About Kyoden GojuBasics:
AC: 17
Touch: 14 Flat: 13 CMD: 14 HP: 11/11 (dead at -14) BAB: +0
Init: +4
Racial traits:
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. FCB: 1 hit Point Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Teisatsu are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the kama, katana, kusarigama, nunchaku, sai, short sword, shortbow, shuriken, siangham, and wakizashi. They are proficient with light and medium armor, but not with shields. This replaces the vigilante’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies. Dual Identity (Ex): A vigilante hides his true identity, allowing him to move about social circles and nobility without carrying the stigma of his ruthless actions. In effect, the vigilante has two identities: one is a polite member of society while the other is a skilled and cunning warrior. To keep up this charade, the vigilante usually has two names: his true name, used in polite company, and his vigilante name, used to strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose him. Knowledge checks about one do not reveal information about the other, unless the vigilante’s true identity revealed to the world at large. The vigilante can start each day in either of his identities, referred to simply as social or vigilante. Changing from one identity to another takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures to preserve the vigilante’s secret. Changing identities is more than just changing outfits and clothing (although that is certainly a part of it); the process often also involves applying make-up, altering his hair, and adjusting other personal effects. Furthermore, the change is as much a state of mind as of body, so items such as a hat of disguise and similar spells and effects that change the user’s appearance do not reduce the time required to change identities. Most social talents require the vigilante to be in his social identity, but a vigilante who uses vigilante talents in his social identity risks exposing his secret. Despite being a single person, a vigilante’s dual nature allows him to have two alignments, one for each of his identities. When in an identity, he is treated as having that identity’s alignment for all spells, magic items, and abilities that rely on alignment. For the purpose of meeting a qualification for a feat, class, or any ability, he is only eligible if both of his alignments meet the requirements. A vigilante’s two alignments cannot be more than one step from each other on a single alignment axis. For example, a vigilante with a lawful neutral social identity could have a vigilante identity that is lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil. If a vigilante is the target of an effect that would change his alignment, it changes both of his alignments to the new alignment. Any attempts to scry or otherwise locate the vigilante work only if the vigilante is currently in the identity the creature is attempting to locate (or if the creature knows that the two identities are the same individual). Otherwise, the spell or effect has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist.
Feats and Traits:
Two-Weapon Fighting: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. Daisho Expertise: You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier when making attack rolls with katana or wakizashi. This feat counts as Weapon Finesse for purposes of meeting the prerequisites of other feats. Traits
Basic Attacks:
Katana: +4, 1d8 damage, crit 18-20x2, slashing Wakisashi: +4, 1d6 damage, crit 18-20x2, slashing Dual Wield: +2/+2, 1d8/1d6, crit 18-20x2, slashing Shortbow: +4, 1d6, crit 20x3, range 60', piercing Skills:
+8 Acrobatics* 1r +6 Bluff* 1r +0 Climb* +2 Diplomacy* +8 Disable Device* 1r +2 Disguise* +4 Escape Artist* +4 Fly +0 Heal +7 Intimidate* 1r -- Knowledge(Dungeoneering)* -- Knowledge(Local)* +4 Perception* 1r +4 Ride* +4 Sense Motive* 1r -- Spellcraft +8 Stealth* 1r +0 Survival* +0 Swim* -- UMD* Background
Encumbrance: 38/38 lbs Gear: Studded Leather [20 lbs] Shortbow [ 2 lbs] 20 Arrows [ 3 lbs] Katana [ 6 lbs] Wakisashi [ 2 lbs] MW Backpack [ 4 lbs] Thieves Tools [ 1 lbs] At Hame:
Kyoden's parents spent most of their lives on the continent of Tian Xia. There they conceived a child. Due to civil unrest in the area, his parents decided to leave Tian Xia and ended up in the city of Korvosa. There Kyoden was born. Kyoden grew up in Korvosa with a relatively normal childhood. His favorite part of the day would be in the evening when his father came home from work and told him stories of the old world. Fantastical stories of samurai battles and honor. His favorite stories were that of the fearsome demons named oni battling against righteous samurai. Kyoden never knew if the stories were true, but his imagination ran wild with them. His father would often catch Kyoden glancing at the Daisho hanging on the wall and his father would smile and say, "Those blades have been in our family for generations. They have watched over our family and protected us for many lifetimes. One day they will be yours, and you must act honorably to not disgrace them." Kyoden grew older as all things do and fell in love. He was betrothed to a wonderful woman named Liliana. He was the happiest he had ever been in his life. Unfortunately, this was only the peaceful bliss before the storm. A month before his wedding date tragedy struck. Kyoden had come home from work to an empty house. He thought it odd as Liliana was typically home at that time but figured she got caught up somewhere. As the hours ticked by, the house stayed quiet and fear formed in the pit of his stomach. Finally there was a knock at the door. Kyoden jumped up and hurriedly answered it. A Korvosan Guard stood on the other side with a blank face. The guard asked for Kyoden to come with him. As much as Kyoden begged and pleaded to know why, the guard remained stoic and said that he was told to bring Kyoden with him, not the reasons why. Those reasons became apparent when they got to their destination. Their destination was a crime scene. Blood was everywhere. In the center was a lump covered in a sheet stained red. A man in charge led Kyoden to the red sheet and revealed the face of a woman, the face of Liliana. Anguish flew through Kyoden as he fell to his knees. He vaguely remembered answering the man who was speaking to him as Kyoden fumbled for Liliana hand. Gripping her hand tightly, Kyoden prayed to any god that was listening to bring her back, but all prayers fell on deaf ears. While gripping her hand tightly, Kyoden suddenly realized that her betrothal ring was missing. Liliana would never take it off. He told the man in charge and he said he would note it and then got someone to take Kyoden home. As the days went by nothing seemed to come up in the investigation, so Kyoden began to investigate on his own. He knew whoever took Liliana's ring had to have something to do with her death. Kyoden began checking pawn shops and street vendors looking for anyone that knew anything about the ring. One day Kyoden got lucky. A local pawn broker had the ring in his shop. Questioning the owner vigorously, Kyoden finally got an answer. The shop owner bought the ring from a man named Gaedren Lamm. Kyoden quickly went to notify the Korvosan Guard and was told they'd look into it. As he walked out, Kyoden noticed the guardsmen throw away the information he had just given him. Anger went through Kyoden as he made his way home. He saw nothing but red until he got home and found a package on his doorstep. Opening the package Kyoden found his family's daisho and a note from his father. "It is with a heavy heart that I give these to you. I had planned to give them to you as a wedding gift, to protect and watch over you and your new family. Now I feel I waited too long. If only I gave these blades to you sooner, maybe this tragedy wouldn't have happened. I only hope that they will watch over you now and protect you as you move through this troubling time." Kyoden looked down at the blades and and idea flashed through his mind. These blades were made for protection and now this city needs protection. People like Gaedren Lamm run around with impunity. The guard does nothing and Blackjack, if he even existed, does nothing.
Appearance and Personality:
Kyoden stands fairly tall at six feet. His jet black hair is long and tied back into a ponytail. Kyoden's eyes are green. To many, Kyoden is a very friendly person willing to help out wherever he can. He is seen as a hard worker who thinks everything out before acting. The Oni is a stark contrast to Kyoden. He is impulsive and quick to act, striking fear into his foes. He is dressed all in black in the style of ninjitsu with an oni mempo covering his face. On his hip he wears the ancestral daisho of Kyoden's family which is fully proficient in as his preferred weapon.