
Kurt Wilson's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I've had this for many years and, just now, went to install in on a new PC, after our old one died. I can't get the searching tool to install. Anyone have an answer for that..? I can still clal up each issue in PDF and search within that, btu it was pretty nice to be bael to search over many issues and book mark items.

30 years I've been waiting for this, and I just found out that after I was out for just a few months, it and all otehr Gary Gygax stuff has been canceled by Troll Lord Games. Anyone know what's going on..? Is ther ANY hope of seeing II and III..?

Now that WotC has purged it and EGG is no longer around to supervise it, does anyone know if there are any plans for another publisher to pick it up..?

OK, now that Fourth Edition has come about, I'm doing some shopping to see if there's a better system out there. I like sound rules, weapons' damage to be a single die (no bell-curves, please) and am looking for a fantasy milieu. What say you..?

Ecology of... Column

Hey, how about you list the book from which a monster is drawn, so we don't have to flip through four Monster Manuals and whatever odd supplement that has monsters just to get the basics..?

BTW, as a D&D player for 27 years, and a Dragon reader for 26, I think that Ecology of, Class Acts and Bazaar of the Bizarre, whatever their incarnations, are the best.

And, as long as I'm on it, I agree with those folks who hate the illegible print/funky backgrounds - I read this while I exercise, so legibility is important!