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In PC2 Mercy got a few new tricks, allowing it to counteract a whole bunch of conditions. It very notably is missing the line that would limit it from counteracting afflictions that cause the conditions like Sure Footing or the new Alchemist feat Invigorating Elixir.

Is this intentional? Can Mercy counteract a disease that imposes both Clumsy and Stupified?

There's the lvl 12 feat, Affliction Mercy, that specifically calls out counteraction afflictions instead of effects causing a condition. Is Mercy also being able to counteract some afflictions stepping on the design toes of a higher level feat?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, I'm thinking of building my favorite home character for society. I'm torn between Slayer - 11 or Slayer 7/Shadowdancer 4.

18 Str
16 Dex
12 Con
10 Int
12 Wis
7 Cha

The play style would be to bounce around with spring attacks, move/stealth->sneak attacking->move/stealth with a reach weapon.

The reason I'm torn between the two is that Shadowdancer may have a lot of table variance. Each GM seems to have their own take on how stealth rules and lighting conditions work. Issues could come up with how hard is it to find dim light to hide in, having the shadow auto-break some scenarios, having an undead (even non evil) may cause the party hardship.

Had anyone played with or GM'd a Shadowdancer? How did things go?

Also, metagame wise, I have an Ioun Stone with Continual Flame CL 11 cast on it on a lvl 7 sheet.

Slayer 11
1. Power Attack, Combat Reflexes
2. Ranger Feat (Mobility)
3. Dodge
4. Combat Trick (Spring Attack)
5. Skill Focus (Stealth)
6. Ranger Feat (Whirlwind Attack)
7. Hellcat Stealth
8. Fast Stealth
9. Critical Focus
10. Evasion
11. Bleeding Critical

Slayer 6/Shadowdancer 4/Slayer 1
1. Power Attack, Combat Reflexes
2. Ranger Feat (Mobility)
3. Dodge
4. Combat Trick (Spring Attack)
5. Combat Patrol(?)
6. Ranger Feat (Whirlwind Attack)
7. Hide in Plain Site, Lunge
8. Evasion, Dark Vision, Uncanny Dodge
9. Fast Stealth, Shadow Illusion, Summon Shadow, Iron Will
10. Shadow Call, Shadow Jump 40 ft
11. Improved Iron Will

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hello, I'll be joining my first game of PFS this coming Saturday and could use an extra set of eyes to look over my character. While I've been using the system for several years now I've never really tried getting into the Galorion world until now.

Rhyner Thatch
Male CG Angel-kin Aasimar Summoner
Level 1, Init +8, HP 10/10, DR 0, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Longspear 3 (1d8+4, x3)
Cestus 3 (1d4+3, 19-20x2)
Chainshirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16(racial), Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18(racial)

Faction is Andoran,traits are reactionary and focused mind and feat is improved initiative.
I've not rolled out the Eidolon yet and I also have about 40(?) gold left to spend.

Anything obviously illegal?
What kind of Eidolon should it be?
What items should I buy?

Thanks in advance

Edit 1: removed illegal archetype. Thank you!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


I'll be joining a RotR campaign and currently plan to play a Human Cleric of Erastil with the Eagle and Animal (Feather) domains.
Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot eventually Boon Companion at 7
Traits: Birthmark, Eyes and Ears of the City
It's a 20 pointbuy and I'm thinking something like:

STR - 10
DEX - 15
CON - 11
INT - 10
WIS - 17
CHA - 14

But I'm open to moving the 14 from CHA to STR for composite damage or dumping a stat to 8 if it could help. I'd rather avoid dumping as I'm trying to be less min-maxxy than usual.

My goals for this character is to be a backup ranged damage dealer and party buffer/healer. Stay at range and cast touch spells with the Hawk Familiar and use the bonuses to ranged attacks from the domain powers/spells.

Current party is a Lore Warden and Sorcerer with the Fire bloodline. There may be more players inbound, but that's unclear.

Any suggestions or improvements? How should I progress the build into the future? Should I pick up a variant channel?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So my DM is allowing Hamatula Strike with Hamatulatsu Strike and it creates some odd interactions with other abilities.

Lets say some little casty was trying to 5 foot step out of my threatened area. This provokes an attack from Stand Still,and No Escape so I punch him with my stabby fingers and start a grapple. Do I get to add half my level as stated in the Brawler special ability?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So the idea for this build is a fighter using a Blinkback Belt, Throwing Kukri, Close-Quarter Thrower and Clustered Shots to do his DPS.

Basically, draw and throw your weapon in melee, get full STR on every attack and bypass DR due to Clustered Shots while still being able to flank and receive AoO's.

This is a high level build to replace my bard if he ends up getting killed. Last session ended with talk of strapping him to an antimagic field so the grappler could help walk a vampire to the light.


1) Dodge,TWF, Weapon Focus (Kukri)
2) Pointblank Shot
3) QuickDraw
4) Precise Shot
5) Weapon Specialization: (Kukri)
7) Close-Quarters Thrower
8) Clustered Shots
9) Greater Weapon Focus (Kukri)
10) Greater Weapon Specialization (Kukri)
11) GTWF
12) Improved Critical (Kukri)
13) Deadly Aim

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So lets say that I use Enlarge Person on my tiny Tumor Familiar piglet (Pigpig), and Reduce Person on my small Halfling (Corvan). Now lets say that I permanency these spells. I now have a Tumor a size category larger than my character. Does this mean I can saddle him? Or should I start rolling Fort saves to not die of cancer? Are there any rules that prevent me from doing this? Aside from common sense of course.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Could a Zen Archer Flurry with a quarterstaff if the quarterstaff was actually a longbow?

Flurry of Blow:
Starting at 1st level, a zen archer can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action, but only when using a bow (even though it is a ranged weapon). He may not make a flurry of blows with his unarmed attacks or any other weapons. A zen archer does not apply his Strength bonus on damage rolls made with flurry of blows unless he is using a composite bow with a Strength rating.

The bow that is touched takes on the rigidity and toughness of forged steel, allowing it to be used as a melee weapon. The spell allows a shortbow to be used as a club or a longbow to be used as a quarterstaff, although the bow retains its normal hit points and hardness. The bow’s enhancement bonus, if any, applies on melee attack and damage rolls. Additional weapon special weapon qualities also apply to melee attacks if such qualities can be added to a melee weapon.

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In one of our recent encounters our DM deemed it necessary for his amusement that we should be eaten by sharks. As we crept (while swimming?) through some underwater caverns attempting to find an unruly Aboleth a shark caught my scent and got some very lucky rolls.
Rolled to hit through full concealment, grappled me, beat my initiative, swallowed me and then escaped from my party to digest his new found prize. Coming to terms with the fact that Shadow Jump would put me back within charging distance, and my light weapons would doubtfully cut a way out before its stomach could finish off my remaining 14 hp I opted for the more creative route (as suggested by the beautiful and lovely bard if she should ever read this post and think I was plagiarizing her ideas).

Move Action: Withdraw potion of Gaseous Form
Standard Action: Dump potion into the stomach I was now in
Free Action: Pray

After a fit of laughter from the party, my DM ruled that the shark exploded into a cloud of bubbles and started rising through the cracks within the cave system. And a successful bluff check now has my party's ranger believing I'm hiding more interesting powers up my sleeve.

His decision revolved around the idea that a 1 INT critter swallowing someone implied a willingness to devour anything on his person. Including a potion.

How far from RAW is this? My search-fu is weak, as such I cannot find any rules for force feeding a target a potion or how "willing" target interacts with this. Is this in the realm of homebrew or am I just being dense?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Would using Snake Style or Boar Ferocity allow you to use Impaling Critical and Improved Impaling Critical with unarmed strikes? And if you so, could you continue a flurry of blows while one of your hands is attached to your victims spinal column? Yes, I understand it would be next to useless but if I ever do a high level one-shot, having a 10% chance to do something like this would be awesome.


And if this works out, how would multiple crits work? If you can hit with any part of your body can you get stuck in somebody?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Recently my group came into possession of a little girl to which our characters have turned into concerned uncles over her well being (except for the Cleric who's generally a perverted ass, and the Ranger who's far too responsible for his Chaotic alignment). She's not like normal little girls, most little girls can't copy spells and cast them at will as a spell like ability. But she was cute and it was funny to teach her to say "Roofies!" when she hits somebody with color spray and stuns them for a few rounds. At first I thought she was being screwing with our group, but it turns out she's something a little scarier. A super powered 5 year old.

Last session our group got the chance to trade a natural 20 knowledge check for a piece of information of our choice from an ancient green dragon: Where the lost prince of the kingdom was, or what the little girl really is. Now half the party wants to take her back where she came from.

The little girl turned out to be a figment of a god. A leftover idea that took form. So she gets to cast Limited Wish at will as a spell like ability (this is with a few limitations, not 5th level Cleric Spells). She literally warps reality around her to fit her perception of how things should work. As in, she didn't die from starvation nor age after coming out of the Astral Plane because she didn't know she was supposed to.

So here we are with this little god-girl, I'm guessing a human with the young template, and a Lawful Evil being that trades in information. What she is might not stay a secret for long.

How would we go about protecting her from people who want to steal her? How should we shelter her from learning spells that might kill her? What defensive spells should we show her? How should we make sure she stays safe during combat when we're definitely going to be abusing her infinite cure critical wounds out of combat? I doubt "Leaving her with the horses" will cut it. The last thing we want to happen is needing to make a fast getaway and finding out she'd color sprayed the horses into unicorns.

For the record: I love my DM's story lines. But he gives us more than enough rope to hang ourselves with.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Section in question is bolded for your convenience

Furious Finish:
Furious Finish

You channel all of your rage into one massive blow to crush your enemy.

Prerequisite: Rage class feature, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: While raging, when you use the Vital Strike feat, you can choose not to roll your damage dice and instead deal damage equal to the maximum roll possible on those damage dice. If you do, your rage immediately ends, and you are fatigued (even if you would not normally be).

Doesn't explicitly say "Vital Strike damage dice" or "weapon damage dice". Does this mean that all of your damage dice on the roll are maxed out?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What happens if someone using In Harm's Way were to also use Crane Wing?

Nothing? Awesomeness?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Martial Artist Monk loses his Ki Pool to make way for his Exploit Weakness ability (which I love), but he doesn't explicitly lose some of his Ki abilities that rely on said pool. Lets say Mr. Monk doesn't like that and drops a level into Rogue to get the Ki Pool Rogue Talent. Of course its significantly smaller, but would he still be able to use it (minus the extra attack on a full attack)? Would it still count for Ki Strike, Abundant Step and all the other neat Ki tricks? I couldn't find where someone had asked this question before and I'm very curious.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Is there any way I could use Reduce Person on a Familiar. Or would I have to ask my DM if I could custom create a spell to Reduce Outsider?
Azata, Lyrakien

Was thinking of making her a Lyre of Building and then shrinking it so I could have a tiny construction crew jutebox wherever I go. Or could I just construct the Lyre in tiny size?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ultimate Combat brought in a lot of grapple related feats. Chokehold, Jawbreaker feat chain, Rapid Grappler etc. So many choices, and so few feat slots. Besides the standard Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple and Greater Grapple, what are the must have grapple feats and grapple strategies to be an effective Luchador?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Stealing this from a suggestion I gave in an earlier thread. Deal with it.

JibJib is a Barbarian with the Mounted Fury and Superstitious Archetypes. He wants nothing more than to emulate his hero AM BARBARIAN, but knows that his small stature will never let him accomplish this feat. So, he needs to even the odds with his trusty mount Mr. Chompy the Raging T-Rex.

(Note: I know the Archetype lists what mounts I can choose from, but my DM homeruled that I could use any Druid Companion I could ride.)

Character Breakdown
Level 8 Goblin Barbarian [Mounted Fury/Superstitious]

STR - 20
DEX - 14
CON - 18
INT - 8
WIS - 10
CHA - 6

Lvl 1 - Mounted Combat
Lvl 2 - Ferocious Mount
Lvl 3 - Power Attack
Lvl 4 - Beast Totem Lesser
Lvl 5 - Ride-by-Attack
Lvl 6 - Beast Totem
Lvl 7 - Spirited Charge
Lvl 8 - Ferocious Mount, Greater

To Level 10

Lvl 9 - Raging Vitality
Lvl 10 - Beast Totem, Greater

Eventually go into the Spell Sunder Rage power tree, grab Raging Brutality, Strength Surge, Animal Fury etc.

Mr. Chompy's Stats would be here with level 4 Druid Companion Stats. His feats would be Improved Natural Attack and Power Attack. Later feats would be Improved Bull Rush and eventually Awesome Blow at level 9 (13 for me.)

The attack would be (at lvl 13) Pounce+Rage Lance+Power Attack+Raging Brutality and Mr. Chompy would be Powerful Bite x2 (with a 32 STR!) Claw attacks x2.

I can see the obvious problems with it: no fitting into dungeons, half a regular barbarian's rage, far from the best base race etc. but I think that this would be a hilarious RP and play build. Lets look past the glaring weaknesses and try to optimize him anyway. Suggestions? Did I miss something silly? Is there any way I can increase his companion level?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Few questions as the text is kind of blank on this part.

Shadow reminder:
At 3rd level, a shadowdancer can summon a shadow, an undead shade. Unlike a normal shadow, this shadow's alignment matches that of the shadowdancer, and the creature cannot create spawn. The summoned shadow receives a +4 bonus on Will saves made to halve the damage from positive channeled energy and the shadow cannot be turned or commanded. This shadow serves as a companion to the shadowdancer and can communicate intelligibly with the shadowdancer. This shadow has a number of hit points equal to half the shadowdancer's total. The shadow uses the shadowdancer's base attack bonus and base save bonuses.

If a shadow companion is destroyed, or the shadowdancer chooses to dismiss it, the shadowdancer must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save. If the saving throw fails, the shadowdancer gains one permanent negative level. A successful saving throw avoids this negative level. A destroyed or dismissed shadow companion cannot be replaced for 30 days.

Does it share the shadowdancer's hit dice? Gain levels and skill points etc? The rules seem kind of vague. It says the shadow is a "companion" but doesn't relay any information past that. Just seems so odd, having a lvl 10 character with a "companion" with 3HD. But over 60HP.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

First, some context!

Last session ended on a sour note, with our rogue drinking the blood being used to to summon some horrifying monstrosity into our plane of existence. While my character doesn't know what it is, the boss, a high priestess to and undead god, died quoting Star Wars "Kill me and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!"

So now he lies dying, slowing becoming incorporeal and turning into whatever she was trying to summon. Good news is the portal she was attempting to open never got a chance, so only one baddy and we might have saved the world! Bad news is when the rogue found out (through DM intervention) what he was going to turn in to, he started screaming at us to run. We're currently barricaded in the temple surrounding by untold thousands of zombies smack dab in the center of city we are at war with, making his suggestion a slightly difficult.

My question is this: if I dumped him into our Bag of Holding, then stabbed it, would it get rid of the baddy?

If a bag of holding is overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag immediately ruptures and is ruined, and all contents are lost forever.
Does "Lost Forever" constitute destroyed? Would a CN Mercenary do this to his brother in arms? Is it evil or am I saving him?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What are some staple items for Barbarians/Fighters? Lets say you have a soft cap of ~18k as the most expensive item you can find in the city. What would you purchase?

The campaign that I'm currently in, we hit bank, compared to how we usually acquire wealth, and now have ~30k gold to play with. DM allows us two characters, a main and an alternate that is one level lower. So Currently I have a Issac: Fighter 5/Shadowdancer 2 and Logen: Barbarian 6.

Logen's real items of interest are a +4 con belt, +2 frost scimitar (That he'll sell if he can get a better weapon) and a masterwork breastplate/greatsword. He charges in and lets enemies eat his health.

Issac was created with a cap of 6k gold so his combat items are a mithril breastplate and a masterwork guisarme. He's a trip fighter specializing in hit and run tactics.

Books currently allowed: Ultimate Magic, APG and Core.

Are intelligent items worth the cost? I was looking into a decent weapon for Loge:n Adamantine, large bastard sword that could cast enlarge person 3/d and stabilize at will. Add on Furious from the APG, all for about 16.8k.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, I've jaunted through the Archives and seen the absolute horror that is the debate about Hide in Plain Sight and the rules concerning it. I've done quite a bit of reading and come no closer to an answer as to what defines Dim light or Shadow in relation to this supernatural ability.

The Horror: PG/advice/dealingWithHideInPlainSight&page=1&source=search#0

As I understand it James Jacobs wrote:

James Jacobs wrote:

The wording for those two is different because the categorization of lighting in Pathfinder was a relatively late to the game refinement, and we weren't able to standardize every mention of illumination in the game. The assassin's a good example.

In any case, the intent is the same: dim light = shadow. So both of these abilities should work exactly the same, even though the words chosen aren't identical.

My questions is simply this: Does Hide in Plain Sight work in shadows (as in shadows created by people walking in light, absence of light etc.) or only work in that hazy area outside a light source before it is swallowed by the the darkness?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Can I get a clear ruling on the validity of using armor spikes to threaten an adjacent square when using a two handed reach weapon? Does one need to take TWF? Where can I find said ruling? Thanks in advance.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Character Creation: Take two.

Alright, new character concept loosely built Darkness Isaac from the manga Jackals. Character is meant to be a combat controller with respectable damage output, but focused on keeping the enemy disoriented and CC'd. Replacing my meat shield tank with a more versatile one capable of some deep RP, more than typical barbarian "LOGEN SMASH! LOGEN DRINK! LOGEN SMASH DRUNKENLY!"

Combat Theory: Keep the enemy in place while my group turns it into goop.
Move in Whirlwind/Trip/Disarm/Smack, move back and prevent anyone from getting to the back of the party. HiPS as part of that move action would give me plenty of flat footed AC's to hit and allow me to not be charged into the ground the next round.

Books: Pathfinder only

5 levels of fighter, 2 of shadow dancer
Skill Points: Str: 18 Dex:14 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 10 Cha: 9

1. Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes
2. Combat Expertise
3. Improved Trip
4. Spring Attack
5. Improved Disarm
Shadow Dancer
6. ---
7. Whirlwind

Later feats: Combat Patrol, Greater Disarm, Body Guard, In Harm's Way

After four levels of Shadowdancer, pop back into Fighter.

Definitely going with a Mithral Breastplate. Might take a Mithral shield and Flail, though a reach weapon with trip/disarm would be really sexy. Combat patrol would allow a massive threat range and armor spikes for the closeness. Do I need Two Weapon Fighting to use armor spikes for close range AoO?


What weapon should I focus in? Should I take the Mobile Fighter Variant? What other feats would go along nicely with this build?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, in my current campaign my Half-Orc Barbarian is growing a little stale. Run in, rage, smash, and maybe get something furry to skin. Fun, but to be honest I would like to try something new. We recently took sides in a war among thieves and landed ourselves a nice little fortress to base our company out of, and now our DM is allowing us to bring in alternate characters as part of our growing mercenary group.

My idea for an alternate character would be a Halfing Rogue utilizing the Sniper Archetype in the APG and the Swift as Shadows racial trait. The idea is to eventually make a sniper that would take no penalties for sniping, have crazy range and be able to pump whatever unlucky critter he's stalking full of sneak attack fueled crossbow bolts before it knows what's happening.

Bear with me, I'm fairly new to Pathfinder (to D&D in general) so I might make some silly errors.

Books: If it's published Pathfinder it's allowed. Within reason of course, he really hates power gaming.*cough*

Ability Points: 15 Point buy. I suck with points, someone please help!

Character Levels: 7
We can bring in new characters at our current character's levels. We're just about to hit 7 so I think that's when short stack here will make his appearance.

1. Point Blank Shot
2. (Rogue) Weapon Focus Heavy Crossbow
3. Rapid Reload
4. (Rogue) Camouflage
5. Rapid Shot
6. (Rogue) Crossbow Mastery
7. Precise Shot

8+ Haven't really thought about... Though getting the Stealthy Sniper advanced rogue talent at 10 is a must. Maybe Focus shot, Improved Precise Shot, Farshot etc. Are there feats that I'm completely leaving out?

Items that I'm looking into are obviously a Masterwork Heavy Crossbow with a Spyglass jimmy-rigged on top(if I can sweet talk my GM into it..) Not sure on what enchantments to look out for to put on it. I would like to eventually grab Sniper Goggles, but money is kind of tight in this campaign. I doubt we'll get the starting gold stated in the Core book, more likely to get half of it.

Thanks in advance for any input. Cheers!