Kydonia's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Charlesking.


Radiant Oath

You know, I'm sure it would've been unlikely, but it would've been cool to see T'chekuth here. Him and the Iblydan Hero gods would be my "missing picks." Not too big of a deal of we don't see them, though.

Radiant Oath

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Radiant Oath

Talon Stormwarden wrote:

Do you mean the Remastered oracle which will be printed in Player Core 2? It hasn't been released yet, so how do you know it has ruined the character?

If you created this character before November 15th, 2023 then you have a free rebuild option. In that case, you MAY rebuild it into the new Oracle class, or you can keep it built under the old oracle class from the APG.

However keep in mind that any spells/feats reprinted with the same name in the remaster books must be changed to the new rules. Any feats/spells which are NOT reprinted with the same name in the new books can continue to be used from the original printings (but be aware some things like damage cantrips have gotten errata).

However, if you have a rebuild (by virtue of creating it before November 15th) you do NOT have to rebuild the character into an oracle. You can completely rebuild it, changing ancestry, class...everything. You may use a chart in the Organized Play guide to quickly determine how much gold you should have for the new rebuilt character OR you may sell everything you have back for full price and then purchase new equipment with that gold.

Full rules for how the remaster rules affect PFS2 play can be found in the Org Play Guide

There is also a clarification thread for questions.

If, after all is said and done, you still do not like the character at all, there really is no process to "retire" a character. Just don't play them any longer.

People have been getting their copies early and this was posted.

So yeah basically everything cool about Battle Oracle has been stripped out.

Good to know I can use the old oracle. I'll just stick with that then.

Radiant Oath

I'm a bit new to pfs and don't know what the standard process is, but the new battle oracle has just killed all interest in playing this character. I imagine I lose all the gear/xp/boons I gained on this character, right? Or is there some way it's transferable?

Radiant Oath

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Themiraclemaker wrote:
I wish we got an example of an activity with the bravado trait as well

I imagine After You feat is a example of what Bravado feats will look like.