Satinder Morne

Kyranda's page

214 posts. Alias of Krumthi.

Images of the night's revelry flash in your mind; good loud music, flirty wenches of questionable morals, and numerous glasses of rum, ale and wine. The last thing you remember was plates full of sausages and meats being brought out to loud cheers and greedy handfuls.

It was truly a night worthy of the Pirate capital of the Shackles.

Those happy remembrances are immediately replaced by a pounding headache. You must still be drunk, as you feel the floor beneath swaying at regular intervals. Licking your lips, the taste of the wine is replaced by an ashy, unpleasant flavor.

Opening your eyes, you discover that you are in a ship's interior. You see others around you slowly coming to, faces you recognize from the Formidably Maid the night before - all of whom are worse for the wear, much like yourself. Looking around, you quickly realize that you've been stripped of all your belongings, with nothing more than the clothes on your back. No weapons. No magical components.


Lifting your head, you see a tall, skinny man in a long coat and breeches and boots. He wears a dark beard braided down his chest and his mouth gleams with gold teeth as he snarls cruelly at the lot of you. Six other burly men stand around him, all armed with saps.

His voice rings out in a shout as the whip in his other hand cracks out above your heads. "Still abed with the sun over the yardarm?! On your feet, you filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!"

You are on a boat. Against your will. And this man, standing above you, is apparently your new boss.

Your pirate career is off to a dramatically different start than you anticipated.

We are going to go ahead and open the discussion thread here, For those who made it congratulations.

I am going to give people a couple of days before I start to RP the night before if you want, if not that is fine too.

I am hoping that we are all going to have a fun time. Please let me know if you are not.

Players Guide

Character Generation:

- Ability Scores: point buy using 20pts.
- Races: I am willing to take anything from Core and Featured Races, Others will be approved by GM
- Classes: Any Core and Base Classes Hybrid Classes by GM approval
- Skills and Feats: Any available from sources.
- Traits: Chose two traits from sources available and one from the player's guide. (3 total)
- Hero Points: Yes. I will be using them. ( These will be rewarded for really good RP and other things)
- Equipment: Maximum starting gold for class.
- Hit Points: Standard (Max at 1st level) After we will use Discussion board dice Roller to determine HP
- Alignment ( will allow almost any but have to play well, with a group)
-Recruitment will last for 1 week from the posting date.
- Story- Background Characters should have a backstory that gets them to the Formidably Maid tavern in Port Peril. This can be as simple or elaborate as you like. Keep in mind that storytellers are being sought, but that as a first level character, your story is just beginning.
- I am looking for 4-6 Characters depending on what type of response I get.
- Everything is subject to GM approval.

It is early evening in Port Peril. The sounds from the tavern are just starting to pick up as the sailors, merchants and visitors gather for the evening. A halfling woman stands on a barrel in the corner, playing a fiddle and loudly singing vulgar tunes. The bartender, a man missing most of his teeth and one of his eyes, stands behind the bar, wiping the glasses with a cloth that is filthier than the clothing he wears. There are several empty tables and stools at the bar, waiting to be filled.
That's when you arrive…

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

Something that I am borrowing from DM Immortal’s Thread from a while ago
1. What position do you see yourself eventually in on a ship?
2. How do you feel about piracy in general? (This includes stealing, killing, plundering, etc.)
3. Which campaign trait are you selecting and why?

Character Survey:

Where was your character born?
Who raised him?
What was happening in the region when your character was growing up?
Does your character have any relatives?
What are your character’s immediate goals? What would he like to do in the coming
What are his long-term goals?
What type of person would be his ideal mate?
Who is his patron deity? Is he a devout worshiper?
Is he a devout member of any nonreligious cause?
Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion or the like against which he is strongly
What is his greatest fear?
What is the one task he absolutely refuses to do?
What is your character’s motto or favorite saying?
What is his favorite color?
Describe what he would wear if money were no object?
What is his favorite food? Drink?
What is his favorite animal?
What habits of his friends annoy him most?
What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely
resembles your character?
What would be his theme song?
If his friends were to write his epitaph, what would it be?
What would be his job in modern society?

Introduction Questions:

Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or aliases?
What is your full birth name?
Where do you live?
Why do you live there?
What is your citizenship status?
What is your most obvious blessing or strength?
What is your most obvious flaw or weakness?
Was there any event or cause to cause these weaknesses?
Physical Traits
What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?
What is your skin colour?
What is your hair colour?
What is your hair style?
Do you have any facial hair?
What is your eye colour?
Does it change?
How attractive are you?
What is your most distinguishing feature?
Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?
What is your handedness (left/right)?
Do you resemble some currently known person?
Do you wear a uniform?
What kind of clothing do you wear?


Where is your homeland?
Did you have any childhood friends?
What conflicts might arise from your past?
Do you have any sort of criminal record?
Who were your parents?
What did your parents and/or foster parents do for a living?
Are they still alive?
Do you, or did you, have any role models?
Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias?
What, if anything, would it take for you to be able to overcome this?
How do you react when this fear manifests itself?
Are you willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?
What are your attitudes regarding material wealth?
Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking,
afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?
What is your most treasured possession?
Do you have a good luck charm?
Describe your worst nightmares.

the Spoiler is Not needed but always helpful,

To be honest I plan on this getting a little off track, from the full plot but I do expect to make it thru.
please let me know if you have any questions. I will answer here or in PM if you ask in PM

It has been a while Since I have GM'ed a good game, So I hope that this goes well.

Here, I will be posting the inforamtion for my Game, I will be using the following rules in place.

Character Creation
4d6 for stats Drop lowest. one roll will be used all scores kept. It's more fun that way in my mind.

6th level
Race:Anything from Paizo is allowed ASK first just in case
Class:All Paizo Classes, some Archtypes, will not be permited but those will be decided later
starting gold: 16,000 gp Must buy all equipment, excluding spellbooks and Forumla books (anything past 1st book must be paid for, or Holy symbols(unless other then wooden)
Traits: 2 from anything that is on
Hit Points:Max 1st and 2nd Level rest are rolled in thread. 1's and 2's will have the option to choose average hit points for their hit die.
Hero Points: Will be used, if you decide to drop out of Hero Points you let me know in tread and let me know of your alt choice.for your extra trait.
I am looking for just a tiny bit of background bascally where you came from and what you want to do.
Outline:I am looking though for a sort of outline
for example.
John doe.
wizard 3/ Rogue 3 wants to go to into prestage class Arcane trickster. has always loved the magical arts but is a better thief. something to that extent

Offical gameplay thread of the game all says will be in bold all thoughts are in italics and all rolls and other things will be in ooc

I will start the game tonight please let me know in the discussion thread if I have not pm'ed you yet

Everyone Do me a favor and Create your Profile and Type here your Char again for me so everything is not so cluttered.

Okay, so here is my first attempt at running a PbP game, I am a semi-experinced GM and I have done several before, So here is what I am looking for. This is going to be differnt then your normal Campgian, This is a Homebrew campaign that is going to be started out when you are preteen/teens. This is something that I have wanted to try for a while.
Each Charater should be of high living such as the example below or in some sort of trade appertinceship at the momment. Everyone lives in the same small Village of Bristol located in the River Kingdoms. We will be Fast Fowarding to adults after some relationships have been applied and some skills have been learned. There is a oppertunity here for everyone to gain an extra something for their Charater. Be it a feat, a modifier to their stats or Skills. or even items.

LN village
Corruption +0; Crime –4; Economy –1; Law +2; Lore +1; Society +0
Qualities rumormongering citizens, superstitious, Weary
Danger +0; Disadvantages impoverished
Government autocracy
Population 175 (50 humans, 30 halflings, 20 half-elf 40 Elves, 20 Dwarves 15 other. )

Notable NPCs
Mayor Tanner Youngson (LG male human expert 3)
Sheriff Ira Skeen (LN female human fighter 1/ranger 3)
Soothsayer the Beachcomber (N male human druid 2)
Wally the Wizard (n Male Human Wizard 5)

Base Value 375 gp; Purchase Limit 1,250 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items 1d4; Medium Items 1d2; Major Items —
This is a small bustling village with a lot of young families.

So here is an example of a Charater in the village.


Rodric Youngson
Age 13
Human Male
activities: practiced swordsman, Loves sword play. Has a wooden sword that he made.

Background: Rodric is the only son of the local mayor here. He is bratty and stuck up. He has very few friends and is sort of a bully. he is currently apprenticing at the Blacksmith shop. Where he is being taught a hard lesson. He has a good eye for a fight and is pretty handy with a sword already having learned somethings from the Sheriff and the blacksmith. He owns a wooden sword that he crafted

Crunchy stuff:

Will use the boards for all dice rolls

4d6 Drop the lowest
Racial modifies will allow for 3-20. Placing them in any order that you feels right to you.
We will be starting at level 1 but there will be some perks and flaws along with the game that you will earn thru role play and thru roll play.

I will take 5 People and I will keep the Recruitment board up for 1 week before I make my choices. I will not be picking till then. I will keep an eye on the board and answer any questions

Races: Anything from CRB APG UM, UC, GMG, ARG (must be approved first though)
Classes: Anything from the CRB APG UM, UC, GMG, ARG
Archetypes: Anything from the CRB APG UM, UC, GMG, ARG (all must be approved first)
Alignment: No Evil
wealth: 50GP to start
Traits: 2 to start ( more can be earned ) ( All traits are open, I will only allow one Rich Parents though)
Gear: Do not worry about Gear at the moment that will be taken care of in game.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As the title states I am a newbie to this but I am interested in playing a game or two online. I have a couple of char concepts that I am interested in playing. They are as follows

Elf Alchemist level 1

Human Cleric of Calistria level 1

Also I would be willing to fill any role for a party, I am an experienced player from 3.5 and pathfinder.

Please let me know if you want more information on them. I have them 90% fleshed out for this. I would really like to play anything at this point. I have only one RL game and that is every other Saturday. I work at night so have a lot of time to join the games and play.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance

Thank you.

Grand Lodge

First off, if this has been done before please let me know where I can find it.

I am getting ready to play an Alchemist for the first time, I have spoken to my DM and he is going to allow me create a custom weapon.
Here is my Idea:
Alchemical Cross-bow: Allows me to shoot bombs further then 20ft. I have thought about using a light cross bow as start and modifying the weapon to allow me to shoot my bombs out of it. The DM stated that it sounds like a great idea but he was thinking that the range would not be the full 80ft like a crossbow, I was thinking between 50-60ft
What feats, (yes, he is making me take the feats and what not for creating it) and other things might I do to be able to make this happen. We also talked about it using my extracts as well, (thinking to use on the party with healing pots)

Thanks for the help, I will post my idea here when I have more time

Grand Lodge

So, I have a game that I am currently running and I am looking for a medium to hard challenge for a group of six Characters that are all level 2 possibly level 3 by the time they get there. I know the main villain is going to be a Wizard ( Conjurer ) but I am unsure of what level I should put him at. From what I am understand the APL for the party would be 4 because of adding the 1 for six or more party members. I am looking for the wizard to be hard enough to give them trouble because he is one of the BBEG's for this part of the quest I have given them. Also I am thinking about adding several goblin minions as well as 2 bugbears for fun.
My Thoughts where as follows

Wizard Level 6
18 Goblins
2 Bugbears,

Do you all think that this too much for this party?
If so please give me your feed back so I can make it a fair and level playing field.

Grand Lodge

This might be in the wrong place, but this is where I thought it would fit in at the moment because this is what I want to know about.

How does everyone on here, have access to these files ( modules ) before they come out? I really want to know. I have noticed today for the first time that these are not for sale till later next year, I am wondering what I need to do to get invited.


Grand Lodge

I have a game that I am currently Running and I am looking for a name for the group, that is a huge part of the plot, Right now I have them labeled as the Elemental Warriors, but it sounds like it could use some work, Let me give you a little bit of a background. The group has a magical book that has all of their current deeds, this book is writing down everything that they are doing and is keeping track. With out giving too much away they're a story that an NPC made up.

The group has 8 players 1 for each elements and para-elements. They're

Captain Planet is not a vaild option Please be serious about this.


Grand Lodge


Here is my Question to you all, If you had rolled those stats what would you create at level 1?
Anything from Core APG UC UM is allowed, 2 traits, One must be a Racial trait though.

I have these stats and I am pondering what to do with them for an upcoming homebrew game.

Any help would be awesome

Grand Lodge

First off I am going to say that I know this topic has most likely been done over and over again and for that I am sorry, I am just looking for answers. I am a newer GM and a long time player of 3.5, I have never given much thought to the Creating magic items and creating Crafted Items till I saw the Alchemist. That got me thinking and really wanting to play one in an upcoming campaign. But as much as I try I just do not understand the crafting rules. Here is what I would hope that someone out there is going to be able to do.

1st explain the mechanics of the system. I have read the rules and read the PRD online and it still doesn't make any sense.
2nd. Be able to give me a couple of examples of what to do with craft Alchemy.

(Thinking Brewing Cure Light potions for the PT) and then crafting smoke sticks and crafting other things for us as well, Trying to make a profit off of it.
3rd. show the steps in the above examples for me so that I can see how to work on them myself.

4th. Why is the DC to craft a potion 5 Craft alchemy would equal out something to be a 11 (rough math) and if I rolled a natural 20 that would be 32 for a DC of 5? why is the DC a 5 for crafting this item?

Let me give you the drift of what I got on the rules.
To create a potion at first left alchemy I need to have the spell prepared. So with a high enough INT I can have two cure light wounds prepared.
It takes 2 hours to create a potion because it is under 250 gold pieces but I can only create 1 potion per day. because of the craft magic items rules.

I hope that there is someone out there that is going to be able to help me out If anything just point me in to another tread if need be. I have checked and read, I just don't get this... Please advise.


Grand Lodge

Infuse Mutagen

When the alchemist creates a mutagen he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. This inflicts 2 points of Intelligence damage to the alchemist and costs 1,000 gp in rare reagents, but the mutagen created persists on its own and is not rendered inert if the alchemist creates another mutagen. This allows an alchemist to create different types of mutagens and keep them handy for emergencies. This does not allow an alchemist to gain the effects of multiple mutagens—only the most recently imbibed mutagen has any effect.

My question comes in to play with the above Discovery and the Rules around it because I have not been able to figure it out. please advise

The question is the 2 points of Intelligence damage is this temporary or permanent or what? This to me is vague and I am not sure of an answer here, Please Advise


Grand Lodge

Hey, I am getting ready to run a campiagn soon and I am looking to have a great chase scene in it, I have read thru the rules for the chase scene and there seems to be a lot of good idea's but becuase I do not have a lot of time, I am looking for some Idea's for a longer Woodland chase scene, for a set up it is going to be like this

The party is level 1 and they are going to encounter a a evil robin hood type char with a band of not so merry men, I have got all of the evil party ready, I have got a level 2 rouge that will be the party's chase victim because he is going to be stealing the item that they need to get back.

I have got a river in the middle of the forest that is about 5 ft wide so could be an easy jump across, the river is about 10ft deep as well any idea's that might be able to help me out?

Thanks in advance!!