Kuthax |

So for whatever reason I had never heard of Gestalt until about a month ago. And now I'm involved in 2 campaigns that are using it. One as a player and one trying to run a homebrew cause "ooh this sounds neat lets see how broken it gets..". And now I have questions. Some of which may sound dumb but I'm just trying to make sure I'm understanding and doing this correctly.
First some rules of gestalt multi-classing. I know gestalt is already a unique way of semi-multi-classing as is. I get to take 2 classes and combine the best of both worlds without having to play ping-pong at level ups. But lets say I'm playing a Oracle/Paladin under gestalt rules. And I come to a point that I want to continue leveling the Oracle but not the Paladin. Can I multi-class as a Oracle/Not Paladin and still total my levels of Oracle together for class abilities? Or once I choose to multi-class do I need to choose an entire new gestalt class combo?
Next class ability stacking. I know that if you take something like Barbarian/Rogue and both give you Uncanny Dodge your supposed to take the progression of said ability at the faster track and not stack up for the improvement you would normally. I.E. Barb gives it to you at 2nd, Rogue 4th. Under standard multi-classing rules you'd pick it up at 2nd Barb then improve on it once you hit 4th Rogue. And apparently under gestalt you get it at normal Barb progression. But what happens if say someone plays a Barb/Not Rogue for a few levels then multi-classes into Rogue/Not Barb till at least 4th would the standard multi-class rules of "if already have from other class it instead improves" kick in?
And now another class-ability stacking question. So lets not get into why but lets focus on I was possibly very dumb and allowed a player to gestalt to archetypes of rogue. Yeah I already know that normally under mutlti-classing this really isn't allowed cause you can't choose to become a new variant of a class if both archetypes make changes to the same ability and since 85% of all archetypes of any class do that pretty much nixes it happening. But we're bending the rules and now I have a double archetype Rogue. Would he get both classes worth of sneak attack cause its another ability of "if from another class it adds"? Or does he just get the one progression track cause it falls under the same thing as a barb/rogue uncanny dodge of not stacking and just following the "faster" track progression.