
Kuthax's page

Organized Play Member. 83 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

So for whatever reason I had never heard of Gestalt until about a month ago. And now I'm involved in 2 campaigns that are using it. One as a player and one trying to run a homebrew cause "ooh this sounds neat lets see how broken it gets..". And now I have questions. Some of which may sound dumb but I'm just trying to make sure I'm understanding and doing this correctly.

First some rules of gestalt multi-classing. I know gestalt is already a unique way of semi-multi-classing as is. I get to take 2 classes and combine the best of both worlds without having to play ping-pong at level ups. But lets say I'm playing a Oracle/Paladin under gestalt rules. And I come to a point that I want to continue leveling the Oracle but not the Paladin. Can I multi-class as a Oracle/Not Paladin and still total my levels of Oracle together for class abilities? Or once I choose to multi-class do I need to choose an entire new gestalt class combo?

Next class ability stacking. I know that if you take something like Barbarian/Rogue and both give you Uncanny Dodge your supposed to take the progression of said ability at the faster track and not stack up for the improvement you would normally. I.E. Barb gives it to you at 2nd, Rogue 4th. Under standard multi-classing rules you'd pick it up at 2nd Barb then improve on it once you hit 4th Rogue. And apparently under gestalt you get it at normal Barb progression. But what happens if say someone plays a Barb/Not Rogue for a few levels then multi-classes into Rogue/Not Barb till at least 4th would the standard multi-class rules of "if already have from other class it instead improves" kick in?

And now another class-ability stacking question. So lets not get into why but lets focus on I was possibly very dumb and allowed a player to gestalt to archetypes of rogue. Yeah I already know that normally under mutlti-classing this really isn't allowed cause you can't choose to become a new variant of a class if both archetypes make changes to the same ability and since 85% of all archetypes of any class do that pretty much nixes it happening. But we're bending the rules and now I have a double archetype Rogue. Would he get both classes worth of sneak attack cause its another ability of "if from another class it adds"? Or does he just get the one progression track cause it falls under the same thing as a barb/rogue uncanny dodge of not stacking and just following the "faster" track progression.

This question is mostly for PFS but to a lesser degree general ruling for homebrews. How does one normally gain access to the companions in the bestiaries? Is there some kind of feat? Or do you just show up with your copy of the book and whamo you get to have one off the new list? This all came about to having a ranger who is now eligible for his companion. I have a boon from a scenario that would allow him to take an axe-beak. But from looking at the additional resources all companions allowed from bestiary 1-3 is already allowed. Was there a point in society play where you were restricted from such a choice and this was a big deal, and now with revised rules not so much? Mind you I have only really been playing society play since Jan of this year. And not much longer than that for pathfinder in general.


I have fairly recently started playing Pathfinder, and joined Pathfinder Society. I've actually made it to 3 events and now can level up to 2nd. My first set of questions actually are about Prestige Points. Namely can anyone give me a link (or if one doesn't exist, please spell list) of an current update of what is allowed for them to be spent on. I'm hoping that this list will answer my questions on that subject on its own.

My next questions actually deal with how some abilities stack. I want to make sure I do this correctly. I'm currently a Sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, which gives me Claws. For my 2nd level I'm looking at multi-classing into Monk. Now under the claws it says their damage is d4. Under monk improved unarmed they say your strikes are d6. Am I correct in that even if I grow my claws my monk training allows me to do d6 (and at higher levels of monk higher damage)with them? Next under the claw description it states as a full round action I'm allowed to strike with both hands/claws, with no mention of penalties. Now under monk as full round action flurry of blows allows an extra attack with a -1/-1. If I use my claws and flurry would I be allowed 3 attacks all at -1?

Thank all that take the time to give correct and constructive info/advice. I'm sure I could ask my local GMs these questions but we have barely enough time as it is to get through the scenarios I'd rather not take up additional time with questions. I'd rather know what I'm doing and play as much as possible.

I've been coming up with character ideas lately. In the process I took a look at several of the templates like 1/2 Dragon and what not. Came to the problem over and over of while I like and want that about this template I don't want this (doesn't fit the character concept not that they were bad abilities). So I came up with the idea of Racial Feats described here.
Racial Feats
Taking one of these feats shows that you have some kind of lineage that even you were unaware of. The abilities can manifest themselves at any time after you meet the requirements.

Can only be taken by a race that has no template added. If for any reason a template is later taken by (or forced on) the character the benefits of the Racial Feats are lost with no replacement. At such time the template is removed the benefits of the Racial Feats are restored. Example if Dulwar the Dwarf takes Half Dragon Stats at 6th level then 2 days later gets turned into a Werewolf (I.E. Lycanthrope Template added) he loses the benefit of Half Dragon Stats. He then (with or without help from his friends) gets cured of the Werewolf the Half Dragon Stats would resume.

Cannot take more than one race of Racial Feats, I.E. if you take Half Dragon then you cannot take any Ogre. Cannot have more than 1/2 of a particular races Racial Feats. To take more means you should take the template instead.
Cannot have more than 2 Racial Stats.
Cannot have more than 5 Racial Feats total.
Racial Stats
Celestial: Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4. Must be 3rd level
Dragon: Str +8, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +2. Must be 3rd level
Fiend: Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Cha +2. Must be 3rd level.
Ogre: Str +10, Dex -2, Con +4, Int -4, Cha -4. Must be 3rd level.

Racial Special Attacks
Celestial: Daylight (Su) – Can use the daylight effect (as the spell) at will.
Smite Evil – Once per day can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (+20 max) against an evil foe.
Spell Like Abilities – If you have and Int or Wis of 8 or higher has 2 or more spell like abilities depending on HD. The abilities are calmative. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable only once a day. Caster level equal your HD and the save DC is Cha based.
Dragon: Breath Weapon - Based on dragon variety usable once a day. Does 6d8 damage, Successful Reflex save (DC = ½ HD + CON mod) for ½ damage.
Natural Weapons – Gain claws and bite.
Fiend: Natural Weapons – Gain claws and bite.
Smite Good – Once per day can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (+20 max) against an good foe.
Spell Like Abilities – If you have and Int or Wis of 8 or higher has 2 or more spell like abilities depending on HD. The abilities are calmative. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable only once a day. Caster level equal your HD and the save DC is Cha based.

Racial Special Qualities
Celestial: Darkvision 60ft
Immunity to disease.
Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold and Electricity
Damage Reduction of 5/magic (if 11 or less) or 10/magic (12+ HD)
Spell Resistance of 10+ HD (35 max)
+4 Fort against Poisons
Wings – Grow feathery wings allowing you to fly at twice your base speed with good maneuverability.
Dragon: Hard Skin +4 Natural Armor Class
Wings – Grow leathery wings allowing you to fly at twice your base speed with average maneuverability
Vision – Gain Darkvision 60ft and Low Light Vision
Immunity to Sleep, Paralysis, and one other based on dragon type.
Fiend: Darkvision 60ft
Immunity to poison.
Resistance 10 to Acid, Cold, Fire and Electricity
Damage Reduction of 5/magic (if 11 or less) or 10/magic (12+ HD)
Spell Resistance of 10+ HD (35 max)
Wings – Grow bat wings allowing you to fly at twice your base speed with average maneuverability.
Ogre: Darkvision of 60ft.
Base speed is 40ft.
Thick Hide +5 Natural Armor Class

Tell me what yall think.

The new vs old gamer thread got me thinking. At first it was fairly specific but now I'm going to be fairly broad. Who introduced you to the game? Secondly do they still play? And do yall still play together?

For instance, I was taught the game by my father. Both him and mother played then and still do today. And yes we still game together. In fact I’m currently running a game for them.