the help Aubrin brought.
It seemed having a child did not slow Lafitae down in the slightest. After Kyvanna's birth, Lafitae went right back to her ranger duties with Kyvanna in a sling. She kept Aubrin at her side, teaching all she could to her friend and student. Yet even then Lafitae didn't stop her trips into the Fangwood didn't stop, they did remain less then before. Then after about two years the stopped compeletly. Only did she venture into the Fangwood alongside other rangers and many would say she seemed to be looking for something that wasn't ever there. Though after a few years Aubrin left to return home, her mother had passed and Lafitae understood where she needed to be. Kyvanna, who was now nine, and had grown up alongside these rangers mainly Aubrin and her mother, was in tears with Aubrin's departure but the young woman promised she'd be back to see Kyvanna again.
But within the following year, young Kyvanna's life was turned on its head. Her mother and several others where taken by an ambush of hobgoblins. Only two survived to bring the news to Kyvanna and the others. Now the rangers had two problems, hobgolblins and an orphan. The rangers however got lucky, a caravan was passing through and was heading right for Phaendar. The town that Aubrin had settled down in because of an accident, and they hoped that the friend and student of Lafitae would take in the orphan girl.
So at age ten, Kyvanna made the journey to Phaendar with a few things and a bit of coin for Aubrin that the rangers could spare to help with the added expense of a child. Many of the caravan commented upon how well Kyvanna took the trip but often found her crying at night. When Kyvanna saw Aubrin however, everything changed. The young girl quickly took to her "aunt" Aubrin and her community. The sadness seemed to melt away within the following months and Kyvanna helped Aubrin in any way she could. The young girl seemed very perceptive and took quickly to the teachings Aubrin gave her but within a few years Phaendar's newest member seemed to become more withdrawn. Though few knew if this was just the now thirteen Kyvanna going through "that time" of ones life, or if it was because Aubrin seemed to become more over protective. But either way Kyvanna was only really seen while the sun was out and rarely seen out at night.
Finally Kyvanna came of age and set about to join the Chernasardo rangers as her mother and her aunt Aubrin had years before. Kyvanna took to the training like a fish takes to water. It seemed to be in her blood and Kyvanna greatly enjoyed the company of those around her. Often bringing meals with her to share with her new friends. Though they did notice that one each month the young ranger would vanish each and every night but hey, who doesn't have a quirk or two?